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Everything posted by Handlebarz

  1. Didder last night hope it all goes great for ya looking forward to the future of OTD toons
  2. I think its around 5pm but could be wrong Dax will know for sure and I am sure he will answer here also.
  3. Dang Wayne I know I have not been posting alot on this but my heart has always been here. I hope all goes well or as good as can be we are thinking about Jennifer.
  4. 28??? I thought it was 32 Oh wait I guess it is now with the family we will be there with the dog in tow. I dont know if I will bring the boat or just fish from shore we will figure that out closer to the date either way we will be there for the weekend. Looking forward to it for sure. Ryan are you getting stickers made? I will take some and place them with pride on my boat
  5. I will also say that Luremaking.com is the best place to look for your parts Steve and his crew are super fast and very friendly the site has alot of helpful info to get you started. I should wake up tomorrow to a package sitting on the step
  6. Heck I never thought that the wives and kids were not involved. I guess I am just so used to having the family with me I never think to ask if they are welcome LOL. I wonder how many places we have gone to and were not supposed to be there I guess the people got over it LOL.
  7. Best post of the weekend for sure
  8. Perfect store that is hard but things I like to see would be. Good quality products not cheap junk that is not worth the time to look at or waist of shelf space. If a person wants junk the $$$ and some department store's have it. Fishing line that is well priced and good quality not alot of Red wolf style brands You dont need 50 different styles of mono. Real world prices some places that have quality stuff but also make 100% markup in there stores. There is one store here int eh Belle River area that is no longer in business and he was the worst for mark up. If it was my store I would take my fair share but not break the customers bank and they will be back and also send there friends. Product that is used in the area that the store is located I dont need to find shark hooks in the Kawartha lakes stores. I like to see local stuff or ideas that are used for fishing the area. That is how I found out about gulp turtle back worms the guy at Andersons pro bait in Port Huron told me about them, around 3 years ago and they have been amazing here on LSC and all the way up to nippising. Friendly staff that knows the product not much worse then going into a store and the kid working is to busy on his crack berry and has not clue or could care less what you need. For rods and reels I would think you need a mix of high end stuff and good quality mid range stuff as well as some kids rod/reel combos (yes I know alot of them are junk but this is different kids need it to get hooked into fishing then they can move on to the good stuff) I guess it depends on the area your in for special stuff, but like my other points I would rather see 5 different styles of musky lures that will be used, rather then 20 different ones that will sit in my box and never see the water. This goes for other lures also. I guess these are a few things I can think of I am sure there are more.
  9. This is so saddening my heart is breaking just thinking of her and what she has gone through I just hope that there is some way that she made it to safety. My thoughts are also being sent to her family I could not imagine what they are going through right now.
  10. just got in from the shop there is 4" of water all around it I know because its built on 2X4's and the water is sitting right at the bottom of the plywood. Busy building baits and making parts for the lures to be assembled also taking a road trip to get some stuff for the Muskies Canada Odyssey. family day as we are all together.
  11. Welcome aboard Roy as the others have said we have a big group in the Ottawa area. Hope you and your son get into some good fish this year. The carp show is in a few weeks up your way that would be a good place to start looking for fishing info.
  12. Dang Glen when you come down here to LSC bring the Shelby and when were done touring around in her we can get out fishing. Nice collection for sure. BTW Welcome aboard
  13. how is the shore fishing? and how is the camping for tents? I really hope to get there with the family for camping. Are dogs allowed? The wife just asked if she could win a prize as I was asking my questions I replied YES you could win some Handlebarz she was not impressed but I let her know the there would be FOF stuff she went crazy LOL I guess Dave does more for her then me
  14. WOW I thought that some one would have seen them or had some ideas what happened. Wayne if you can wait until after the Muskies Canada Odyssey I can exchange some of the 8's that were in the auction and make 10's to replace a couple I would give ya 3 10's and 3 8's. One thing about the 8's that were in the pack there were not many of them made last year with the bead on top and this year I am not doing them that way. The double 10 that was in the pack was the only one of that pattern made yet, so maybe I will change that with different beads so that these baits will be easy to spot if some one is fishing them. I hope that some one comes forward with the baits (not that I don't want to replace them that is the least I can do) but just so we know that some low life did not take advantage of this mishap.
  15. That is awesome news hope it keeps going that way
  16. Been her many times before but here ya go again
  17. Ok Paul since you apologized for Lew's post earlier today I will stay around here and not go to the site that does not like to eat fish because fish feel pain or what ever other crap they write on them sings that left 4 birds,two squirrel, 1 big fat raccoon and a skunk homeless but non the less they do make nice signs with that wood. Sorry i was thinking with the wrong side of my head hope it made ya feel a little bit better to know your not the only one off the rocker around here.
  18. Brian I am sure we can get tickets to ya before the odyssey.
  19. STOP READING IT Monique Lew yelled at me can you please give him a time out my feelings are hurt. I think I will be leaving now I know there is a site out there that would not let this stuff happen they care about my feelings and dont eat fish sund like a better place I'm gone.
  20. Dang that sure is not a good thing we will get things corrected if they are not returned Wayne. I hope that it was someone from the site that has them and just did not get a chance to return them.
  21. that is a awesome shot for sure
  22. I thought this place was alot further away for us but its not that bad even if we can not get out for the weekend maybe I can get out for the day with my daughter. Thanks for the kind words on the baits Dan I will get some of the 10's out for the event this year also.
  23. Dang Ryan I missed this over the weekend as I was not on the puter but thought something was up when reading the follow up post I am truly glad to know the outcome of this. Thoughts are still heading your way for your Grand mother
  24. Great to here it Ryan congrats to you guys. Now get out there before the ice is gone
  25. Well I hope that we can make it this year it is a better time for us but it depends on how the weeks before make out as I am trying to head to Ottawa the week before if I do then it might be tight for getting out to this event. Either way I will get some of my baits there for the prize table.
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