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Everything posted by nautifish

  1. Thanx guy's
  2. Yes was at steves bait and tackle yesterday In dunville Some of you may know it as fishmasters i had been fishing all day and stopped into say hi. Apparently a 82 yr old gentleman fell in and drowned. Very SAD!! Especially being so close to christmas.
  3. Never broken one yet!! And the dog don't count.
  4. lol Mepps my van has never let me down yet.
  5. Heck yeah and lots more fishing vids to make......Cannot wait to get some ice fishing videos done this winter should be a blast.
  6. Well the boy's were going to but then they chickened out like pansies... ...So i thought i better show em how its done........
  7. Well after ehg posting about no fishing reports i thought i would share this video with you all for those who have not yet veiwed it. I put this video togeather a little ealier in the yr of my past fishing adventures with my family and freinds.....through the spring of this yr. Some great memories and alot of laughs on this video for me. Hope you enjoy it. http://www.zippyvideos.com/345712603520796...of_may2-4_week/
  8. Thankyou rich lol
  9. Ohh my goodness i never saw the 1st post about ur pup...I am so sorry to hear that..and sorry i missed your 1st post... But happy that she is coming home to you.....
  10. lmao rizzo not a problem. Its funny you should say that..So many times i see grown men pulling in these beautys through the perch derby here in dover and they lay them on the ground stick their foot on em and then try to take out the hook then kick them back in the water..WHICH MAY I SAY i do not like to see. ......But it is funny seen grown men being scared to hold a catfish.. ....lol I think the channel cats are real purdy!!!!
  11. Sounds like you're a real Canadian boy with super red iron blood flowing through your veins. cough cough excuse me their was two of us out their ya know Shheshhhhh!!
  12. I love fishing for cats
  13. lmao....I know rich i just found it,,,My eyes are perfectly fine....Some of us work more than a measley four hrs a day Been a very very very long day and i am like totally knackered thankgawd i am off for three day's now.....Whooo.hoooooooooooooooo Wanna go fishing in the dark again?......lol
  14. lmao well it beats being stuck at home infront of the google box.....As i said when ur stuck inside all day at work its nice to get out and get some fresh air......I don't care about the dark,cold or wet.......lol..Actually it was pretty nice out except for the sleety rain but the temp was okay.....Rich forgot to mention that he had allready shaved off an inch himself of his new noodle rod....lol Then i guess princess thought she would too.....lol... I did feel kinda bad though i know how much he loves that rod i was with him when he brought it and he was like a little kid in a candy store.....lol....... We were only out for an hr but even thought it seemed like a waste of time it sure was bloody hillarious.......And sorry cplummer no video......Hard to film in complete blackness.....lmao
  15. Rich ur useless......Okay sorry never replied last night was late was tired and had to be up at 6.00am and just got home from work. Well last night around 7.30 decided i wanted to go fishing so rich came with me. Took my dog princess......She was in the back of the van picked up rich he put his rods in the back and as we were driving princess i guess decided she would lay where one of riches rod ends ....lol......Anyway we got there he fixed up his line i grabbed a rod......Could not see a blooming thing.......WAS FISHING THEN I SEE RICH YANKING AT HIS ROD AND FOR Second thought he had a fish...As it happened he had a tree....lmao so he lost everything....I was casting and could not see where the heck my line was going...Anyway i am thinking hummm summit does not feel right , Remember it was pitch black....lol......Shine a light on the end of the rod and everything is all twisted up so we gave it up.....lol......But what the heck atleast i got out for an hr....When ur stuck working all day inside who cares if its dark and cold when u go out fishing...Its just nice to be beside the water and get some fresh air and be able to drop a line in the water.....Day off tommorow Anyone wanna go fishing?
  17. lmao nope no boat involved thank goodness....But i reckon rich is wishing he had just stayed home now......lmao
  18. Welcome....
  19. Welcome
  20. wELL I HAVE A FISHING REPORT Me and rich went out and fished for all of 50 minutes tonight...We dropped our lines in the water and well lets say it ended up being one disaster onto another disaster....lol
  21. Born in canada lived in europe for 22 yrs before anyone asks where all over....lol....I have what some would refer to as a heinz 47 accent. returned home six yrs ago on the 18th of next months actually.....In an awesome place Port dover and plan on being here till they either take me away in a white van or a box which ever comes 1st.
  22. Yeah i know rich i am feeling kinda sickened by it actually.......Not my house anymore...i know...But ya kinda hope that the next person will love it and take care of it as you did.....Not that it was anyones fault..... but it really is sad... All the fish frys and parties we had their.....Recently my birthday party which was great ran my business from there , All the memories renovating...Man and all the money i put into that home too.........lol Trust me if they end up knocking that house down i will be pretty upset......
  23. Well the house wwas on the news today....$150,000 worth of damage they are still investigateing. I must have got their after the worst had happened. Was their this evening outside and the smell of smoke is really strong even stood outside the home. The windows are all blown out and whats left of them are black....They are saying it started from the basement........THAT HOUSE HAS BEEN THEIR OVER A HUNDRED YEARS. When we renovated the kitchen two yrs ago we found newspaper lined on the plaster & lath dated 1816. The attic was lined with old newspaper dated from early 1909.....and up on to the mid to late thirties. One paper had a full center spread page of the quintruplets all dressed in toronto maple leafs uniform from way back when..and they are probably around six months old....I do not know much about hockey......But the center spread is all in colour and still looks like it was just published yesterday. We kept everything and have it stored away. Will be a real shame if they have to knock that house down.....Been their along time long before Capt'billys or the arbour and i had alot of good,happy memories their.
  24. Thanx alot guys. Really do appreciate the feedback..........
  25. Rich i am looking at different options that is why...Blimey you sound like my mother...lol BPS,URBAN Thanx alot guys.......We do get some pretty good deals around here usually but i was just curious if you can find even better on ebay.......Like i allready said been keeping my eye out on ebay got some real nice boats on there right now and not too badley priced either.
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