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Everything posted by livinisfishin

  1. Hey Ron Good to see you are back!
  2. Is there any charcoal like pieces in the pilot flame? When have you had a maintenance done on it last ..if you had somebody in there maybe an air shutter adjustment was adjusted by mistake on the main burner. Hows the gasket on the glass..good condition..nice tight fit? Any obstructions in the vent outside..bird nests or leafy plants?
  3. I have a friend that has two manual big jon down riggers he wants to sell to me. My question is can I add a line counter to them somehow?
  4. Lol im not a simcoe guy. Hate the wind..but ill give 'er a shot.
  5. What do you think conditions will be like tomorrow? Slushy or solid?
  6. Nice fish Nick...damn lol next time
  7. Well be glad you didnt switch to a propane water tank...seems like you would be worse off.
  8. I believe our code is 50000 btu and over we need make up air piped to the tank. Definitely doesnt hurt to have it though. Just adding that i didnt realize it was for a workshop area..definitely want to keep the solvents and debris seperate from any appliance that doesnt have fresh air piped to it directly.
  9. Looks like a great time! Private sauna and hot tub ..can't go wrong!
  10. Im assuming you dont have the installation/user manual for it so I would locate a model number off of the tank and check online for the manual. Inside it will tell you the clearances needed. There maybe a rating plate with clearances stamped on the tank somewhere aswell.
  11. That is a cool setup! Hopefully the fish cooperate next time.
  12. That is some nice work...wish mine looked like that!
  13. Nicely done with the setup and the repair!
  14. I forgot to ask in my first post..do you use a pink and white cyclops often? Pretty good success usually?
  15. Looks like it was a good way to spend an evening. Im going to try a night session soon. That is scary about your neighbour..guess thats why the instructions say something about not leaving it unattended and lit. Very lucky ! Was it a coleman style 2 burner?
  16. Sweet haul!
  17. Fair enough! Looks damn tasty though..cant wait until my first feed of crappie!
  18. I agree with you but on the other side of the coin i have a couple of friends that have been employed building those things. May not be the best things for everyone but they must help someone at some point in time.
  19. Really?! Never would have guessed it. Can you see that with google earth?
  20. Gotta admit the solar farm looks cool snow covered and from above!
  21. Convert to propane or natural..might help a bit. Ive heard of some pretty nasty electricity bills from a lot of customers that were switching. To answer your questions...no they don't.
  22. What lake is that..where the fish are already cleaned and cooking?
  23. I will check back in latee with my findings. Have to go get a christmas tree before I can dig into it.. Thanks for all of the suggestions so far!
  24. Thanks Matt..thats sounds pretty probable. Ill take it off and look.
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