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Everything posted by fish-miester

  1. wow :| that is just TOOOOO good ! I swear Im gunna have to start watching the threads up there and make a road trip up there one day
  2. My guess would be about 26.5 inches
  3. thanks for the heads up! I'll have to try there next time Im headed that way.. its not even that far
  4. Hey Fish Farmer! I was out there the same weekend as you guys, I mainly stuck to the small Bay on the west side of the lake by "Cuddies" and well didnt get nearly as much fishing done as I wanted but had a great time with good friends! and well we caught a hole bunch of little pike off the dock as well out of my 14'
  5. haha I was fishin goose bay yesterday, I was one of the loners in a blue springbok w/bowmount troling motor
  6. where abouts were you fishin ?
  7. honestly no, but my friends do, and or with gulp leaches.. and if I am fishing during the day my go to lure is nuckle ball jig with a jumbo leach..
  8. Hey Cliff ! Just got back from "Your Lake".. fished from 1:30-4ish till the rain started and well there are walleye in there ! I caught 4 ! 1 under and 3 in slot. only kept 2 tho.. so there is atleast one in there of slot size for you PM me if you wanna know my handy dandy secret spots
  9. haha that sucks for them..
  10. honestly Im pretty simple.. jig head. or nuckle ball jig head.. with a bright mr.twister style grub.. its been workin for me at the lock just down the road from me..
  11. I was going to say the same. I personally havnt been there, but drive past it all the time
  12. hmm this is making me want to go on a little road trip
  13. what do you legally need to "bow" carp?
  14. I will probably be fishing sturgeon all day tomorrow. if I do I'll let you know how I make out!
  15. great lure m caught a few bass on them last summer too fishing for eyes. but deffenetly one of my go to lures for walleye
  16. great fish ! way to make us jealous!
  17. agreed as for the trokar's I picked up a few worm hooks as well as the flippin hooks.. we shall see how they work out
  18. ughhhh so true
  19. well I hope thats the case for when I go pike fishing this weekend.. maybe I'd have better luck if all fish thought this way haha.. either that or I'll start tying on Chipmunks and squirells
  20. hmm tempting me with all of the above syn, I dont have a credit card any more tho.. got one maxed it out.. then was in debt.. paid it off and shredded the card.. so I guess I'll have to get some1 to order me some.. as for frogs Im HIGHLY interested in "Ish's Phat Frog" made by snag proof
  21. Oh man! I was already planning on heading to Quebec within the next two months.. now you got me even more excited
  22. stop rubbing it in Syn ! haha how much did you say they were again ?.. If your ever lookin to sell one.. or both.. you know who to get in touch with..
  23. ya Syn I have been looking at those Sammy's tempted. My goal this year is to get one of those beauty hardbody swimbaits that you teased me with when every1 was showing off there tackle/gear..!
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