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Everything posted by anders

  1. Dont do that...gross.....I have had walleye that someone did that too...i didnt finish the piece. Can i tell between frozen and fresh...yes Best way...dont freeze....catch em, clean em, cook em...the best way. That way when you go out fihsin again you dont come back with more fish and the fish in the freezer start gettin pushed to the back while you eat the fresher ones.
  2. Do i have to go with 5? 1. Lucky strike 2 1/2 victor spinner tipped with minnow..trolled... 2. Cotten Cordell walleye diver...gold/black 3. Wouldnt need it LOL 4. Wouldnt need it LOL 5. Wouldnt need it LOL
  3. All i am going to say, is that its well towards White River Yes....sir Thanks for the comments guys...it was a great night...my dad is still emailing me about today.
  4. Im actually quite bored with gms 1 and 2...and I dont think Detroit is dominating...they are just domintating the crease...which is the main reason they are leading. Not over by any stretch of the imagination...it will be an interesting gm 3 and 4.
  5. I hate to admit this...but he's right (lol...just yankin ya cause your a wings fan). If you want to go far in hockey you need to put in the time...not only practice, but travelling...thats how you get noticed. And im sorry...but scouts are lookin at houseleague games. They are looking at the AA, and AAA games and tournaments. However, that is not to say that it wont happen, its jsut that is very unlikely. Go and tryout and for those teams against kids your own age...you might be pleasantly surprised, or you will now how much you have to work at your game to get to the next level. Hockey unfortunalty is not a cheap sport...for the most part to succeed you need to spend the money on travelling and practice...above and beyond the others who are just playing for fun. Hockey schools, power skating, etc. You did mention one thing that is extremely important. You said that you were havin fun....that is the most important thing when it comes to hockey...have fun.
  6. Your absolutly right...he wastes way too much meat....even cutting and leaving the belly meat...not the best but fry it up, and its fine! Take your time when you do that method and you get almost all the meat..more than that guy showed. His hands were proably frozen
  7. solid fish man...i really have to get out that way one day
  8. I hear ya...my brother and i were discussing the game during gm 1 and we were both saying that we wont the game back! The game like you guys said white boards, white ice, RED LINE IN, clutching and grabing, neutral zone trap, and 1 ref. I want my hockey back!! But you can leave the new Gatorade commercials...i like those!
  9. awsome stringer! seems the walleye are biting through out the northern part of Ontario like they are running out of food. Good job
  10. This past Friday, my dad was home from out west and wanted to get into some eyes, and seeing that this year since opening weekend, the fishing, (not the weather )has been on fire, and friday was no different, expect that the weather was perfect. My buddy and I new where we were going to go, we jsut had to find them. It didnt take very long. We tried trolling at first, but when nothing was biting we moved and tried drifting...not too long fish started hiting, fast and furious. I will let the picture do the talking, but we had a great night, we took home fish for dinners, and even met up with another friend on the lake who was camping and had a few cold ones around his camp fire before heading home for the night. My biggest of the year so far..27 inches...sorry guys...i forgot the sign, and didnt want to keep him, next time...I promise. Got him with the 5ft ultra light...what a battle Dad and me...memories! I did also end up getting a 27 inch pike...the only one of the night...again team...sorry....i am not holding my part of the bargain here...like i said...no more forgetting the sign. Tight lines Anders
  11. Yet most people are quite and dont say nothing about people that keep big salmon. Great fish, and congrats to that guy on a great catch!!!
  12. Yeah like C & R only...had have it actually enforced.
  13. good job...Mijin is a great lake in the winter. Surprised you didnt get any specks out of macquon Some friends went into mijin for the opener and did real well...they did end up getting one laker that was just under 12lbs.
  14. Right on....thanks...and congrats on a sweet rig again.
  15. I get to work come to OFC first thing...and read this first...what a great read to kick off a Friday! Thanks for makin us feel we were there with you, and congrats on the dino's....simply awsome read and pictures...i thought i was in heaven here...you sir are there.
  16. Congrats...that is awsome.. First prize for a perch tourney...Wow...thats awsome...was it total length, weight or amount?
  17. aerator, or cycle water through. If you have access to a small sheltered creek, find the insdie of washing machine or dryer, put it in the creek and then the minnows in there...they stay alive there, make sure you cover it though.
  18. That can be the simplest easiest way sometimes. Just throw in a couple pieces of bread or some dog food and toss in the lake, preferably close to shore, not too close though. Check regs though...there are limitations to the amount...i think its no more than 12 dozen maybe...could be wrong though. Leave it for the night and get it the next day...usually it will be loaded with enough for a summer
  19. Dont forget No Limit Lake, Mud Hole Lake,Skunk Lake, No Name #356, and Jeff...LOL
  20. Was having issues about an hour or so ago...decided to do some work and came back and was fine. Lately morning was good, afternoon was usually a miss
  21. thats a great read, and one fine looking boat. Glad it worked out for him.
  22. that sucker has massive fins...i bet they give a hell of a fight!
  23. Awsome....thanks guys...i was a little leary as well about the st.catherines and bowmanville thing. If he does go through with it, i will make sure he exhuasts all possible senarios.
  24. My dad is looking for a new boat and he came across this. I have seen this lots when i did search. I was curious, with all the scams out there....does this seem legit to you? I really seem to think it is, just trying to be a little cautious for my old man. thanks http://stcatharines.kijiji.ca/c-cars-vehic...QAdIdZ125741864
  25. those are some really nice pictures...thanks
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