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Everything posted by nautifish

  1. Beauty pike snag.......Would love to get down ur neck of the woods to fish for some pike but man thats a heck of a drive if i don't catch a dern fish.......lol
  2. Nope but i have a windstar that will seat Eight will that do?......lol
  3. Those fish better be careful with you around. HA!!! YEAH I WISH........LOL HF Thanx so much....& how come you have not yet got ur line wet?
  4. In our county it takes over an hour to drive from one end to another. At night there are only 2 cruisers on the road so how much help can you possibly get even if they ever get to you. Yup a freind of mine was driving home from work a few months back about 11.00pm. She lives out in the country and anyway a dog ran out infront of her which caused her to be run off the road. THE DOG WAS KILLED AND HER CAR WAS Totaled. She was injured and the front end the her car had been smashed up as she hit a tree and her leg was stuck under the dash. About ten minutes later a farmer comes out sees his dog dead on the side of the road and then he starts to go off at her. Here she is injured in a car because of this farmers dog and he is going crazy. She was frightened out of her wits.......She managed to call 911 It took and hr and a half for opp to get to her an hr and a half.......That is just downright discusting. Anyway she is well THANK GOODNESS farmer ended up paying all costs but its HAS scared her for life....... Sorry to hear about the breakins.
  5. Welcome to the forum lakeman & a happy new yr to you also.....I agree not looking like we will have much of a ice season here, and if we do i think it will be a very short lived one. Temps are cooling off this week but i hear they are sopost to go back up again in about a weeks time.......Just have to wait and see. Again welcome aboard and look forward to seeing some of your fishing reports.
  6. HF I live in Port dover southwestern ontario and we have them.
  7. LOL Greencoach you aint kiddin it was about time....lol....& THANX. SNAG I was way more than happy.....lol...... CCMT Thats awesome........Well done now i am itching to get back out again hopefully for a few hrs tommorow time permitting......... lol tjsa Hey i caught some fish today thats all i care.....lol.......
  8. Well we had no ice fishing last winter due to no ice. But the yr before that headed out with myself and five other fellas.........ICE FISHING AND ALL THAT WAS CAUGHT ALL DAY WAS ONE LOUSEY MUDPUPPY LOL & i got to watch a molsens canadian beer can bloody rock back N fourth all day down my icehole. Did have pictures but lost em all because a virus last yr.
  9. lol sean trust me one thing i will never ever lose is my fishing fever & thanx so much both of you. Joey lol grl really i am like still pumped over this afternoons fishing......If only every day could be like today.........And the 1st week of january no ice around and mild outside.......Crazy! Setomonkey thankyou........It sure does feel good to finally have caught one after what seems a lifetime.....lol...
  10. Thankyou pam..... Those are some great names.....Am really likeing the fish N tell Inn.
  11. Way to go Corn.......Feels damn good finally catching ur 1st fish of 2007 huh!
  12. Good luck DSN..... Clampet no fish to clean.....I am a catch & release kinda gal unless of course its a perch. As for excited if you had of seen me you would have thought i had won a million on the lottery....lol
  13. Decided to stay home this morning get a little done round the house catch getting hooked on OLN with my cuppa cha & all that before i headed out. 11.30am came everything done got the truck loaded up and off i went.........Went to one of my favorite spots was not there long when i pulled in this little beauty. & lemme tell you i was so damn happy when i landed this guy........A local couple were walking by with there dog and looking at me like i was crazy i was so overjoyed i finally caught my 1st fish of 2007 and a pike to boot. So changed my lure started to cast again got another hit which was another pike but i lost it..... But i was pumped i had caught a pike so missing the second hit so did not really matter. An hr passes so i decided to change lures yet again amd move to another spot when i caught this little bass.....No monster but with all the skunks i have had just latley hell i did not care.....Was still a little beauty. Seen a few fish being pulled in today from perch to bass and my one pike.......I did see one guy pull in a beauty bass and kept a close eye on him to make sure he released it which he did. So in all a great afternoon out by the water. I am so bloody chuffed you have no idea......lol.......
  14. lol walley there are some good ones in there and funny ones actually....... Not sure i would go with the come sleep with us...... lol I am taking down the names.......Gonna see if anyone else comes up with more.......Once i have a few i will try to narrow it down from their. Thanx so much again everyone Its really very much appreciated
  15. I think spiders are awesome. Black widows are beautiful especially the females. Two summer's ago found one actually nesting in my kicten window at the top of one of my blinds.....I was cleaning them when she actually came at me luckily i was faster than her but she did scare the damn bejeeber's outta me. I hated to do it but ended up spraying spider spray where she was because i did not fancy hundreds in my kitchen a few months later......
  16. That was just awesome. Beautiful up there and so are the fish. Thanx so much for shareing.
  17. yes mike and also the rooms i will be renting
  18. yup a few of us in chat come in and say hi ;)
  19. lol rick u know how many times us dovertites hear that?.....lol Nauti in dover. lol Not sure that would sound like a B&B LOL
  20. shakes head Sighs..... lol
  21. I like the ..............reel nice inn I think there is allready a dover shores or something similair here. I also like the fish & whislte. This is really hard because once i decide on a name i am not going to be able to change it. & i am looking for a name that will really pop out at me.
  22. LOL okay now i somehow think that would not be very suitable....lol......Keep em coming guys ur doing great and thanx so much again.
  23. lol Joey. Don't need them immediatley........I just wanted to see what else everyone else could come up with. Am looking to open for early spring. & thanx alot hon.
  24. ohhh and i also need names for rooms.....THERE WILL BE THREE in total......but again i am really wanting names that are related to fishing......So i am also looking for names for each room. I am not into grly floral names. To many of them allready.......anyway.....lol So i am looking more along the lines of outdoor fun names. Once i have decided on names i want to decorate these rooms so that they fit the names i choose.
  25. Actually joey hun not selling. I am looking for names for a B&B I would really like a name that is related to the lake dover and fishing because we have such great fishing here.
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