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Everything posted by uglyfish

  1. let me get back to u on this one bud! gotta cxheck with the boss and see how work will be.
  2. a seagul on a soft plastic jerkbait, another on a topwater popper. a goose on a spinnerbait. a cormorant on a crankbait, 2 massive snapping turtles, a folding lawnchair, steel drum, half of aa old fishng rod, keys, sunglasses and a camera a guy dropped off the dock lol, so i got them for him. only rare fish was a big mouth buffalo a couple years ago.
  3. Haha, actually I watch all the games and live in stoney creek. Schenn has been the best player all year. Grabovski has scored a career high in goals. True. And some beauties and timely goals. However, a lot of his goals are the result of the excellant play of macarthur and kulemin. Both of whom have been 2 of the best players on the ice each nite. For all the goals grabovski has scored, he's caused twice as many with his poor defensive play, bad turnovers or just plain stupid penalties. Kaberle is a great puck mover. Has a wicked shot when he uses it and can thread a needle with a pass. But he is a poor defenseman. He should have been moved up to the wing years ago. He's too soft in his own end. Maybe u all should watch the game more closely and not base a players season on a few goals scored. More to the game then that!
  4. i for one am glad tosee him go. glad that they got as much as they did for him. considering how bad he is defensively and his bad play this year. now, if we can just ge rid of grabovski we'll be in good shape!
  5. Ill be golfing friday at an indoor place for a "work bonding time". Sat and/or sunday ill be at the fishing show checkin out the goodies, seeing some friends and working a booth or 2. Monday... Maybe ill go fishing! Lol
  6. this isgonna be a good show and some great speakers and seminars!! for anyone looking for info on walleye fishing, i would strongly suggest checking out the Walleye Academy with Bob Devine of chartertalk guide service, Grant McCallister of G2 and Sheldon Hatch of Ezelo Walleye Adventures. They will be covering all aspects of walleye fishing. If u ever wanted to know how to troll for walleye, jig them up, get them through the ice... this is the seminar to see! it will be held on the Sufix stage, friday at 3:30, saturday, sunday and monday all at 1:45pm. hope to see lots of guys out at the show this weekend!
  7. most baitcast reels will do just fine for ya. a 300 curado is a great choice, even finding a saltwater baitcaster can be an excellant choice due to line capacity and drag. for rods, take ur pick, shimano has a bunch that will be great and made for muskie, st croix premier muskie rods are awesome and good price on them too.
  8. lol its kinda pointless asking for opinions on what rod or reel to get.... too many guys have a hard-on for shimano and all u get are bias opinions from shimano guys
  9. quantum energy pti30, solid reel. looks great and performs even better. i believe its a bit cheaper then the stradic and in my opinion is better then the stradic. as for a rod, really depends on what ur lookin to use it for .
  10. nope, hes gonna be in lousiana for the bassmaster classic as the emcee.
  11. Quantum energy pt or quantum smoke pt.
  12. The Hamilton Bassmasters would like to welcome Mike Desforges to our next chapter meeting. Date: Tuesday, February 8 Time: 7:00pm - 9:00pm Location: Club G (865 Upper James Street, Hamilton) - at Mohawk/Upper James Intersection, in plaza behind Wendy's Mike will be participating in a Question and Answer session with those in attendance. Mike has promised to hold nothing back! Here is a link to Mike's website: http://mikedesforges.com/ If you have any questions email: [email protected], [email protected]
  13. I would think its the sledder that is liable. Not really any different then having a car parked on the street and another motorist hitting it. U have to be aware of ur surroundings and in complete control at all times when operating any motor vehicle. How is him hitting ur hut that u placed on the ice any different then him running through u sitting beside a hole fishing with no hut there? Are u liable for his carelessness because u were standing on the ice?
  14. Marvin, u fishing with blake again this year?
  15. Full report later.... But fishing at bayfront with my son rite now, and just as we landed a nice little pike, got a visit to the hut by a conservation officer!! First time I have personally seen one in the field but it was fantastic to chat with him and see they are making their way to the bay more often. Checked my license, chatted a bit more then was on his way.
  16. Wells has never lived up to the greatness he was supposed to be. He was supposed to be the next centerfield superstar, 5 tool player. Never happened. I'm amazed he wasn't traded sooner. Although, when u GM signs u to a ridiculous contract... Its easy to see why no one wanted to sign a 150 million doller .250 avg 15hr 70 rbi player lol
  17. lol, no that was said based on my use of the rods. as i mentioned, i wouldnt stand by a product or use it if i didnt have confidence in it.
  18. guys, ernie does FANTASTIC work on these rods!
  19. im prostaff with backwoods rods. they are quality rods i can assure u. all the rods i use were designed by me and made to my specs. dan does his best to make sure each customer is 100% satisfied from beginning to end. and the rods, are well priced, especially for a custom made rod. the blanks are very strong and sensative and the components used in the build are very high quality. if i can find my freakin camera, ill snap some pics of my rods for u. and if ur close by, im in hamilton and i would be more then happy to meet up with anyone interested in seeing the finished product and hold one of the rods. i have caught several fish on the rods and love them. i used to use quantum and st croix rods. since using the backwods rods i sold my other rods. i may be prostaff, so it sounds lik im just sellinga product. BUT i am a very picky person when it comes to any sporting gear i use, and i wouldnt use somethin i didnt believe it. i have caught my biggest bass on a backwoods rod and i have yet to be outfished by anyone on lake erie smallies when we're drop shotting. i firmly believe the sensativity in my rod allowed me to catch fish others were missing. i fished my backwoods rod and a new g loomis NRX rod in each hand. both rods were the same length and action. but the backwoods rod felt lighter and more comfortable in my hand. as i said, if anyone has any questions about these rods or would like to see one, please feel free to contact me.
  20. I got a smoke reel for xmas and can't wait to get it on the water. I was planning on converting all my casting reels to the smoke pt reels.
  21. didnt hurt having dave semenko and marty mcsorley as ur personal bodyguards either
  22. He was great. But maybe 3rd or 4th best ever. Bobby orr best ever. Mario lemieux was better then gretzky And mourice richard wasn't too shabby either
  23. Di have a lowrance h2o and its been great. Got it for 100 bucks. And I think new they're less then 200. Or for a bit more u can get the color model.
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