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fishing n autograph

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Everything posted by fishing n autograph

  1. I wear under armour thermals for work. They keep you warm and dry especially when going in and out of a warm area to the cold area
  2. That's weird because he was at TIFF watching the movie's debut and loved the movie. He even asked the director how he made it look so real
  3. No idea but it looks like a nice find
  4. News to me that assaulting a person equates to espionage but that's just my understanding of the criminal code
  5. No he's already fired
  6. No it's called canadian sentencing. In the last 8 years I have seen very few people go to jail for assault. It was the breach of trust that landed him in jail
  7. I wasn't in a cruiser nor was i on the job at the time. If I was I woulda given him numerous tickets And the way this turd was acting and carrying on behind another car doing the speed limit he deserved everything that happened
  8. I watched a roofer with an old pick up truck go into a road rage at the car in front of him. When the slow moving car in front of him turned right, the roofer took off like a bat out of he'll not realizing that there were speed humps on the road. When the pick up hit the speed hump te entire rack in the trucks bucket flew up and out sending all of his tools and equipment onto the road... I couldn't help but drive by and laugh
  9. I could tell a million stories! Block any intersection in York Region and bring a lawn chair to watch the insanity ensue!
  10. Unfortunately not too doable with that budget.
  11. Lovin Winery Dogs.... New music with a classic rock feel
  12. Anything maytag, whirlpool, GE will do and I definitely recommend a front loader. You can do so much more laundry in less time and they are more efficient
  13. Have you seen honey boo boo I think you have the answer lol
  14. Probably Walmart or daddy's bedside table
  15. Brutal. My wife read me the letter last night from that paper and I could not believe the ignorance. I see a lot of crap every day but this is sickening
  16. Bandits turned into innocent martyrs..... It's what the Toronto media does
  17. I agree 100% but the majority of us are overlooked because we do our job
  18. Sick or not he had a knife. A mentally ill person with a knife is as dangerous as a normal person with a knife. A knife does more damage than a gun and is more accurate and lethal. Anyway, I have seen the vids adnausium and armchair quarterbacked situation. Lots of things happened and didn't happen that night. The stupid thing is that the cop walking with their back turned was the supervisor.... It's a terrible situation and yes it probably didn't have to go the way it did. The videos don't show everything and I wasn't there. Lives were ruined that night no doubt about it
  19. A jack knife can easily puncture his vest. A 2 inch pen knife can go through a Kevlar vest and a rib cage. Ask the two coppers in Barrie who took a 2 inch knife in their throats and see how deadly it is. The shot the suspect 20 times and he still kept coming
  20. Zero stopping power with a .40 cal Glock. There have been guys who keep going after being hit 12 times. 9 shots were fire only 3 hit him. No camera inside the street car and in some of the footage he appears to still be moving in such a way that he looks like he's slashing with the knife. Also... The TPS threw him under the bus to appease the public so that there wouldn't be a riot. The SIU charged him because of public pressure but he won't be convicted of second degree murder. He will be acquitted. What this has done is put a second guess into every cop when a matter of lethal force happens... IMHO this will impact not only the copper and deceased's families but the families of many other civilians and officers because the second thought will cause a moment of indecision putting lives at risk
  21. Online you're paying US prices and shipping
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