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fishing n autograph

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Everything posted by fishing n autograph

  1. The only thing she can do is come after you civilly which costs time and money. Once you agree to pay for damages police won't get involved and in my experience very few insurance companies will get involved without a police report. They are trying to scam you.
  2. Next time call the OPP and have them say it's a non reportable accident that way he can't jack up the price
  3. Refuse to pay and let him come after you civilly
  4. I wouldn't recommend an slr while fishing. That's a. Expensive whoopsie when you drop it lol For a PAS I'd go with any of the canon power shots or go pro for underwater action
  5. I fly fish so you can't really horse them in unless you're casting for pan fish
  6. Happy wife happy life. It's a tough pill to swallow but if you can't compromise get the house she wants. Just remember every house will need renos one day
  7. If money was the issue I would choose the kawarthas
  8. A spear? Lol
  9. That was a rough day in York region.... 8 fires in one region in one day
  10. Last year I bought a Coleman tent from Costco and it held up fine in some down pours in algonquin. It's an 8 man tent and it's snug having 4 ppl and 2 double air matresses in them.
  11. Not sure if it was a different flight path I flew buffalo to Chicago to LA
  12. Not sure if it was a different flight path I flew buffalo to Chicago to LA
  13. www.flickr.com/photos/stromesphotos/sets/72157615776285133/ Here are my pics
  14. Had a chance to shoot that flight back in 2008 it was awesome
  15. And from experience flashing light are a beacon for people to hit you
  16. I was on the road the last 4 days in Vaughan wasn't the worst I've seen but it was still bad
  17. Stayin off the roads is the safest course of action gents. Besides it gives me more time to tie flies and paint
  18. For me it depends on who it it and what they are using it for. If it's my daughters loaded dance studio them it's $20-40 depending on how many photos they want.
  19. Hahahaha epic!
  20. MacGregor Point in Port Elgin is nice. I took my daughters there the weekend after may 24 for their first camping experience and it was awesome
  21. Jay Lake in Minden
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