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Everything posted by nautifish

  1. Okay well i have something to ask of you all. I am looking for a name for a new business i am thinking of starting up here in PD & am looking for a name. I have a couple in my mind but i thought i would ask all you wonderful OFC'RS ....TO see if you could come up with some names. Now i am wanting this name to be either related to port dover,the lake,or fishing. But it also has to be kinda homely if u know what i mean. Thankyou so much. Nautifish.
  2. Little trivia for ya. Did ya know that a group of Golden eagles is infact called a > Kettle of eagles. Did you also know that the golden eagle can reach speeds from 200 to 320 km/h when diving. Pretty incredible huh!
  3. I'M SO JEALOUS. LOL Nice fish tony you lucky bugga way to go!
  4. Better not be my spot or i will take the broom handle to ya again See ya in the morning.
  5. Sing well? lol You need some lessons just ask steve he played in a band for eleven yrs.... Ohhh and i can play the recorder does that count?......lol and i am told i can sing.......lol
  6. LOL RICH I nearly ended up down there myself this morning. Decided to stay in PD. But i am gonna hit that spot early am tommorow. Atleast you caught a fish all i caught was a suntan....lol......
  7. Errmmm excuse me but u left out the lovable too you brat! SLAP!!!!
  8. You have a bad side loonietune? lol
  9. A couple more photo's i took while out fishing today. Sorry there are no fish
  10. Was out for a few hrs earlier at a local spot tony and nada zippo. A couple of other fellas down there also and nothing caught. Ohhh well will give it another shot tommorow at a different location.
  11. The golden eagle is in Size - Length of about 3 feet (.92m). Weighing up to 15 pounds (7kg), with a wing span of up to 7 feet (2m). Being a great hunter, the golden eagle seldom eats carrion. Its hunting territory extends up to 162 square miles (260 square km). Diet - Groundhogs, marmots, foxes, skunks, cats, rabbits, grouse, ground squirrels, crows, pheasants, meadowlarks, tortoises, and snakes.
  12. That is a Golden eagle those birds of prey are huge. Make my MaCaw look like a budgie. I kept birds of prey for allmost six yrs back in the UK used to help out a local birds of prey rescue. They are awesome birds so much power & majestic at the same time. That really is a neat shot.
  13. LMDAO!!!!! OHHHH THAT WAS GOOD. Me i am just as crazy in real life as i am on the net.........But lovable with it.
  14. Well i would not have left him there no! But i may have been a few hrs late. Joey if i do not catch a fish soon i am gonna blow a gasket....lol.........Am hopeing to get out for a few this avo. It is 13 0c here in PD. I left the house at 6.30am this morning could not beleive how warm it was outiside. So i may go hit a favorite spot of mine locally and try for some perch. I would love to take the boat out on the inner bay today but no one to go with me and i don't take the boat out on my own. So maybe if the weather stays fair and the winds stay down i can give her a shot out on the bay over the weekend.
  15. Nope no trout fishing which is why i was not useing my noodle rod.....Just a minnow on a small hook seeing what would bite and as usual bloody nothing...I did try a couple of rapellas and nothing on them either....lol.......The only reason my rod was rested on the stick is because i had forgotton my rod holder and just wanted to take a pic.....lol Anyway i beleive we are forcast rain tommorow but the weather man is allways wrong so i will wait and see what the weather brings tommorow and hopefully get out for a few hrs. Would rather be outside then stuck inside especially with this weather we are having. Happy fishing.
  16. Well headed out this morning to fish yet again. Got myself set up. I changed rods as i took two down with me. Also changed my set up crikey i don't know how many times....lol.......Three hrs pass so i move. Throw my line in again. Sat waiting. When all of a sudden i could hear these cute little buggas. So i grab my cam and start to follow both a nut cracker and a woodpecker..... Neither of them seemed to care i was there and i was surprised how close they let me get actually. So after chaseing these little cuties around for like 40 minutes...lol i decided to do some filming........Which is yet to be done and edited. I also thought i would take a few scenery shots of the river. I cannot sit or stand for too long before i get bored.....lol... So after 4 hrs of nothing. I decided to pack it in and head to toronto airport to pick up my son. The sun was starting to set as i left the river so i took these picture also. Tommorow i am out house hunting with my boy who just got back from Europe but am hopeing to get out again for the day friday. Its really sucky getting skunked like this.....I am beginning to think i am cursed never to catch a fish again....lol
  17. Could not agree more with what carp said. It is beautiful and when someone puts that much time and energy into something for you personally you know its from the heart. You are most certainly one very lucky fella.
  18. You have one to many last night Tjsa?....lol
  19. lol chriS How can u not possibly love the macorena?.......lol Its a great tune.
  20. Well i thought i would add a couple of pics and some short video clips all rolled into one to share of my 2006. These are only a few of many that i have.
  21. lol @ sad....Heck no i have spent most of my evening fighting with my windows movie maker,,,,,grrrrrrrrrrrrrr I had my days OF being out all night on new yrs being the designated driver every year because i do not drink and still feeling like a i had a damn hang over the next morning......Something really wrong there....lol......fUNNY THING IS I REMEMBER when my mom hit my age and me and my sisters used to think she was old and boreing because she was not out partying like me and my sisters and now look at me......lol....same age as she was back then when we thought she was old and boreing.....lol & i am at home. My boy's are all out doin there own thing i am quiet happy to be here at home...
  22. HAPPY NEW YEAR Right back @ ya tracker and all the best for 2007
  23. Jumps up and down hysterically waving arms up in the air.....and yells at the top of her lungs too all ofnrs whilst she lets of party poppers and streamers.......lol HAPPPPPYYYYYY............NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Whooooooo.hooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
  24. I never give up sean. NEVER!! & THANX......
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