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fishing n autograph

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Everything posted by fishing n autograph

  1. I just saw the article and I can pretty much guarantee that the turret will be removed
  2. Armed conflicts in the GTa and running into armed offenders happens more than you realize and more than the media releases. I'd rather be prepared with the equipment for a once in a blue moon incident than attend a police funeral because the proper equipment wasn't there. So you would rather have a call out to part time soldiers who may live an hour or more away to deal with a situation occurring than well trained ERU or "SWAT" officers who are better trained and train more often than reservists?
  3. There's a company in Newmarket that makes them as well as one in the London area
  4. Those armoured vehicles aren't free. I know YRP and London had to pay for them. They are used for specific reasons and not for a police state. If you think that then give your head a shake. Those armoured vehicles are used to avoid what has happened with heavy armed people fleeing from police. I know London was te first to get theirs because of an incident involving a high speed chase with bandits armed with AK47s. Contrary to popular believe a rifle round will go through a cop car like a knife through warm butter. They use as much gas as a transport truck and aren't driven on an everyday basis.
  5. Go Pirates
  6. Just received multiple texts suggesting Momma Mia's at Yonge and Davis
  7. There's a fantastic Italian place at Rutherford and Weston in Vaughan if you don't mind driving 15 minutes more
  8. Turtle Jacks on yonge north of eagle is good
  9. Half of my shift lives in aurora/newmarket, I can find out for you
  10. A pic of your bait and anchor? Lol
  11. Our cruisers have deer whistles and I haven't hit one.... Had one jump clear over my car on the 407 lol
  12. Yes you have to report a collision with a deer or other animal
  13. Some spots on the conestoga but it's been heavily fished for 20 years....I'm gonna check out the Nith this year
  14. Anything from Kitchener to Paris is a good go
  15. Lol nope I can tie my own.... Started tying buggers, bunny leeches, clousers and double bunnies
  16. I'm filling my streamer box as we speak to hit the grand and conestoga once pike season opens
  17. I might stop buy during my lunch break
  18. There are thousands of places to launch. Lots of nickels in that river.
  19. I'm working in it. Lots of standing water in vaughan.
  20. I'm in ! Lol
  21. I've received so many scams from on line sources, phone calls and door to door. I love playing with the guys on line. I get fake subpeonas, eviction notices and forclosure notices in my email box. You'd be surprised how they react when the realize who they're trying to scam lol
  22. I bought a rain suit from an army surplus place for $9 and has kept me dry better than anything other than my cascade suit from work
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