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Everything posted by nautifish

  1. Do you have chat control downloaded on ur pc?
  2. Clampet i can not see ur pictures clearly as they will not enlarge...Sorry.....As for the palm trees looking thin? Are they all sopost to have the same circumference?
  3. Actually even though the shot of the owl is a great shot its the background that spoils the picture for me.
  4. Burning some CD'S at the minute but if i get a sec will be sure to stop in and say hi
  5. Naaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Only 22 more days and it is winter solstice which is the shortest day of the year, After that the day's start to get longer and the nights start to get shorter. Can i hear a yeehawww!!! lol We did not have much snow at all here in dover last yr heck the lake never even froze over so there was no ice fishing down here last yr. I guess next week temps are sopost to drop but from what i have been hearing down our way we are in for a pretty mild winter again. Nice thing about winter is you have the summer to look forward too.
  6. Thanx alot guys Will be sure to check it out...Last time i drove for a grly night out ended up pulling over a cop for directions...in oakville..lol.......I was sopost to be in missisagua....lmao........Opps!!
  7. Not sure to be honest carp.....I do not even know how big these trees actually grow before they reach full size. Does anyone else know? Some of the new houses they are building here just outside of town have had palm trees planted in front of the houses.........And again i am assuming that the same person will remove them and store them for the winter months.....I think more of our beaches should have some palm trees along out L,Erie shores..But they do not come cheap from what i have read...They look so nice and its pretty cool being able to sit under a plam tree on the beach here in southern ontario. ....lol
  8. beautifying the area at the same time Exactly Dover is a great little town its about time someone did something to spruce the beach up and make it more inviteing. Now if someone could just come up with the spondules to revamp the whole mainstreet..downtown...lol
  9. Okay i have a few questions. One: at what time is this swill planning on going too as in time? Two" Oakville is quiet a hike for me not sure i fancy driving back too late. But then do not want to drive all that way just for a sake of a few hrs. Is anyone going to be staying over night in oakville? As in hotel acomodations? Are their any close to where the swill is? I do not know oakville at all...... Any help would be appreciated. Thanx
  11. hey why not? Its only taxpayer money that would be wasted elsewhere anyways, LOL Actually rizzo it was the KNETTLES who invested in the palm trees.....out of there own pockets.... If you are wondering who they are they are a family here in dover that pratically own half the town..That being four restaraunts a convenience store and a gift store & a beach wear clothing store. I think its great the decided to brighten up the beach with there own money. lol whooper read the second post.......
  12. LOL MIKE No no photo shop they are real palm trees...lol They were all planted early summer eight i do beleive maybe nine....lol.....They do look really nice and make such a big difference especially when u take a walk along the pier and the beach.....They have been taken out for the winter and will be planted again when the weather starts to warm up again next yr. Would be really nice if they do plant them along walker street even the main drag would be great too.
  13. Well i thought i would post this here as well as the gallery. This year palm trees were planted on the beach here in dover for the 1st yr. I guess they are going to do it every yr now and are also talking about planting them down walker street which is the street thats leads off the main drag to the beach here./ So i took this shot from the beach house resturant late october this year. Thought i would share it..... Would never think it was dover if you know dover. What a difference some plam trees can make.....lol
  14. Well was out on the boat for most part of yesterday....Was debateing on putting her away for the winter then i changed my mind.....lol....I plan on fishing right through rain ,sun,snow or shine.
  15. Stop yelling. And yes, it's the same guy. ;)
  17. I actually had the video done yesterday but its kinda boreing so i never posted the link......lol....
  18. I love to fish for cats.
  19. Well headed out on the little tinny this morning. Got out into the bay LAKE ERIE NEAR lONG POINT for around 10.00am . Got anchored and as soon as my line dropped in the water i got a double header right of the bat......And it continued like that for a good half hr. Then the fish just switched right off....Sat for a good half hr and nothing so we decided to move........Not long after we had moved the boat to the left of us pulled in a beauty pike..........about half hr after that the boat that was on the other side of us a guy called frank he then pulled in a beauty pike........I am like what the hell.....lol.... There was also a guy out fishing with his grandson he cannot of been any older than six yrs of age and this little guy was just slamming into the fish and have an absolute ball, Which i have to say put a huge smile on my face......He was most certianly kicking his grandads butt thats for sure......and the little guy got so excited every time he had a fish on then would ask if his grandad would measure the fish.....lol Was a beauty day to be out on the water today for sure. Temps are forecast warm for the best part of the week 16 oc They are saying for wednesday which is my day off....whooo.hooo so i may be out there again. Ohh and this morning before heading out the coast gaurd was just thick with minnows and i mean thick. Sorry no photo's today...Was shooting video footage......
  20. Leeds you say Nannok Know leeds very very well My parents live in Harrogate i have had many a good night out in leeds & bradford...... You anywhere near chapel town? I miss the indoor market in leeds.......
  21. LOL FISHERGRL.....
  22. Then why not call the ministry? Two days in a row>? Like someone allready said we need to help preserve and protect our fisheries.
  23. Actually fisherman Jumbo in german they say jumbo They just sound a little different saying it because they have an accent....Kinda like me...... but if u say Jumbo perch that is how it is translated. You say jumbo yellow fish it is translated too ( Riesiger gelber Fisch )
  24. Riesige Sitzstange <<<<< Jumbo Perch. Lived there for seven years there is some great fishing on mainland Europe.
  25. Great report guys and i want fishin devils boat!!! As someone said with all this warm weather we are having could be seeing alot more reports......As for ice i am starting to think that we may not even get any again this year down our way!! Weather is sopost to be pretty mild most of this next coming week.
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