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Everything posted by fish-miester

  1. thats awesome!
  2. ugh i hate comercial fishing
  3. haha now were talkin Ryan.. heres the catch.. my boat is off the water right now.. im waiting on plywood for the deck wich is about 2 weeks late
  4. (she likes fishin and takes the fish off! haha what more can i ask for?!) one of the many cool under water shots with the new z33 yes she caught this.. and no she doesnt have magic powers.. theres a fork holding it up.. but you cant even tell
  5. one of many from huntsville area Scugog walleye little gator from scugog
  6. (had to add this pig we caught and released out of simcoe)
  7. Hey guys and gals so Im sitting here wishin i was fish looking over a bunch of fishing pictures that i have taken over the past little while. so I decided to share with you guys ! and many more to come! Feel free to post pictures of your own adventures! i need some new fish pics to look at!
  8. depending on the style of rod (baitcast or spinning)..the price you have in mind as well what you are mainly going to be using on the rod.. tho with out knowing what you are usin the rod for i would suggest one of the Shimano Compre's but like i said its hard to tell you what to look into with little information given
  9. the bigger the better. that way you can set it at a medium power level which would be easier on your motor etc instead of buying a 35-45 and keeping it on high.
  10. hmm then i wonder how much these two that me and my buddy caught a week or so ago weighed... but like camillj said im more interested in the laker
  11. haha i know exactly what you mean, I only started flippin last year mean while my buddies have done it for a few now. and they get so mad when i call my shot and or when i make the nicer flips.. all i have to say to them is practice makes perfect. except now im on to skippin jigs etc as far under the obstacle
  12. my go to would be peperets.. Im absolutely addicted to moose peperets !
  13. i personally wouldnt suggest a M.G my friend had 1 and it was complete garbage.. he ended up buying the V2 and it was like night a day better
  14. Bare foot you got that right, nothing better then those perfect flips.. kinda like the other day skipped a jig ever so perfectly under a center piece of a comunity dock watched my line twitch and slammin the hook into a 3+ ending up loosing her boat side tho.. what a heart break. haha but thats just a part of the game
  15. my friends powerdrive didnt work right so they took it back and got the V2 as a replacement and love it ever since.. so your best bet is to take it back to CT just tell them its faulty
  16. I would of preffered Carwin to win just cause im not a fan of Lesnar..tho he is killer quick for such a big guy!.. but oh well. well just have to see if a re-match come up in the future. maybe carwin can get in shape
  17. ya the scugog twighlight was no beeter I bet, lot of people coming in with skunks or under 10lbs tho the winning weight had somthing like 19.2
  18. Im pretty sure i can speak for 99% of the people on here when I say, man you make me jealous
  19. UGGHHHHH i have been doing a tonn of flippin and well doin pretty good myself. then i see this pic and i just neeeeed to go again
  20. i have the same problem with mine in both forward and revers. idles beauty in neutral just doesnt like to idle in F or R tho if it starts to bog out or die I just rev it slightly and then it seems to smarten up and will go for a while in low rev..
  21. sweet deal dude, I'll be there in two hours
  22. ha well since they came out with the Rage tail Craw jig trailers they have worked awesome for me ! personal fav.. and well started using the rage craw this year and have liked them so far. as for the strike king crank baits im also not a fan, baught 2 and snapped the lip off 1 in no time..didnt even smack it off anything ! so i gave it to my buddy.. all my cranks are bomber and rapala
  23. nice goats
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