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Everything posted by nautifish

  1. lol speil.......Yeah i swear these boy's are like an extension of my family. I have two lads out on they're own only one left at home but some how i ended up with these three also.....Nice thing is though i can kick there tookishes back home......... This was the boy's on the way home last night. I was thinking it was to quiet in the back which trust me when you get these three lads togeather its just not normal lol & this is what i saw......It was heavenly bliss. Speil great meeting you also..... and watch out for the Spiel dude...) I don't doubt that for a second TJ.....lol
  2. Hey no worries Danc really.....I just hope more people notice the thread now. Because i really do think everyone should watch it. It pretty scarey and i even actually learned a few things watching this documentary. so Thankyou.
  3. I added this post to my post about the enviroment earlier in the week. Guess no one was interested. I guess everyone was raving about this on the news this morning so i came on line to check it out. I guess the documumentary is about 90 minutes long and goes into detail about how our planet is warming. It also mentions that if something is not done now there will be massive distruction on a mega scale in our own childrens life time not our children, children, children. I am going to post a short clip that i found of this video. Humanity is sitting on a ticking time bomb. If the vast majority of the world's scientists are right, we have just ten years to avert a major catastrophe that could send our entire planet into a tail-spin of epic destruction involving extreme weather, floods, droughts, epidemics and killer heat waves beyond anything we have ever experienced. If that sounds like a recipe for serious gloom and doom -- think again. From director Davis Guggenheim comes the Sundance Film Festival hit, AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH, which offers a passionate and inspirational look at one man's fervent crusade to halt global warming's deadly progress in its tracks by exposing the myths and misconceptions that surround it. That man is former Vice President Al Gore, who, in the wake of defeat in the 2000 election, re-set the course of his life to focus on a last-ditch, all-out effort to help save the planet from irrevocable change. In this eye-opening and poignant portrait of Gore and his "traveling global warming show," Gore also proves himself to be one of the most misunderstood characters in modern American public life. Here he is seen as never before in the media - funny, engaging, open and downright on fire about getting the surprisingly stirring truth about what he calls our "planetary emergency" out to ordinary citizens before it's too late. With 2005, the worst storm season ever experienced in America just behind us, it seems we may be reaching a tipping point - and Gore pulls no punches in explaining the dire situation. Interspersed with the bracing facts and future predictions is the story of Gore's personal journey: from an idealistic college student who first saw a massive environmental crisis looming; to a young Senator facing a harrowing family tragedy that altered his perspective, to the man who almost became President but instead returned to the most important cause of his life - convinced that there is still time to make a difference. With wit, smarts and hope, AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH ultimately brings home Gore's persuasive argument that we can no longer afford to view global warming as a political issue - rather, it is the biggest moral challenges facing our global civilization. Paramount Classics and Participant Productions present a film directed by Davis Guggenheim, AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH. Featuring Al Gore, the film is produced by Laurie David, Lawrence Bender and Scott Z. Burns. Jeff Skoll and Davis Guggenheim are the executive producers and the co-producer is Leslie Chilcott. I rented this movie on wednesday night and i think everyone should watch this documentary. Infact this movie made such an impact on my 17 yr old son that next week when he gets back to school he is going to be talking to his principle about the movie being showed to all the students at his school. Click on the link belowe it will take you to a trailor of the documentary http://www.climatecrisis.net/trailer/
  4. Well 1st off let me say i had an absolute blast tonight and it was great to finally meet some fellow ofnr's. It was kinda weird though everyone knew who i was a few of you i did reconize some i did not....lol... As rich allready said they showed up at my place while i had actually just got out the shower. For some reason josh felt he had to grope my poor santa speaking of which fishergrl is now known as groper. Long story....LOL.......I have alot of pictures but thought i would add a few now. Not sure some are suitable for this forum lol..... ' 1st picture is of myself and Mr Arron and lemme tell ya i got a good chuckle when he asked me if i fished....LOL.......That was just too funny... 2nd picture is of myself Again Mr arron and BBR. 3RD PICTURE IS OF MYSELF AND FISHERGRL now known as groper......LOL Myself and joey The four of us groper,joey myself and speil.....I think if speil had had his own way we would have been stood there for another hr havin pics taken, lol This next picture is of Carp.....lol.. Another pictute of groper carp myself and fishindevil. I love this picture. Next picture is groper arron and myself. I have lots more pics to come....joey it was great finally meeting you as it was everyone else...Fishergrl i had such a larf i honeslty cannot remember the last time i larfed so much my sides actually hurt. Arron,roger,speil,carp misty river and wifes great meeting you all also...Sorry if i left out any names but there were quiet a few of you and hard to remember everyones names. I enjoyed the swill and hopefully will get to hook up with some of you in the new yr for a fish. Nautifish.
  5. So thats where my bloody straw dissapeared to you little shizer.....Just you bloody wait young man. As for the drive home it was heavenly bliss......I was thinking i may have to toss em out the door at a 100k an hr down the 403 instead i got this.
