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Everything posted by POLLIWOGG

  1. I would never had thought they would go that far for you. Good luck with the new boat. Can I suggest a name.... "Molly Brown " Naming a boat must be done with a party or its bad luck.
  2. couple things to think about Unless your running wot for long distances forget about getting any charge from your motor and you won't be disappointed by it. Isolators drop about .5 volt so your batteries never top up fully, consider a switch. We are talking about a 10 hp honda that will probably start first pull on a cord not a v8 inboard, sure its nice to have the electric start but its not a disaster if the battery runs down. Some of the thoughts here are bang on for a boat that needs the electric start. I tossed my deep cycle batteries because they wouldn't charge of the alt. 15 min of charge time at idle gave me 15 min running time on the FF. when I had the old stock alt. that was around 15 amp. The starting batteries seemed to charge faster. Now that I've upgraded the alt. I might try a deep cycle for the electronics again.
  3. Its almost scary how fast some of us will give up our rights in fear of the police state that we are becoming. She can be in the boat as long as she has nothing to do with the fishing process, no netting, or steering the boat or anything like that. I haven't heard of the co's on the bay being that unreasonable. I'm surprised nobody has suggested a new wife yet, you guys are getting slow.
  4. I think Terry's got it, the tab adjustment will make it easier to steer too. Best foil I've had was a spar, it was just flat aluminum with a slight bend at the back. The foils provide lift and some say stress the outboard in places and ways that they are not made to do. We put one on an overpowered 16' and it got so much of the boat out of the water that the steering got loose and scary.
  5. Page 10 of your safe boating guide. Required if you are more than 20 miles out. If you are using oars you are exempt, I guess its OK to be lost as long as you do it slowly. You are also exempt if you are within sight of navigational marks as long as you can determine a relative position.
  6. Sorry motv8tr, but you have to be dead to qualify for that one, if your breathing they want your money.
  7. Age of the boat will make a difference as new glass boats are built a lot lighter than old ones.
  8. They can be a bit of a circus ride when the waves reach the what the ell am I doing here category. One fella I know had one with the 4 banger, his fuel cost was half what I get out of the old glass boat with a v8.
  9. Look in your manual for W. O.T. wide open throttle. Probably around 4500
  10. When I take mine out I layer them in tubs with paper towels between them to soak up water, they tend to sweat and dry a little more as they cool down.
  11. I was afraid you had a picture of me running into that pile of rocks Sunday afternoon, not my proudest moment. The highlight of the day was my first really big gar pike. WE had that guy in a live trap last week and he ripped it to pieces, your lucky you escaped with your lives. Raccoons are everywhere this year, someone told me its estimated that they number in the hundreds of thousands in P.E.C.
  12. put it in my truck! I wouldn't use it in anything injected.
  13. We can always use another guitar player for our Main Duck trip, and looks like he'll brings his own booze.
  14. Not very long, around a min or less maybe. I had to clear the hose on my 7.5 all the time, bugs seem to like living there.
  15. It might have damaged the shaft seal but I would make sure the pi$$er line is clear and run it long enough for the thermostat to open, it might be alright.
  16. Its the age restriction that cut the accidents down. Some outfits would rent them to kids with no experience and it was an accident waiting to happen.
  17. Canadian tire carries the 2 position switch, one position is the all around white light and the other is all the lights. The extension cord would make a neat job of it and probably cost less than a roll of wire.
  18. Someone took the boat out and left the dock lines in the water so my buddy goes to clear the lines and damn , somebody tied something to them. A good hard look into the dark water and sure enough there's the boat. Kids were playing in the boat and shut off the bailer. If you install an automatic bailer switch do not put it in line with another switch wire it direct so it can't be shut off.
  19. We were out at 5 and the bay was flat then so eastfisher is probably right in suspecting a through hull fitting but like I said you gotta test it to find out..Still its a great looking boat and should dry out well.
  20. It wouldn't take a big wave, just lots of waves higher than the lowest point of entry. If the waves could get into the engine well and there is a leek where he pointed out to us, that could have done it. With the boat stern to the waves it would push water up the live well hoses, This is why inboards have check valve flappers in their xst systems. Depending on how the live well is plumbed, the hight of the live well compared to the lake and how the boat is loaded this could be a point of entry. waves higher than the bilge outlet can get in there as well if the hose is not looped. WE can only guess, the only way to be sure would be to put it back in the water, if no water comes in back up and see what happens.
  21. Irish is close, if you google boat sinking at dock you can find a site that gives the % of reasons why boats sink at the dock. This is a good one http://www.oceanmarineservices.com/why_do_boats_sink.htm There is a chart with flow rates for holes thats worth a look.
  22. Theres a lot we don't know here, like was it taking on water while you were fishing or just at the dock? If there was any wave action waves may have pumped water in through the live well lines faster than the overflow could run out. This would not happen when under way but could when tied stern to the waves at the dock. I don't know the layout of these boats but I would suspect this is what happened and theres nothing wrong with the boat. If the overflow drains into the bilge this would be even more likely.
  23. "I can see the line to the tank, no kinks, very clear. I also siphoned the gas very easily from the internal tank via the main outlet at the stern. I can't see it not being a motor problem." Did you siphon or pump it? Sometimes you find a tank with an anti siphon valve and an outboard that doesn't create enough vacuum to open the valve. Googling says thats an oil alarm,
  24. It was dead, didn't see a single eye and only heard of one being caught. The only excitement was coming across a small glass boat that sinking but when the guy standing on the bow got back further into the boat and let the eye bolt out of the water he was OK. Windy in the afternoon.
  25. I heard a guy on the radio say he just passed through a school of bait fish, well I know this guy's boat and I know he runs the same sonar as I do and I know he's right behind me and I marked nothing. So I circle around and turn the gain up a hair and there they were but it wasn't bait, it was water flees. Like Art says a little tuning can make a big difference,
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