If and when I use minnows whether its ice fishing or walleye fishing and I dont have an airator 90% of the time I throw a 2''layer of Snow or multiple packed snow balls in the bag/ bucket. Ice works. and as the snow/ice melts it releases oxygen.. a good fishing partner taught me that (my Grandpa) and well I'll be honest when I show up to the fishin hole with my 1-2 dozen minnows in my little garbage pail they are all still alive.. where as my buddies who have a minnow bucket/airator theres are all half dead! and well thats why I prefer to buy the minnows !
but now that I have learned and experienced the gulp products I normally dont buy to many minnows.. mostly for ice fishing (tip ups/and simcoe pin heads) and the odd trip up north just north of Sudbury. just so that the local boys dont chirp me to much on using gulp over live bait
as for the leaky containers I normally cut out a small X on the seal just big enough for me to pull a bait or two out.. and then put an elastic band around the bottom of the threads on the container seems to work well.. havnt really had any problems since! or you could store them In containers such as small peanut butter jars.. that dont leak. thats another thing I do
but hey.. what would I know ? haha
Now I havnt had the chance to do any fly-ins or anything yet but I try to make a road trip/ away fishin trip atleast once every two weeks.. wether it be 40 minutes down the road or 4 hours up to Sudbury! best feeling ever when you launch the boat on a lake you have never fished before and an even better feeling when you catch some quality fish on it! and well to do it along side of your good buddies.. priceless..
the styles I have used have worked great for me, (Leeches, minnows, jerk shads, minnow grubs)
.. and lets just say i baught my gf a tub of the minnow grubs cuz thats one of the only baits she likes to use.. cuz well it normally always produces
oxcowboy thats hilarious!
ugh this makes me want to go on a fishin trip even more haha even tho its already enough entertainment without the pranks!
but I am liking the idea of cut then re-spool there line idea!
haha thanks guys, I deal alot with gagnouns so i'll go check them out on an upcoming day! if not I guess I'll just get one of my connections to order me some along with those Ish's phat frogs
the title pretty much says it all..
Im interested in trying some of theese tho I am the type that doesnt like ordering/shipping
somthing like these.. http://www.bayououtdoors.com/products.php?cat=55