  6. No need to be Eddyk Really. They have been called much worse trust me.......
  7. LOL EDDYK........NO NO not at all.....LOL BBR & sledded are to young lads i fish with often because the both happen to be pratically neighbors.......When u said guys & grls hence the word grls that is why i said BBR & SLEDDED.....LOL........ I will be bringing them with me to the Swill tonight along with another person i just found out from BBR.......Man they are soooooo lucky i do not drink and have a designated driver tonight.....lol ....bbr (Rich) and sleded are board members Eddy (kinda girly members ), Chuckles......
  8. Grls being bbr and sledded...Opps did i sat that out loud? Ohhh me so bad.... Looking forward to meeting everyone tonight.
  9. Well if it is anything like it is when we have the perch derby here in april i would rather be out in my tinny. But good luck to those who decide to go fight the crowds.
  10. Well i was contemplating on hitting a lake up north with the tinny this weekend. Just gonna keep an eye on the weather and if it stays fair thats where i will be headed tommorow or sunday as long as i am not up all night at the OFC swill......lol. I plan on fishing right through the whole weekend.
  11. Ditto to what fisherman said. Havin three grown boy' of my own i know exactly where you are coming from. I have taught my boy's the same standards. My daughter who is 23 brought a home back in the uk and is getting married next year. My eldest boy who is 21 did cut trees for a living but 18 months ago he had a very serious work accident and was allmost killed. His whole right leg was shattered and had to be rebuilt He now has a metal plate around his ankle and twelve pins in his leg. He was on W.S.I.B FOR A YEAR AND SIX MONTHS AGO HE COULD NOT STAND IT ANYMORE SO HE WENT BACK TO SCHOOL. He did a welding course and three months ago now he landed a job with west lake industries in burlington welding. This boy has had a rough eighteen months and i mean rough. He will never have 100% use of his leg like he used to he will allways have a disability with this leg but it could have been alot worse. He allready has arthritis setting is which the surgoen said would happen but, he is now in Europe on holiday will be flying back next wednesday then i shall be helping him look to buy a home as thats his goal for 2007 is too own his own home and he is only 21 yrs old. So you could say this mom is pretty damn proud of him. He could be sat at home wallowing in self pity but he is not. i sopose i was tough on them growing up i sopose i still am. But one thing i taught my lads & my daughter. Is nothing is for free on this earth you want something you have to go out and earn it that way you will appreciate it alot more.
  12. Naaa i don't think i over spend on fishing, Allways been sensible with my money.
  13. Well for close to sixteen yrs i ran my own hair and beauty salon over in Europe along with also bringing up four kiddy winkles. I sold up & I moved back to canada six yrs ago as of next month. Opened up my own antique business for two yrs here in dover. I did not much care for working seven days a week 10 HRS A DAY as it was eating way to much into my fishing time, Especially now that all my kiddy winkles are grown. So i closed up and took on a job as a manager of a clothing store here in dover. & i can honeslty say i absolutley love it, The owner even offered me an all expences paid trip to bahli FOR ALLMOST THREE MONTHS and had i of excepted i would have been on my way there with her right now........ Still nice to be the boss SO TO SPEAK but even better that i get to scheduale my own hrs which gives me plenty of play time on or beside the water.
  14. Yup for sure nice fish way to go CC
  15. Yup that was for sure a great post and awesone photo's too. Thanx for shareing.
  16. Way to go ccmt awesome looking pike and great report.
  17. Danc who are u dareing? If its me .....Don't ever dare me.....Just ask rich and sledded.....LOL & yes rich u did edit your post. So now ur gonna get three slaps.....on friday
  18. Nothing of a little rubbing of the palms wont cure.
  19. Okay i gotta ask. What the heck is a rumble? & welcome to the forum mikey.
  20. LOL @ plumma...... & rich u edited your post you little *(*&&^% So that is now two big slaps you are going to get when i pick u up on friday. & LOL @ you guys with shrinkage.....You never heard of a w ****ly warmer?
  21. Well i love the warm temps as much as everyone else. But it is scarey. Gonna post this link to a new video that has been brought out. I am sure some of you have probably heard about it on the news. Personally it scares the hell out of me especially as they are now saying that in as little as 40 yrs now if nothing is done all the ice caps will be gone. As well as alot of cities under water. Not something to be taken lightly at all. It really is a serious issue Mother nature is fighting back and we do not stand a cat in hells chance if things do not change NOW! http://www.climatecrisis.net/trailer/
  22. Nothing makes me so mad when I see people littering and not caring what it does for this earth or for our wildlife for that matter. Could not agree more hon & see you on friday @ the swill....Looking forward to it.
  23. Thanx everyone. I had to post this someone posted it on my site its cute as hell so i just had to share it....lol http://www.thecompassgroup.biz/merryxmas.swf
  24. Way to go joey. well done grl.
  25. So those poeple who try to raise a little money for charitys doing a ploar dip are idiots> Did i get that right rich? SLAP!!!!!
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