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Everything posted by Garyv

  1. Wonder if it's housebroken?
  2. I asked my wife about dumb mottoes and she said when I tell her "Why would you want anyone else when you have the best in me!"
  3. If it sounds to good to be true than it probably is...I highly doubt it's for real and if it is make sure he has paid all the Canadian taxes on the Oklahoma boat as you will be when you go to register it....Naw ain't gonna happen because the deals a fake.
  4. Had a wonderful day that started last night. Put some new ball valves and junctions on a hot water heater in one of our apts. as the old valve was leaking and water was dripping down to the first floor commercial business. While in the apt unclogged all the drains, new washers in the taps, and lastly and bled all the air ( the unit only had about 20% water in it ) off one of the 2 radiators. Still have one more but may call a plumber as the previous tenant did me a favour and reefed the flow through valve off so tightly that the stem snapped at the knob.
  5. Yesterday on the dirt roads I do, the snow made plowing a pain as the ground underneath was thawed causing the blade to dig in. The snow acted like insulation and it would be as bad if not worse ( as shown in the pictures ) if it was covering an already slushy section of ice. Be Careful!!!!!
  6. That about sums up Lee....only thing I would add is Lost in the 60's
  7. Sorry for your famlies loss.
  8. Sorry this is happening, wishing your family the best. If at all possible try to do as much as you can while he is able. He will enjoy himself and you will have good memories that will last you the reat of your life.
  9. We just rented on of our apt units to a woman who moved here. She went to "Ontario works" and they are helping her with the required deposits ( yes we had to give her a letter ) and finding a job.
  10. 1986
  11. Where's the Walmart? Enjoyed the pictures!
  12. What!!! Muskies don't practice catch and release!
  13. AIN'T IT THE TRUTH!!? Joe Smith started the day early having set his alarm clock (MADE IN JAPAN ) for 6am. While his coffeepot (MADE IN CHINA ) was perking, he shaved with his electric razor (MADE IN HONG KONG ). He put on a dress shirt (MADE IN SRI LANKA ), designer jeans (MADE IN SINGAPORE ) and tennis shoes (MADE IN KOREA ) After cooking his breakfast in his new electric skillet (MADE IN INDIA ) he sat down with his calculator (MADE IN MEXICO ) to see how much he could spend today. After setting his watch (MADE IN TAIWAN ) to the radio (MADE IN INDIA ) he got in his car (MADE IN GERMANY ) filled it with GAS (from Saudi Arabia ) and continued his search for a good paying CANADIAN JOB. At the end of yet another discouraging and fruitless day checking his Computer (Made In Malaysia ), Joe decided to relax for a while. He put on his sandals (MADE IN BRAZIL ) poured himself a glass of wine (MADE IN FRANCE ) and turned on his TV (MADE IN INDONESIA ), and then wondered why he can't find a good paying job in CANADA ...
  14. Looks like a fox to me...we have lots around here.
  15. You might have lucked out with the weather. Now that it's warmer out look for where the snow has melted 1st on the grass and hammer in a piece of steel or bar stock to see if you hit it. You also can usually follow the out line from the tank to the distributor box or header since that will usually have melted as well. Keep in mind that not only can a full tank cause the problem but something has to clog the run/distributor/or dispersement lines for the unit to back up.
  16. A few of the people that live around me have purchased Kia's in the last year or so, all seem to be very satisfied. My buddy has their version of the mini van and he and his wife just love it.
  17. Great to hear and it sure looks like he will be up to his old tricks very soon. Dogs seem to have amazing recuperative powers after surgery. When his buddy comes back he will be a very happy dog.
  18. Before I purchased one I asked lew about his. He told me the chip does not cover west of highway 64 but he was satisfied with the detail east. Perhaps you should PM him about it. Also make sure the $99 is not the 2006 chip as there are far less lakes on it. Oops guess Lew beat me
  19. I may have a bigger one somewhere with me but this is all I carry in the boat. Done it for 15+ years with no problems.
  20. Don't think mines to hard to figure out!
  21. Glad your home...now just do what they tell you and stay positive positive positive!!!!!!
  22. Like many brands people have their preferences on which is a better unit for the money. I've had some of both and for some reason just prefer the eagle/lowrance units.
  23. After being in the same situation for the last 9 months all I can say is hang in there and try your best to keep everything as positive as possible. One of my surgeons said it best...medicine is not an exact science, everyone is different and sometimes we have to fine tune our treatment. It's hard to accept and do but being positive should help you in the long run. My thoughts are with you.
  24. Heres hoping for a speedy recovery with no lasting side effects.
  25. I'm sure all all will be fine. Better to have it done now than once spring fishing arrives!
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