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Everything posted by anders

  1. That doesnt look like a coaster....where are you workin exactly anyways...looks like an arctic char or even a dolly varden...cmon know Buddy!!!
  2. Thanks for the posting the pics generously proportioned. I like that set up alot. Answers a lot of my questions. Thanks again for takin the time. How was the fishing
  3. Well thats just drop dead sexy!
  4. Ahhh fish....thats better!
  5. LOL...Its called job security....and its not IT....its Geographic Information System Engineer, only maps my friend. I cant even tell you where the any key is.
  6. So i guess its all a fish tale eh! Its ok....you can blame it on the TFM or the GB...you pick, either one is fine with me.
  7. I heard thats a problem up there...but if i know those guys he's with the beer are not on the table that long...would be called "nursing it" if it was on a coaster...lol
  8. Dr Luc!! I cant help but notice that you replied back to this thread, yet, there are not pictures of the so called "coasters" you have claimed to have caught!!! I am starting to think that some the TFM may have been ingested during your lunch hour, which made it seem like you were fishing. Dammit already...show me the pics!!!!!!!!!
  9. Fish farmer...question regarding that setup you have. The two inside riggers, when you are turning does the cable come close to the motor? What about running flashers on all four riggers, any problems like tangles when you want to do sharp turns? Thanks
  10. I second that notion...i know whats its like...and your off right now...unless........this is a fish story...........
  11. Great Job guys and congratulations on the money raised!
  12. Great Job guys, One question though....why doesnt anyone look really happy to be out there?? LOL Solid Fish
  13. thats awsome!
  14. Hey When are you leaving? I gots some ideas for you.
  15. those are some hogs....good job.
  16. Sault to Wawa....harmony, alona bay/montreal river, Agawa - pictographs there, sand river, and then old woman bay. Those would be the most scenic in between there. Nothing between Wawa and White River except Moose and bears Same between White River and Marathon, but the ride from Marathon to Schreiber can be amazing, lots of hills that give you lookouts that are incredible.
  17. Hit every tim Hortons you see or come across, and keep a log of how many you attend by markin them down on the window, but be sure to wave to the old couple driving the RV. Thats all the advice i have, and to Have A Blast...wish i could do it!
  18. Check out Hawk Air. Really good services and amazing fishing for the species you mentioned.
  19. camera shamera, i want that coupon... done and done
  20. Thats just the coolest report ive ever seen.
  21. I Thought they needed visual evidence to do a search, that's what i was taught during fish and wildlife law. Definitly would have asked if i could help them find something. Same thing with the license, they can only legally look at your license if they see you fishing. My gf's uncle got away with that on Sunday mornig after we were fishing, two of us produced and he politly said no, we're not fishing. We had the boat on the trailer on just aboutto go home, and the CO just happened to be walking out of the building at the time.
  22. I too refused at one point to go through paypal and was always sending money orders. However it cost more to get money order (dont they charge you for them), anyways, I know love paypal, its fast, the seller gets the money quicker and we get our fishing stuff faster. It is a great thing, dont knock it until you try it.
  23. Cigarette butts and marshmallows work well too..
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