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Everything posted by nautifish

  1. This pictures were taking xmas eve 2004 2 yrs ago. The same yr we had an iceridge just of the pier that went from port dover marina right over to willies point and stood at 20ft tall at some points. Was pretty amazing. Can't see any ice coming for this winter.
  2. Hey the water is still gonna be absolultey freezing cold....So i still consider it a polar dip...lol and kudo's to you dano...I have watched other people the last couple of yrs and thought u must have to be bloody crazy lol.
  3. Well here in PD every new years day we have our anual polar dip and was wondering if anyone else here was doing it new yrs day? Never done it before but am thinking i may next week just because the beach is not all frozen over so should be a peice of cake. Maybe i could get BBR AND SLEDDD in on it too
  4. That was bad....lol & yup its a bbahhhhhhhhh sheep head
  5. No complaints here Allthough i will say this.....For the next whole yr i am going to be hinting i only want presents related to fishing.
  6. Talking about animals. I was allways under the impression that the robins here flew south for the winter and that when they returned it was a sign of spring. Well as it happens i have four robins that are still visiting my back garden everymorning. All four were yet again sat on my berry tree at the end of my deck. So they are either stupid or this weather has just messed em up alltogeather, Heck yesterday i saw a possum crossing the road on xmas day. Cannot say i have ever seen that before either. I agrre when someone said about the weather man never getting it right they don't. As for nature. Hard to tell anymore because so many of them are messed themselves because our seasons are so out of whack now.
  7. LOL FISHERGRL..... Actually i hate handbags allways have there a damn pain if u ask me.. ..lol....As for gifts my boy's are usually pretty good but if i happen to see something i like fishing related i just buy it anyway. No from me to me....
  8. Yup i got one too...How cute is that?.....LOL....
  9. Well fished with BBR & SLEDDED many times as they are pratically neighbors. There both crazy I am very new to the board so do not really no anyone yet. Did meet fang last week seems like a great guy. So its kinda hard for me to say who i would like to fish with. I guess even if i did allready know alot of you it would be very hard for me to narrow it down to just one person. Alot of people on this board who seem to know what they are talking about when it comes to fishing and are more than happy to share advice & tips which i think is great. Allthough i will say this their are two ladies here that i would really like to get out on the water with.
  10. Well i was contemplateing on going Boxing day because they have a beautiful dinner ware set with a buck on it forgot the name. Sadley its only a four place setting but i was going too buy two. It seems allmost impossible in canada to buy a six place dinnerware set. Instead you end up with eight because every time i have had to buy two...Grrrr.. ....But not so sure i wanna deal with the crowds on boxing day. I have to head back up that way again next monday to pick up my son up from the airport so maybe i will stop in then and see if they still have any left. Fingers crossed.
  11. Great pics ccmt. If their is one thing i miss most about christmas....Its my kids being that age again at this time of year. Make the most of it because they grow up real fast and i mean real fast. Merry xmas
  12. Merry xmas brit. hope you have a good one and all the best for 2007.
  13. Well xmas eve upon us yet once again. Hope everyne is enjoying theirs so far. Me i worked most of today got home this evening Baked a cake made some shortbread then stuffed the turkey ready for the oven in the morning. After which i sat and played dvd trivia pursuit with my boy's. Great game luv it....lol......Have been fortunate enough too allways have my xmas evenings with my kids. Even though there grown now and only two here right now was still a great evening. So how has everyone else spent there xmas eve? Anyone have any traditions of there own for xmas eve? Mine has allways been to spend it with my kids no matter what we do. Be it play games watch a movie or cook up some goodies in the kitchen. Then i let the kids open there xmas stocking. The rest of the presents will be in the morning after santa comes tonight. Merry xmas everyone.
  14. Well i just wanted to take this few minutes i have before heading into work and wish each and everyone of you a very merry christmas and a happy & Prosperous new year. STAY safe everyone have fun and remember DON'T drink & drive.
  15. Right back @ ya dave & all the best to you and your family for 2007.
  16. Yup i am working. Infact am leaving in about 30 minute. HI HO HI HO its of to work i go.!!!!
  17. Really Joey? I was just they're monday night past after dropping my eldest boy off at the airport. I was told they were going to have a big sale on alot of items at the customer service desk. Now you just said only a few discounted items. I would like to know before hand. My plan was to take another trip up they're on boxing day morning 1st thing. But if they're are not alot of items on sale it would hardley be worth the trip for me. Dern and i was really hoping somethin i had seen on monday may be even cheaper on boxing day....lol Xmas sucks....lol
  18. Well i would have liked to have my kids at home with me this xmas. All four togeather under my roof.....But alas Not this xmas as my eldest two will be in EUROPE Merry xmas everyone godbless & may you have a fantabulous 2007 and i hope i catch bigger fish than all of you next yr lol
  19. Pleasure meeting ya tonight! & Thanx so much for the reels.....You have no idea how excited i have been all weekend just over some reels.......and seriously when the weather warms up and boating season is in full swing bring down the mrs and will hit the lake & do some fishing. I AM JUST ITCHING TO TRY THE NEW REELS OUT. After we dropped my son off at the airport tonight we headed up to BPS and brought two new rods. I was really good and thats all i brought....But thats only because i am waiting for boxing day then i am gonna be back up there again...... Anyway thanx so much again
  20. Way to go Boy's Thats great. Took the tinny out myself today and headed for the water. All we caught was a skunk. NO!!!! I mean a real live skunk & in my fishing net to boot!.......lmao....
  21. Great service, great place, & both mike and his wife are great people.
  22. Nice Bass Wish i was fishing today But alas i am heading to work...BLECH!!
  23. I do think though that what you're seeing in your video isn't quite the same as littering. I don't think an angler stood there and peeled 100 feet of line of and tossed it on the ground. I dissagree Markus. I do not beleive for one second that all the line i picked up was from just fisherpeople getting broke off. I think some of it was left their changing setups & getting broke off what ever,and they could not be bothered to put it in there [pockets or a bag carry it out and dipose of it the proper way. Way to much of it. But that is besides the point, The point of this thread is people need to take better care and have more respect. Did anyone else bother to pick it up and take it out? Do you think that line had only been sat there for a short time>? Do you think no other persons stumbled across that mess aswell as the rest of the crap i saw on my walks before i came across it? I am thinking that yes they probably did come across it. I know because the footprints in the mud before i got there told me so. & where was it still? Amo, the common "clean up your garbage" and "respect the enviornment" rants are always well recieved amongst the angling comunity. & I sure hope it is not allways just well recieved amongst the angling community. Happy fishing * where is my duck>? lol
  24. Well i just looked out and nothing here.....My eyes are getting heavy....lol.....I am thinking of maybe taking a drive.....lol
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