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Everything posted by nautifish

  1. Welcome back taper & a pleasure to meet ya!
  2. Well rich it is now 11.45pm i have to be up in Six hrs for work but i am still up and keep popping my head out the back door....Nothing yet.....Man i hope it aint at 3.00am in the morning not sure i can stay awake that long.....lol........ Anyone else keeping an eye on the night sky right now?
  3. Okay i mean a leader for each erea.
  4. Since anglers are the most visible near the water we are the ones who usually are blamed for it. I know it is not just fisherman Rick. But i filled a plastic carrier bag full of just fishing line today. There were tim horton cups every where,Plastic bottles, I even have on video a pile of ciggarette ends that had been dumped by the water. Unbeleviable, Broken plastic , Plastic bags. THE LIST GOES ON. And thats very nice of you to offer free webspace & time, Thankyou so much. Maybe what we need to do is try and get a volunteer leader for certain ereas and try and get so many people togeather at different tribs?
  5. Ohh trust me what i had on film was nothing. Like i allready said i could have made a video an hour long just on garbage on my travels by the water today. LUV2DRIFT...Kudo's to you and i agree Some people do need to change their attitudes. I hope that when i become a grandparent they will be able to fish with me and love it as much i do.
  6. I Live in a fabulous place called Port Dover Kemper. But i was not fishing in PD Today i was fishing another erea but not too far from Dover. About a 30 minute drive away. It really is a very beautiful erea & its such a shame that some people just do not seem to care.
  7. Exactly Kemper, & Then some fisherman,woman wonder why people will not let us fish on they're private property. I have heard quiet a few rants from fisherman about not being able to fish certain spots due to it being private property & not wanting fisherman,woman on there property. Is it any wonder when you see all this crap left behind. & Thankyou This is a serious issue, in my book it is anyway and i would like to think other people out there also. Maybe thats what i should do is try to organize a clean up of our local tribs. Thats great and nice too see. I know i'm on a bit of a rant but it really did sicken me today. Were lucky to have what we have right on our very own doorsteps.
  8. Or any for that matter...... LMDAO!!!!!!
  9. Okay enough allready. Blimey i was pretty niffed today after seeing all the garbage left around still niffed when i was putting this video togeather...Got it off my chest and now this post has turned into a how too spell post........ Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
  11. lmao Kemper.....Yes i noticed i had put an I instead of an E after i had allready put the video togeather....lol...No way was i gonna start from scratch...Its pretty time consumeing is this video marlarky ya know.....lol
  12. Well i headed out early am this morning. Fished for several hrs in different spots & locations and nothing. I guess it was pretty much the same for the other guy's i spoke to on my travels. Anyway i decided to do a short video Because i was discusted with what i saw today. I guess you could say its my little rant. But it really does Anger me to see people leave so much garbage and crap behind by our tribs & lakes. With the Amount of garbage i saw today and picked up i probably could have filmed a whole hour and i am not kidding. I think it is totally discusting and some people out there need to have better respect for the inviroment. Okay thats off my chest, I think.....lol http://www.zippyvideos.com/953239518641221...ent/*amolicious
  13. lol no whooper that was the meoters Tonight is the northern lights as long as you have clear skys...Which we do right now here in PD.....So i keep popping outside to check,,, Was also on the weather channel this evening they are saying that they could be seen as far south as California tonight because the solar flare is so powerfull. Last time i saw the northern lights was five yrs ago It was a 1st for me and i thought we were being invaded by aliens...Kinda reminded me of that movie Independence day....lol
  14. Event #79 - 13 December 2006 Issued: 05:55 UTC, 13 December 2006 SOURCE EVENT X-Class Proton Flare from Region 930 on 13 December 2006 Type II: 1534 km/sec Estimated LASCO-derived Plane of Sky Velocity: N/A ESTIMATED TIME OF ARRIVAL OF SHOCK AT EARTH Estimated Impact Window: 00:00 UTC on 14 December to 21:00 UTC on 14 December Preferred Predicted Impact Time: 07:00 UTC on 14 December (2:00 am EST on 14 December) Estimated Shock Strength (0=Weakest, 9=Strongest): 7-8 Predicted Behavior of IMF at Shock Impact At Shock Impact, the Interplanetary Magnetic Field is predicted to initially turn: NORTHWARD EVENT #79 NOTES: A major class X3.4 solar flare with associated strong radio emissions including a Type II, Type IV sweeps and an intense 44,000 sfu tenflare were observed from Region 930 at 02:41 UTC on 13 December. A prompt Ground Level Event (GLE) was associated with this event as near relativistic protons impacted the Earth's magnetic field. Although there is no LASCO imagery at the time this prediction was released, there is sufficient evidence to suggest that a high velocity coronal mass ejection was associated with this event. The initial impact will likely be associated with a strong northward turning of the Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF), which would help reduce the intensity of the geomagnetic and auroral storming that occurs immediately after the disturbance arrives. However, during the following 12 to 18 hours, the IMF is expected to rotate into a southward orientation and produce possibly strong to intense storm conditions. Geomagnetic K-indices of 6 to 9 are considered possible with this event. This is a significant event and has the potential to produce widespread manifestations of geomagnetic and auroral activity during the UTC day of 14 December (evening/early morning hours of 13/14 December over North America). I will be trying to stay up for as long as i can tonight for this one. Want to try and catch it on video.
  15. Actually ccmt Yes i have been looking. Two evenings of this week i have looked for animated gifs with females fishing and not just males..... I was starting to think that maybe i just sucked at searching for them they were out they're but could not find then. But as you can see from this post with allmost a thousand hits now.......They're has been how many POSTED? ONE?
  16. LOL No i am looking for animated cartoon kind of FEMALES either pulling in a fish or sat with rod......Not of me.......EUWW!!....LOL But thats pretty good. I can do all that with my Animation shop but like i said my spare time i like to be fishing because i don't get much of it.
  17. Glad i was out fishing all day.
  18. Well i am sat here Just crying in my cup of tea!....... ........lol Awesome pics joey Looks like you had a blast you lucky bugga......Most certainly a day you will never forget.......& I so want one of them shirts....Thats a darn sharp looking shirt. Man i would never take it off.........LMAO Will try to keep an eye out for the show xmas day for sure. And again congrads hon and happy you had a great time.... Goes back to crying in her tea! Nauti
  19. LOL Mike Givin up are ya? I told ya it was gonna be tough.......lol.......I have been looking again myself this evening and diddley squat. I would try and make some of my own with my PSP but i just do not have the spare time.....All my spare time is spent outside fishing. and thats not as much as i would like.
  20. Keram that is awesome what you did with the boat. Can i ask how wide it is? Mine is a 14ft tinny. But i am not sure it is as wide as yours....Would love to do that to my boat but not sure it has enough depth and width to it.
  21. Well goodluck Irish. I am really hopeing to have a fishing report tommorow with some actual fish in it for a change.
  22. Just wondering if anyone else is heading out to fish tommorow. Its my day off so i will be heading out early am......Going to be trying a few different spots in different ereas. Am hopeing tommorow will be a much better day than these past few weeks have....lol So fingers and toes crossed!!!
  23. lol yes once again i am looking for animated GIFS! Not gifts or photographs....lol...& i think camillj Has got lost in cyber space. He said time him its been well over an hour now, maybe we should send out a search and rescue team?......lol
  24. LOL & Goodluck.
  25. Yeah i love me fish but i was not complaing when i was given Duck,,,,MMmmmmm
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