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Everything posted by Handlebarz

  1. I use them every trip out on LSC I use them from 4-20 FOW they do work awesome for deep musky that want to eat. They are not my go to starting lure but get used early and under high sun. I Remember hearing years ago that a musky over 50" can swim 5'or6' with one swipe of its tail. It does not take much to get to the surface with a couple swooshes. Last year I had boated 3 musky lost 7 more and all were on the top water after 9am. I could not get them to bite on anything else after fishing 4 hours I finally went to my top raider.
  2. Chris yes I got it just need to remember to use it lol John I hope everyone reads my thread before your reply that could go wrong in a hurry. But your right I was happy to see the teenagers on Cameron lake. Roy it's uploading as we head back to the lake for round two
  3. Thats 100% what its all about right there. Very nice day I would say.
  4. Well she can not get mad at me for steeling her fish today but she is still not pleased with me as I skunked her again What can I say I was lucky and stuck all but 1 of my fish. The day started off with a awesome sun rise and little wind. around 7:30 I had the first fish in the boat after a couple follows she hit. I cant wait to do the video as it was a awesome strike from out of no where she came and ate the bait 1 min after I let her go I hook into this mid 30" class fish Teenagers as I call them well the wife was not happy at all she did get a few follows but no takers, around 9am after I had a few more follows I get this teenage fish smack my bait The wife is not not pleased at all she keeps casting her arse off and finnaly gets one on but to her displeasure she looses it (there will be no video of that) It was my turn again I had a few more follows nothing big all teenagers that follow and go under the boat but this one came back and ate my bait the video is cool of it also. I will get the video up later if anyone wants to see it. It was a great day we left the dock around 6:10 and were back to the dock a little after 10am before the heat of the day showed up. Now its nap time then back at it tonight.
  5. Sorry just noticed I have the same picture for the two 46" fish here is the other one.
  6. Your right there John as I was so sad that I caught the fish that was following dannas lure I would much rather see her catch the fish. Thanks Joey
  7. Big difference did you do a comparison with a camera flash?
  8. Now that sounds like a awesome job contests Dan
  9. Looking forward to it Will. Mid September is awesome depending on the weather.
  10. Dang will not open on my phone. Sounds like a great time congrats on the new PB
  11. Thanks MJL once you hook 1 you to will be hooked. Thanks Jim I'm looking forward to seeing you guys again. Frank I hope we can hookup at some point but you are always gone up north lol. Good luck on this trip.
  12. Ron with the schools of silver bass and tons of SM it's hard to keep going on the slow days NOT!!! Yes I'm addicted to the next one. Landry You are correct people do look at St. Clair as a easy lake to fish. Yes there are a lot of fish out here and you can get good numbers but to be consistent all the time takes a lot of work and time on the water. I have a lot of hours on the water each year and do come home stumped many times fishing six hours with no fish no follows just moving spot to spot paying attention to what I see around me that is the key paying attention to the little details. Keeping in mind wind direction water temperature baitfish water clarity weeds and depth all make for better decisions. Then there is the moonphase local weather current weather whether coming and days before whether it all makes a huge difference where to fish each day. CP yes I fish all the above spots you mentioned. Mostly middle lake open water
  13. Awesome
  14. Very nice congrats
  15. Thanks Blade and Phil and Ron I am getting one I hope it does well for me as I need it to cut that glare with all the follows it would be awesome to have clear view of them. Im also working on some other things to try and get better footage I like the head cam better now but I still dont like how much I look around but I have to to keep doing what I am doing out there. Well off to bed soon as I will be out before the moon sets and the sun rises 4:30 cant come fast enough
