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fishing n autograph

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Everything posted by fishing n autograph

  1. They region of Waterloo is considering closing concession rd and highway 24 because of the rising water
  2. Diesel is 1.37 now
  3. The river up here in Freeport and in Bridgeport areas of Kitchener are really high
  4. He was good in Calgary because he was teamed up with Roman Hamrlik who was a great stay home defender and would cover phaneufs screw ups
  5. I don't agree with half of the people on the list but that's just my opinion
  6. At least we don't go broke after a stay in the hospital
  7. Well I guess moxie can call the media instead of overpaid meter maids when he needs help
  8. not to mention there is no stopping power with a Glock. You shoot till the threat is stopped. I have seen incidents where a person was hit 16 times by a Glock and keep on going. And studies have shown that the safe distance when deal with a knife is 21 feet
  9. If the public only knew lol....6 hours for scratching a cruiser, 36 hours for an inappropriate comment, loss of job because of a false allegation by a crazy ex wife....
  10. Just remember the concern of this thread was giving police armoured vehicles. The fact of the matter is that the officers who are using the vehicles are the best trained officers the service has, not the front line uniform guys and I can't see a front line guy ever getting to drive one.
  11. Ugg I was supposed to grab my fly rod and head to erindals park this morning but my 17 hr shift got in the way.....

    1. farsider


      It was already blown and unfishable that day. It has only gotten worse. Lots of melt and rain still to come.

  12. Ummm..... We are, not everything is released to the public. We are so heavily scrutinized that it would drive the average person a little nuts not just by the public but our bosses are out to nail us for anything. In fact, the amount of discipline that's handed out is a promotional requirement as of late.
  13. X2 but there are more good cops than bad in my experience. I have run in to bad people in every walk of life
  14. He must read a lot of infowars and listens to a lot of coast to coast.
  15. The grand is rising
  16. No you'll be sitting in a tree because everyone knows zombies can't climb trees
  17. I'd follow the real story and cut ricks hand off so he's more bad ass
  18. Just remember in the zombie apocalypse you don't have to reload and you never run out of ammo in a fire fight
  19. Greatest game on earth with an amazing history... It's the only thing in North America that's been constant for 150 yrs
  20. Who's acting like a soldier? The armoured vehicles aren't driven daily like cruisers. They're used in emergency situations. No one but ERU and K9 wear tactical uniforms. So I don't see anyone playing GI Joe
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