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Everything posted by POLLIWOGG

  1. DON'T do IT! Now I'll tell you why I take it you will be selling a service provided by yourself, I would assume in a trade, if self gets broke the &^& hits the fan. This brings insurence into the picture for you and the business, how many weeks do you want to work for those guys. Starting a business 30 years ago is not the same as it is today. The days of hopping into the truck and getting at er are gone with the insurence and GST driving the trades underground. If you go legit you will be competing with a huge underground market, if you go underground consider selling dope, it pays better with less risk. When your buddies get close to retirement and whine about not being able to live on the big pension they will get from a job where compared to you they get paid good $ for doing almost nothing will you be able to resist telling them to shut the (* up. I don't know if you get sick days or hollidays where you are but you will nver get payed for doing nothing again. But your going to do it anyway so 1 always pay yourself a wage and don't dump all your cash back into the business. 2 Do not get behind in GST or PST Those (*& will skin you alive. 3 Provide a sourse of some kind of pension or what you get will be all that your going to get. 4 Do not burn any bridges behind you, let your present employer know that you have a plan evan if it will be competing with him. If he's swamped he might send you some work, if he's that kind of guy. 5 Don't loose sight of the family life after all thats why you work in the first place. 6 Those who have money have it because they don't pay thier bills. 7 Some guys know that there is no real reason to pay you for working for them.
  2. When they introduced licencing this was not going to be a problem because your outdoors card would register you on a computor system that could be accessed from anywhere and you wouldn't need it on you. Someone must have figured out the $ to be made so they got rid of that idea and made the fine for failing to show your licence more than the fine for not having one and of coarse you can't have 2 so what they want you to do is fish without it so they can fine you. You could get the one day licence but if you own a boat and a lot of gear this will draw suspiSion that you forgot your licence and now have 2 . So the only thing you can do if you forget your licence is drive back however hundreds of miles it takes and get it. From my experience the next time it happens to me I will fish without the licence and save the world some greenhouse gasses and if I get caught I will extend this stupidity one step further and do the jail time. I'LL JUST TELL THE MAN I DIDN'T KILL ANYONE I'M JUST TRY'N TO HAVE ME SOME FUN........
  3. A deep v is great for ripping up the chop but they're slower at top speed harder on gas and less stable when trolling and not on plane. A more moderate v might be better, I don't know if you can get a small tinner in a true deep v.
  4. I was at a place where they had a big map by the till with a "you are here" marked on it. If you looked at the map they tacked on a quarter.
  5. I wouldn't trust 4" anywhere there is a current. You guys should try your suits out in the summer so that you know how youre going to float and how to move in the water. The only guy that I know that went through the Ice was surprised by the way he floated in the suit and had to learn in a hurry to get out.
  6. THOSE THAT DO NOT RIDE will not get into town Anybody want to ride carp? Hmm I guess this site doesn't suport motorcycle terms, If you can read this the carp fell off!
  7. If the cavitation plate does not reach below the bottum of the boat you will need a long shaft. If the boat has a v in the transom that will be in front of the prop when its turned toward it ,it may cavitate the prop and you'll need a long shaft. When I had my 71/2 long shaft burgled I replaced it with a 6hp yamy short shaft. I managed to get away with the short shaft by using a bracket and trimming it in all the way but its only a fair weather rig as it will cavitate in a chop. I made up the linkage to the outdrive out of old air chucks and copper pipe.
  8. You would have to rinse the oil tank clean with varsol, oil slick on the water = huge fine.
  9. Thats the "that should have been mine" instinct of the hunter. We see it in print on this board almost every day, we should take a frame of the little guys face and use it to label some of the rants .
  10. If you like this sort of stuff, go down to your library and see if they have a copy of the video, I think its called Around Cape Horn, by Irving Johnson. Irving took a movie camera on one of the last clipper ships way back when the cameras where a new thing. He shows a storm on the north Atlantic but the real storm was going around the horn. You got huge waves going over the ship and this guy films it from the top of the mast. Its a great video showing life at sea at the turn of the century and the numbers on the ship are amazing as one sail would weigh into the tons and all rigged by hand. Gary I don't think the Fitz had a depth finder. Radar was the amazing new technology of the day so the didn't bother with a depth finder.
  11. Not very often you see them walk in line, usually if 93 birds cross a grain field there will be 93 paths accross the field. If you shoot a half dozen of them in the head they'll learn not to come back for a while, I sometimes have to take out a few to keep them out of the sweet corn.
  12. The flatter hull will have more stabillity than the v hull with the same freeboard. If you ever trolled with a beam sea in a true deep V, over 20deg deadrise, it will damn near toss you out of the boat when it gets rocking. THe difference in stabillity from 8 to 12 with the same width and freeboard won't be much but the 12 should be a little more comfortable ride in choppy water with a small loss of top speed and fuel milage.
  13. reality check. Ever heard of rabies, healthy coons don't get stuck? Fungus from coon poop can kill you, Joey you got a problem. Ontario is infested with racoons. Lew's a great guy an all but sometimes its better for all concerned, including the animal to put it down.
  14. Definatly road kill over beef, any or all on top of the usuall..cider instead of wine, bay leaf or 2, lemon basil, oregano and juniper berries. You can put just about anything in the brine and the meat will absorb the flavour of whatever it touches. I supose you can use liquid smoke if you use a dehidrator but its just so not right to a smoker. Mike ...salt is a preservative.
  15. Can't stand those power casters, the guys that have to get out a couple more feet and don't care if your left eye or half your face goes with it. only troll with a newbie on board.
  16. This is where you really need a tach. The rule of thumb if I remember right was 2" of pitch = 300rpm and an " of dia. = 200 rpm so your not making much of a change other than the cupped prop might not slip as much. If you can get your hands on a tach and find what it revs now and find out what your WOT rpm should be you can get a good idea as to drop 2 or 4 '" of pitch.
  17. Canadian power and sail squadron courses will be starting in January. Need a last minute gift idea? Reports from the locals on the OFC BOQ get together weekend wern't favourable, maybe some that thought they had right of way could use a refresher.
  18. I might be abbleto get next Monday off, I was hoping to take the bike out for a blast but now you got me thinkin maybe I'll drop the antifreeze and drag the boat out.
  19. Buddy caught a 5 lb rock on LO, 1/2 hr or more he got it up 100' in the current we had five boats circling us expecting a whopper.
  20. Sorry ,I don't wan't to come off as harsh, I just haven't figgerd out how to use those yeller smiley face guys. I try to stay as computer illiterate as I can and still use one, trying not to waste so much time on this thing when I should be doing something else..
  21. I haven't been in town this week but I suspect they're still at it.
  22. Someone probably smashed their leg on your hitch and was going to toss it through your windshield. Take it off before it gets your leg too, they're easy to take off for a reason.
  23. Just think of it as a little less awkward, still makes a goog lightning rod.
  24. I think the transducers are around 1" and the rest is plastic for mounting.
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