  16. Oh and the wife is happy she got the only fish tonight.
  17. Your right there George Rizzo that's what I'm doing tomorrow I have the day off so it's musky time
  18. Lol sure if I remember to use it. Maybe next year we can accept any OFC OFC logo
  19. Well it was another awesome weekend fishing Lake St.Clair Saturday morning I took my daughter out casting musky she is running the Abu Toro winch like a champ she needs more work on distance but that will come with time. We fished for a hour or so then she wanted to try for some small fish it was not long before she hit this silver bass I'm surprised she only go the one. We switched spots and tried for musky I ended up getting this one it was 41" That was it for us in the morning we did have a lot of follows and she had her first follow of the year that was fun to watch and get on the GoPro. I went back out Saturday night by myself and had a great time boating a little guy right away on a Mammoth Handlebarz it was cool to watch this little fish eat a big bait. I did not take a picture of it but do have video on You Tube of the fight. I raised a few more fish then sunk the hooks into a great looking 51"X23" bad picture but I have good video I just need to remember how to take still shots from my gopro. I then got a 46"X21" that I did not get a good picture of either I had my camera set on Program mode which I figured out when I got home and due to the light it sucked but again I do have good video and can pull stills from the GoPro when I get time to figure it out. Sunday morning came around and it was my wife's turn to come out fishing we were on the water by 5 something and having a awesome time the winds were great the water was awesome and the fish were moving just not committing they were slow to follow and would usually stop or turn away as soon as they saw the boat. First fish was just as some jack AZZ blasted up on us full throttle and stopped right in front of our boat yes directly on our path we were working. I did not take a picture of it just let it out of the net it was around 40" we do have nice video of it and I cut my cometary out I never yelled at him as they did the same thing to Jade and I the day before but this time they had a little girl with them. Any way it takes all kinds of tools to make any day interesting. Oh yeah back to the musky I was casting a disco inferno Double 10 and felt something nudge the bait this is totally cool when the big fish do this as you know they are about to EAT and she did she had the bait totally in her mouth (this is another reason my 10's are made with 1 treble hook) I had a quick fight as I horsed her in due to fear of a break off I use 130# Florocarbon leaders but was still in fear of something bad the wife does a great net job and I boat a 52"X20 1/2" Well the wife is now wanting to get on the board more then anything but before she can I hook into another nice musky about 10 min after I released the 52"this one was a great looking 46"X19" the wife again did a awesome net job and Im on the board again Well the wife is so unhappy as she has only had follows and none that looked like they would eat for her. That was about to change I was watching her reel in her line and saw a very nice thick fish follow her bait to the boat she went right into the figure 8 this fish was HOT and needed a meal of steel and flash it was right on the bait in her figure 8 but then it turned away and headed to the back of the boat where I was (yes she kicked me to the back of the boat so she could catch fish LOL) my bait was heading right at the fish but it turned to head back to hers I paused so that it would not see my bait BAD MOVE as this got the fishes attention and it just crushed my lure but I did set the hook adn start to back pedal with the wife but she would have none of that I was in trouble BIG TIME. But I did show her that you can get fish from the back of the boat this one was a fat 46"X20 1/2" Well were back at it and Im trying to not get another fish as I have 4 for the day but the follows keep coming I did get another fish that was around 40" I took a picture just because this was the first time she called me Sweetheart (YES RON it was from the Heart) Release shot of the last fish from the day It was a awesome time on the weekend and I am so sorry that I boater her fish but like I tell her at least now she knows she lost a 46"X20 1/2" that still does not go over good LOL. We are heading out soon for some action tonight lets hope she gets on in the boat or I'm mud. Here are the videos from fishing with the wife I hope you all enjoy
  20. Thanks guys one thing Im trying to do is not move my head so much but its hard to do. I also am still messing with the lighting from the two cameras as that 51" would have been awesome footage but its dark I hope to find a program to lighten the section up to make it better to see the follow as it was awesome watching her eat. Thanks Glen I enjoy sharing my trips out its fun and has helped me learn what I'm doing wrong like yesterday when I pulled the bait from the fishes mouth it was funny she hit then stopped with her mouth open for a couple seconds so I thought lets just take the bait out of her mouth and save the hook up LOL Yes this has been a hot color I did custom for a friend last year Im still not sure he has caught anything on it yet just this year I have 51" 52" 54" 3X46" 48" then alot of teenagers as I call them the ones between 35-43" that are just nuts to catch. For the ones wondering yes I do use alot of other baits I use bulldogs bondy baits sledges woodies water wolf tubes and shadzillas and different topwaters but as of lately the bit has been 99% Handlebarz.
  21. Here is a video from muskiemike caught Saturday night.
  22. That's alot better I will look into it. What about these online places?
  23. Do you have to be a member for Cosco?
  24. Hey all I know Walmart and other stores do pictures but the prices of 8x10's are very high any more. I was wondering if anyone has a source to get them done any cheaper then almost $4 per picture. Thanks Mike
  25. Awesome John I can't wait to see the episode
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