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Everything posted by anders

  1. I hear ya! I never wnated a cat...hated them...the GF loves them...i wanted a dog...we ended up getting a cat first and dog a little later. That little furball has grown on me like no business...she is my little peanut!!! I was freaking when she got out of the house and was missing...I got my cat to actually fetch for me...cute as hell!!! Its gonna be a tough few days when that day comes for her and my puppy. Sorry to hear of your loss.
  2. I was reading a report yesterday and out of the 8 million boaters that require license, only 2 million had it.
  3. Good For you...awsome work
  4. Doesn't Matter... if its cold, its gold!
  5. Looks awsome...do you have something that will catch the drippings?
  6. "Drool"....thats an amzing write up...thanks for taking the time to put that together... Im green with envy right now!!
  7. Me and my best friend...goes everywhere with me
  8. Solid Walter...congrats
  9. ZERO in my next of the great lakes....all au natural...they way fish and records should be
  10. thats worthy of a record!!! impressive!!! isnt it a worn out Chinook...cant be an atlantic...
  11. Ugh!!! Id rather catch GL or West Coast bows than that any day...regardless of size...fish is a mutant
  12. Like Bite Me said....I love this Place!!! Im surprised no body brought up the atlantic debate....havent seen that one for a while...looking forward to it again.
  13. Dem boots are showing up!! Just kidding....great job....the middle one looks quite fresh!
  14. You post all the time?? You joined in '07 and you dont even have 200 posts...well less than 1 a day....but thanks for always posting! Cmon man....lighten up...go have a beer!
  15. yes it is part of the great lakes, but its another spot that you are only allowed 1 rod
  16. GCD did....take it to a qualified mechanic! thats what i did with my o2 sensors...i wouldnt play with them
  17. Things like that should make everyone look in the mirror, and try to do better today than you did yesterday.
  18. Dont forget Michipicoten Bay! Arrrrrrrr They could have been Native as well and in there treaty area? Do they have to use one rod or are they allowed two or more?
  19. What a tank!! Congrats...i got 4.5 lbs last night!
  20. Scuro...very nice pics! Did you throw any spoons in at old woman bay?? the coho's start hitting them right about now. The last pic looks like the mouth of the Michipicoten? Correct or no? If it was at the mich...most likely a chinook...no real run of the ho's yet, but an abundance of Chinooks in the 4-8lb range
  21. Now THAT is a coaster!!!! Gorgeous Fish!
  22. I'll take two
  23. tis a good one!
  24. you should have blurred out the background...now Everyone will be there!!!
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