well this is what I bring out in the boat almost every time I go (for bass anyways + almost the same amount of stuff but in plastics) and cant forget the polarized Sunglasses!
haha yup that was me.. normally me and one of my buddies go.. one in the truck one in the boat kinda deal and tag team the launch..back the boat off and park the truck.. well this morning I went solo for an hour or two.. and there was no dock.. launched fine..plopped the ancor on shore..parked the truck etc.. then on the way out..I backed the trailer down to put the boat on.. pulled the boat over the the trailer.. and it got hung up on one of my pvc pipe guide/poles.. no one was waiting but there were a few people watching.. I really didnt mind.. so I tossed the shoes off and walked into the water.. wich was surprisingly not that cold.. pulled the boat half way up the trailer and went on with my regular buisness.. the trick is.. keep a straight face and always make it look like you know what your doing
haha Mike.. those are some nice Orange BooYah Pig skin jigs you got there.. hm what made ya get orange?.. ps they were the ones i was throwin last year you goof
and Syn, your second picture with the swimbaits.. where did you get those two swim baits? how well do they work? and where the heck can I get my self one.. or two
jeeze archer! thats no excuse! haha I went out there.. caught two jumbo perch and lost one fish.. what that fish was.. I really dont know.. and well I honestly couldnt tell you what a walleye looked like its been too long!
haha I always keep a pair of snow pants, winter gloves, and an extra sweater in the boat until I know its going to be nice out just in case! with the cold front and all.. I may just have to start off wearing them hah