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Everything posted by Handlebarz

  1. Same to you Lew I did not even know it was today heck I have had 1 1/2 weeks off work and have no clue hat days are what. I hope everyone here at the OFC family have a great new year.
  2. Dang another fisherman taken I hope where he headed to has some great open water for him to rest on. RIP Jack
  3. LOL I never thought of a fuzzy through the ice. Nice to see some getting out on the hard water. All my ice plans so far have fallen through I hope to get out before the new year.
  4. Dang that sucks I hope ya get it back. I had never thought of adding my name inside of my tackle bags or boxes before but maybe it would be a great idea just in case you get a good person that finds it you might have a chance of it making it home again.
  5. Merry Christmas everyone the kids just got done with there gifts and i finished setting up Mikey's race track time to play.
  6. So here I was responding to Brian's thread about Christmas and thought I heard something in the back room I played it off as nothing but heard another noise and knew I had better check after I post my reply. I guess I should have got off my arse sooner but did not and I missed out on the picture every kid has tried to get the big guy in red was already here and I missed him because I was on OFC surfing the web DANG you OFC and Brian for the other thread. Well I did get some pics of what he left and also had to take a pic of my sons letter to him the big guy in red did not get to the cookies so I know I was close to finding him here I will be up for a few more hours trying to catch him just in case he wants the oreo's. His letter said dear Santa I give you then the heart I guess he knows Santa does not need a long letter just get to the goodies and get out of here LOL. Oh yeah the envelope has 3 wood Christmas ornaments he made for Santa he used a envelope from his B-Day last month and just crossed out his name and added Santa it was so neat to see his eyes when he came up with the idea. Oh to be 6 again and have such belief that there is so much good out there.
  7. Brian as a kid I was always awake very early and was not afraid to get everyone up to let them know that Santa was here and he left alot of presents but we have been lucky Jade never got up early and Mikey has been the same way heck I am usually the one waking them up it sucks to sit there waiting for the kids to get up LOL. I guess I am trying to say i would love a 4am wake up call from him. Cheers
  8. Yep we have been tracking him since he was in Australia early today Mikey just went to bed so excited I know he has not been this pumped for the fat guy in red it will be a great day tomorrow. Merry Christmas everyone.
  9. I love a nice 1.5-2" T bone but for all around easy cookin steak its hard to beat a strip we would buy them uncut and do it at home which is always great as the wife likes a thinner 1" so i can make them how ever needed. Med Rare for me or closer to the rare side is not a problem. Some spice montreal or other that i have is great. Well its off to the store for some ribs that are on sale as we are having them for the wifes side of Christmas on the 26th we always do something different as 3 days of turkey sucks.
  10. Merry Christmas guys hope 2011 is a great year for Off the Dock toons
  11. Dang Brian that sucks maybe they will find something on Cameron or another musky lake like LSC LOL.
  12. Hey Aaron at least you got out again that would have been more fun then working all day best part about today is there is one less day until 2011 season.
  13. Our FAST cards for crossing the boarder has the same thing but they come with a sleeve that keeps a signal from getting out and can not be scanned when you have it inside the cover.
  14. Dang here I am sitting around waiting for enough snow to get the blower out the blast we had this past weekend had me digging the shovels out and blower is ready now to go but all I did was shovel off the side step that was enough until the next monster storm of Chatham kent LOL I dont think snow likes this area but thats OK with me.
  15. Nice going Aron it looks like it was a great day out there for you guys.
  16. Dang now that is awesome very nice work Maureen
  17. what the hell we have a snow day at work today YEEHAW and heck we dont have that much snow on the ground but the blowing snow is making the HWY icy and for once the drivers have stuck together and called it quits for the day its about time our drivers stick together. I love the snow but would rather sit and watch the other people slip and slide on the roadways. bad side for me I will be out there around midnight tonight hitting the roads to make up for missing today.
  18. Paul them words hold true for myself also as I have made so many great friends over the years here most will be life long even if we only get to meet once in a while and others not at all but from the stories we share it feels like were closer then I am with my neighbors. Merry Christmas to all OFC'ers Cheers mike
  19. Lew and yourself are right these are some of the best I have ever seen Tony had started making them again just before his wife got sicker then passed this year I dont know if he is going to give it another try or just stop for good I have not heard what he is doing I hope he keeps going.
  20. When we got out Lab last year my wife was racking her head for a name she kept asking me what a good name was I just kept telling her to wait until we meet the dog we will get and the name will be right there with the dog and sure enough when she picked out our Lab the son of the breeder was looking at him and said with paws that big your going to be a BRUISER the wife and I looked at each other and sure enough it stuck so now Bruiser is alomst 100lbs and crashes everything just like his old man LOL. That is a cute pup and I am sure he will make a great life long friend hope the name comes soon for ya.
  21. the way things are looking down here we might just get a real ice fishing season this year hope ya get some real ice soon
  22. My daughter has not been to happy since I bought a snowblower 2 years ago as the snow is packed down to much to make a good hill for there fort I feel bad about that but my back feels alot better when I put the blower away after just 20 min of work LOL
  23. Dang that was a great read and congrats again to you Dale that is yet another fish of a life time it goes to show that you have to put in the time to get the big girls. Cheers Mike
  24. Great fall report Ben congrats on the end of another season.
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