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fishing n autograph

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Everything posted by fishing n autograph

  1. Get well buddy. You will get better! My dad had a stroke and is having his second ablation surgery in July
  2. Very. Most people on the board know what I do for a living. I was working the king/nobleton zone. It was a warm night. Mid July/August I believe. Anyway this was back around 2008/9 when there wasn't much built up around keele st south of the go lot. It was 3 am and i was northbound on keele north of king-Vaughn rd and I saw this - what I thought was a huge dog - run in front of me but I thought it was odd because it had a tail like a cougar. I then stopped at the lights at king and keele and a woman pulls up beside me and yells at me " excuse me sir, did you see that lion rub across the road in front of you?" So it didn't click in what I just saw at that second because I was tired so a few minutes later I come back to the area that I saw the cougar and look for prints, well wouldn't you know I did a paw print in some mud at the side of the road.
  3. Hey guys, My wife and I are looking into getting a dog. I am looking into a Norwegian elkhound. Has anyone had any experience with them? Thanks Dave
  4. Not really. Unfortunately it was mass produced so there is many many out there
  5. too much faith in the manager. The manager in professional baseball is almost meaningless lol
  6. officially been awake for 34 hours

    1. Nipfisher
    2. aplumma


      go for 48 and see if you start to hallucinate.

  7. Hey guys, I'm wondering if anyone in the kitchener area has any extra firewood? Let me know Thanks Dave
  8. Ok they used to be made in kitchener lol
  9. Weber is a great product. Made in kitchener
  10. I loved Algonquin when I was there many years ago. I've been able to get my wife into baseball and a few other things and she really wants to try camping
  11. Hey guys, thanks for all the help. My wife and I have decided on algonquin
  12. Just bought my family's first tent!

    1. cram


      Good idea to set it up and try it out before you take it camping.

    2. fishing n autograph

      fishing n autograph

      absolutely, I just need to find the time lol


  13. Well I'm not worried about driving too far. Within 3-4 hours I kitchener-Waterloo. I'm not too picky about emenities. A place for the kids to swim, hiking trails, some privacy would be nice
  14. Hey All, I want to take my wife and kids camping for the first time. I grew up outdoors and loved camping but my wife and kids aren't exactly the outdoorsy types lol. Can anyone suggest a good place for first timers? I'm looking for a place where I'm not going to run into partying teenagers etc Thanks in advance! Dave
  15. No. Essentially meat, veggies, fruit, nuts, etc It seems hard but it's not
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