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Everything posted by livinisfishin

  1. Pidge is right the natural gas model should have the hose and quick disconnect included. It should be a 10' hose. Not sure of the diameter of it but i would guess that its half inch. If its the regular stlye hose you have to reduce the main line down to a 3/8" nipple in order to adapt your gas line to the hose fitting.
  2. Just read its from canadian tire..it wont be a prestige 450.
  3. I work for a napoleon dealer. 1/2 " hose will be fine. Is it a prestige 450? Also it sounds like you are running the hose through the wall. Thats a no no. Hard pipe from your basement to out side then you can attach the hose. Typically bbq lines run $150 for the first 10 ' and $10 a foot after. Thats what my company charges.
  4. I would be interested in going. Ive never gone out on simcoe before. I would be leaving from Orr Lake.
  5. You have a really nice playground there! Nice fish!
  6. Merry christmas!
  7. Good job!
  8. If i could get one i would be doing better then last year!
  9. If i wasnt working tomorrow i would have made the drive up for sure!
  10. I miss my 12' er with a 9.9. I am probably downgrading from my 16 to a 14 in the new year. The smaller boat was perfect because i could take it anywhere i wanted. A couple times there wasnt a launch and we just carried it to a spot that looked good.
  11. Flame rollout is a pretty good indication of a heat exchanger problem. I got a pic of a recent one that was doing that ..the exhanger wasnt cracked but it was plugged up bad. I didnt diagnose it but was told the furnace was tilting backwards and the condensate wasnt draining out like it should..lots of rust and debris plugging it up. My grandmas furnace was going out on a rollout ..crack in the secondary heat exchangers plastic housing. Dont know if thats why exactly but we replaced the furnace. I figure it could have been plugged up to and overheated...causing stress to the housing.
  12. I hear ya..ive got a few new places in mind plus the usual haunts.
  13. The only email ive gotten so far is the "order process" one. Maybe tomorrow lol
  14. Little lake in Barrie
  15. Do they send you an email saying they have been shipped?
  16. Nothin in the mail for me...
  17. Little lake would be fun to
  18. Would like to try a kawartha lake...is scugog any good?
  19. Found this link when i did a quick search. http://www.jackslakelodge.com/Crappie.htm
  20. Made me chuckle
  21. Vermont vastings are a nice fireplace. The ones ive installed were a nice cast enamel stove. I thought they were a bit more pricey then the others but a gas insert might be a different story.
  22. I wish i could try to attempt that. My fusion would get hung up so fast...
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