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Everything posted by livinisfishin

  1. Is the flow switch in the right way? Is it making contact ?Is there any dip switch or jumper settings on the spa pack that need to be changed?
  2. I was fishing the government dock in Waubashene 2 weekends ago with a couple friends.We gave it a couple hours with no luck,as i was packing up my stuff my one friend tells me to grab my rod and come back. There were 2 nice sized pike eyeballing his lure but no takers. They kept coming and going but wouldnt bite, I was using little crappie minnows so maybe a bigger minnow would have helped entice them to bite.
  3. I don't fish the rivers to much but I have started to fish them a little more since I caught my first trout last year. I went on the weekend with some live minnows and I gave it a pretty good effort but couldn't get anything to bite. Nobody else was having luck around me not using minnows. Most likely will try them again soon.
  4. Nice catch Wayne, would like one of those for myself one day!
  5. Ive never been snowboarding and would like to give that a try. I also wouldnt mind trying to ski a bit, just something different this year. Of course i would like to get out fishing more this season compared to the last one and actually catch some decent fish.
  6. Looking forward to some ice fishing, and trying some new activities this winter.
  7. No a solid fuel appliance vent can not be shared.
  8. ouch is right!
  9. Im 29 had an operation about 3 years ago for a retinal detachment. Mine was from a punch in the face when I was 17. Didn't know anything was wrong for about 8 or 9 years, other then a few floaters here and there. It was the peripheral vision loss that made me go and get checked out. My eye sight will never be the same and for the last year ive been going down to the city once a month to get checked out to try and correct some central vision problems. I was fishing while recovering from the surgery after about a week and a half. Couldn't do any thing physically demanding for a while. Feel free to PM me if you want some first hand experience. Editing to add some encouragement because that was a pretty negative post, my vision in the operated eye was decent for a couple years after its just been the last year that has been kind of crappy, I did have to get used to a new prescription in my eye after the surgery but it was manageable and my vision loss hasn't gotten any worse.
  10. You havent really mentioned what the actual install would be like. Are the quotes possibly high because of what the job entails and materials needed? Edited because i reread and saw the model and rebates.
  11. If you replace them both get a case coil for the a/c. It will be a nice tight fit to the furnace and it should match. No fabricating the ductwork for the a/c coil that way. It makes a cleaner looking job and a smaller transition from the plenum to the furnace would be needed .
  12. Wow that was different. I would react the same way the camera man did. The drama just wouldnt be worth it.
  13. That is a sweet looking boat! Hopefully getting a 14' tinny wet this weekend.
  14. On a brighter not that reply made me chuckle....unfortunately for the most part its true.
  15. Mmmm bbq steak..snow should be melted off the deck by next week..then its grilling time.
  16. That is tasty looking! Going to try it if i ever get out and catch a fish again.
  17. Skilled trade jobs opening up aswell with all the renovations and construction?
  18. A couple years back i traded an xbox for a 3.5 hp merc 1983 built in tank. Its been a pretty good engine to me . I can push my 16' starcraft around when i want to troll and its dirt cheap to fill it lol. The only thing I dont like about mine is that there is no lower cowling, the upper is held on by the fuel tank cap and the guts are exposes below the cowling. Always used to worry about water getting in there but hasnt been a problem so far. Your motor looks mint..nice find!
  19. Good job on getting out and catching a few!
  20. My heater is from princess auto when they were on sale. Ive never tried cooking on it but im sure you could. I just traded my portable shack and buddy heater this summer because i never used them. On the really cold days where i feel like i need a heater i just plunk the tank in the snow and blast the heat right at me. I found that just having the tank top heater made all the difference. Being on the tank its up higher and is just at the right level when sitting. It also works well for keeping ice off of your line when jigging and keeps my hand toasty when tying up a new lure.
  21. I have been using a 5lber for a couple years now. Was a little pricey up front but works great with my single tank top heater and is small and light for transporting in the sleigh.
  22. That is some very sound advice and definitely should be taken into consideration lol
  23. Good work! Nice fish aswell.
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