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Everything posted by nautifish

  2. Look like it mike...lol....They are not easy to find i know i spent a fw hours myself trying to fined just one half decent one. Lostchild not animated but its a gif with a chix.....LOL....
  3. Awesome pics & report mike. Way to go and all the best for 2007.
  4. Thankyou for the info mike..How ever are you reffering to actual photographs>? In this Catologue? I am looking for animated gifs of woman fishing. on the internet.
  5. LOL MY POINT WAS IT DOES NOT LOOK ANYTHING LIKE A WOMAN........ Ron nope no coveralls sorry....Well done.....for finding one.....But is that all that is out there> and how hard was that for you to find?
  6. I just popped in there rick and i am not seeing a xmas skin.
  7. Thats sopost to be a woman? OMG LOOKS more like long haired hippy to me......lol
  8. LOL RON Well my appoligies for not adding the animated in the 1st post but yes that is what i am looking for.....I was dumbfounded with all the animated fishing gif sites out there and none with woman.... Discusting if u ask me.
  9. Irish is right i am looking to see if there really are any animated fishing gifs out there with a woman instead of a man......And from the looks of the veiws of this post and posts i am guessing i am right.
  10. welcome
  11. I WAS LOOKING UP FISHING GIFS EARLIER ON THIS EVENING AND NOTICED THAT NONE NOT EVEN ONE SITE That i could find anyway had a fishing giff with a woman instead of a man.....So my challange to you all is lets see who can find a fishing gif that has a woman instead of a guy. Remember it has to be a fishing related gif. & lets just see how many are really out they're if any.
  12. Hey rich be ready for 8.00am okay.......Wanna try the york erea?
  13. Thankyou Carp.
  14. Where is this event at?
  15. Well last yr i had two boats in my back yard but you cannot make them out very well on the pics One my son brought and the other i picked up at a yard sale for $250 with trailor.....lol... which was a 16ft tri hull......It came with down riggers, fish finder a radio. A lady wanted it out of her back yard her husband had passed and just wanted rid of it. My eldest boy brought himself a 1960's Glastron.....lol....He kept that for a yr then sold it. That boat sure did get alot of attention down at the marina and it was bright yellow....lol Anyway mid spring i decided to sell the tri hull it was just to big for what i wanted. So i sold it and brought this. My new baby and even thought i am looking for something a little bigger and deeper not sure i will ever sell this boat.
  16. Hey joey,You lucky bloody bugga you.... ..lol Yeah i am begining to think i just like totally suck when it comes to fishing these last few weeks.......I did actually fish another spot for a few hrs locally on saterday and hooked into a really nice brown but lost it under a log. I had proabably walked a good half hr to fifty minutes through thick bush and climbed what seemed like mountains lol with lots of snow on the ground to boot. Worst thing is i had no one with me to film it so that really peed me off........The 1st bite i get in well over two weeks and no one there to catch it on cam.
  17. nice one bpsman Can i ask why u are waiting till spring? Ohh and could you tell me what time bps hrs are monday through friday....Am up that way next monday and what to stop in after the airport run but it depends on what time the store is open till Thanx Nauti
  18. lmao Markus..... Actually when u said to me was i going down wearing what i was wearing.....I was thinking to myself does this guy really think i am that blonde?.....lmao....... Like i said had my waders in the van i just dont like driving with em on........Mind you i think i had way to many clothes on i could hardley climb....lol.... It was funny though because i saw you walk into timmies and thought it was you but like i said your GOATEE was not as fluffy as it usually looks on the photos......lol .....LOL @ FLUFFY.....Well u know what i mean....... Was a pleasure meeting ya too markus.........And if you ever happen to have some duck u do not need gimme a shout....lol Am actually serioulsy thinking of taking it up myself next yr. Just got to find out about hunting courses and where they are held.
  19. lol rich.....Yeah sure u can come if ya want. Not sure where i am headed yet but you know me i just get in the van and drive.
  20. Yeah i know rich.....But ohh well....Am heading back out this thursday. Not sure what the forecast is but cant wait......Hopefully i will have a report with some actual fish in it Man would that ever be nice....lol.....SPOKE TO ERIC. Saw him at cally-d on sunday with jay they caught diddley squat too.........Like i said fished there for around four hrs and never saw one fish pulled in and usually in that time period there you usually see atleast one pulled in. Ohh well roll on thursday.
  21. Well as a few of you allready know this past weekend headed out to do some fishing both friday and sunday. Friday i fished with Mr pinnel and sunday Mr sinns........Friday was a total wash out No fish to be had anywhere but it was beautiful day to be out anyhooo.... Sunday pretty much the same fished all day and not so much as nibble Now is it just me or is it th fish? I WONDER....LOL But i fished cally -d for close to four hrs and did not see one fish caught so i am thinking its the fish.....*grins* Anyway took some video footage. Sorry their is no fish but hey its a fishing report just a fishing report with no fish......lol...... 1st video is friday Second video is Sunday. http://www.zippyvideos.com/351712248640369...nel/*amolicious http://www.zippyvideos.com/616846314640394...ing/*amolicious & hear is the duck i ate last night that fishmaster kindly gave me sunday....It was delicious.
  22. http://www.freshwater-fishing-canada.com/c...ng_deadbait.htm http://www.hooklinks.co.uk/pike/navigation...l?=inserts.html Hope that answers ur question for ya.
  23. GBAY I use PSP I HAVE 7 & 8 You can download a free trial online....Just put in PAINT SHOP PRO in ur adress bar.
  24. Sorry to hear that EGH! I feel bad for you two.,...My boat is only a 14 ft tinny paid $350 for it with trailor this last spring and brought a 8hp Johnson moter for $400 to go with it. May not be much of a boat but i can tell you i have had way more than my moneys worth with this boat this last yr. Not many day's i have not been out on it. Was just out on the inner bay in it a few weeks ago perch fishing infact. If someone was to steal it man i would be pretty Pished off lemme tell ya. I lurv me tinny.... Hope santas good to ya in a few weeks and again sorry about the boat. That really sucks eggs. Nauti
  25. Conrats Joey thats awesome, Awesome too that we have a woman who won. Personally i don't think there is enough of us woman folk on the fishing tv channels...... I am so jealous.. ...lol...But i hope you have a fantabulous time hon.
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