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Everything posted by fish-miester

  1. I saw somthing similar last year. there was a smaller robin in the middle of a bay on scugog trying desperately to get up and out of the water but couldnt. and was some what doing a butterfly stroke.. sort of like the Heddon Crazy Crawlers. and we saw a swirl behind it.. me and my buddy watched for a minuted but couldnt take it any more.. we ended up goin over in the boat and scooping her up. and we saw two bass probably 2 lbs each that ended up takin off once we got there. ended up putting the bird on an old towel and it sat there for about an hour and a half chirping us (probably making fun of how many fish we kept loosing) but she ended up flying off across the bay and into a tree.
  2. thats pretty cool. using small pike as bass bait!
  3. What : Flippin & Skippin jigs Why : because some of the biggest ugliest bass are hiding in the thick stuff and under cover and its one of the best ways to get them! that was what I started to learn early last year.. and its my go-to technique now.
  4. good stuff! gotta love fishin with the GF's and even better when they catch some fish!
  5. haha well thanks for the tease Dan I know it looks like Daves boat. but i wanted to see pics
  6. good stuff! ps do you have a pic of your boat?!
  7. kool !
  8. Curado E or my Revo STX. flip all day with them. and then say I want to use it for sumthing else i just turn a break or two back on.. my buddies baught 3 of the flippin version of the core and sure they are nice.. but he said him self he wouldnt buy another one. but its all personal preference
  9. awesome pics!
  10. if / when I use a carolina rig I use pretty much all the same baits I would as if I was fishing Texas rigged. depending on the weeds. less weeds.. the less weedless
  11. Hahaha thats funny! my gf can be the same way.. we'll watch a show and the next time were fishin she'l do or say somthing that him or another pro said and it kills me lol. but il admit shes learnin stuff from there shows. and well Im a fan of Dave and well havnt heard about noise being ok.. I always try my best to not stomp around but hey.. if Dave says its true.. then it must be ! jk !
  12. and its sad to say i havnt been fishing nearly as much this year as i did last year !
  13. I havnt taken the time to read the full article yet but personally id love to fish with either one of them!
  14. I like the idea! i wish i trolled !
  15. im lovin my sante fe. but no 4x4
  16. haha i did somthing like that. stepped off a slippery rock edge/island into my boat as a wave was pulling my boat away.. ended up in one awkward position sort of half in half out and was slowly loosing! but i was not letting go and well I was in water over my head.. meanwhile my buddy was to busy killing him self laughing to help me! ended up getting one heck of a soaker and well my buddy ended up grabbin me by the collar and pullin me in. good times to look back on tho, and pretty sure we caught some fish!
  17. my experiences with the police have been pretty positive, and give them great respect.
  18. great stuff! I wish i had 2 power poles! :|
  19. nice!
  20. well if he was walking straight im sure he would of found one.. but im assuming that was not the case and he was trying to peel out of the bush. which almost got him in more trouble.. why didnt they just stick together?
  21. Good news! now I want to go camping..
  22. what lake was that ? sturgeon ?
  23. ya just waiting on my buddies for some of the better bass pics..! haha I dont blame you I love her shes the best.. and even better she puts up with my addiction to fishin! and well some times even joins me! and well I just split on a new set up for her.. Quantum Energy Pti 10 spinning reel on a 6'9 turd R-Type Dropshot rod.. she loves it !
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