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Everything posted by jjcanoe

  1. snowing and blowing at Downsview jjcanoe
  2. re-read the 1st post, then re-read mine! jjcanoe
  3. Make that 14 more to tie the record! Go Knights Go! In the 2004–05 season, the Knights broke a CHL record, going 31 games in a row without a loss (29-0-2). The previous record of 29 games, held by the 1978–79 Brandon Wheat Kings (who went 25-0-4 during their streak), was broken with a 0-0 tie against the Guelph Storm on December 10, 2004. The streak ended at 31 games after a 5-2 loss to the Sudbury Wolves on December 17. (From Wikapedia) jjcanoe
  4. ^^^ What he said^^^^ really should have gotten a PVR model they are great!
  5. Here's my favorite Bass pic from this past August... My son and I were fishing at the cottage we rent every August as a wind up to the summer before school starts. He always enjoys the bass fishing up there and by far his favorite technique is pitching(plastic) frogs into the thick stuff. So here's what went down that night, we drove the boat out past the campground and into a shallow bay full of lily pads and weeds. I was on the front with the trolling motor and he was fishing at the back. I was having no luck with hookups but a few hits, He was mopping up my mistakes! This bass hit at my frog and of course I missed it, "too bad that looked like a nice one papa" he said, by the time I reeled back in and rehooked my frog I heard "I got it" from the back of the boat. I dropped my rod and got the net, and after a brief battle, I NET the biggest fish of the week! If I ever decide to enter a bass tourney I know who I want as my co-angler! Not too shabby for a 7 year old! (If he wins I hope he takes me ) jjcanoe
  6. Aquaculture, Graduated in '92. OCAA curling champ. 1st Ontario Team gold for the college jjcanoe
  7. How about a compromise, Scratch and Dent stove AND a Minnkota Endura ...... So should I pick you up now and we'll head to London Home Basics and Angling Outfitters? I'm willing to donate my pickup to this worthy cause to help with the transportation of these fine items. Your wife is at work right now isn't she? jjcanoe
  8. I bought a pair of the Wind River shoes about 6 weeks ago and so far so good. Hope that helps! jjcanoe
  9. kind of a shallow weedy lake(more of a reservoir than anything else). Supposed to be bass and pike in there but never fished there. Watch out for the stumps! jjcanoe
  10. http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=37436 See the above post! jjcanoe
  11. Well, it finally happened, hell froze over and I caught a trout during the trout derby, as opposed to catching one during the walleye derby, which seems to happen! The TRAA gang met up at the hatchery at the crack of 7 this morning, about 10 guys dragged themselves out of bed to be there on time, (I was not one of them) My wife elbowed my at 6:50 this morning and asked me if I was supposed to be fishing right now D'OH! get dressed, hit timmies, get to the river at about 7:30 and the guys were already geared up and headed down . This year started off with slow with the guys getting a few smallmouth, and then a few silver bass and then a few walleye, After about 2 hours of drifting single eggs, I decided to switch up to some plastics I brought and get me a nice bass or 2. That didn't happen, but seeing that it was the Trout derby I did manage one small walleye about 10-11" on a 5" soft plastic swimbait. About 10:45 I cast out into the faster water and just as I flipped my bail closed line started screaming off the reel Fish On! I hadn't even started reeling yet. Here's the results. Some times it pays to sleep in! Thanks to Beats for taking the pics for me jjcanoe
  12. not much up in the London area as far as muskies but more down by the Lake St. Clair end jjcanoe
  13. With Slowpokes boat still under the knife, he talked me into bringing my boat down to Jeanettes creek to do some trolling for Muskies in the Thames. Arrived at his house at the crack of 6am and loaded up the truck hit the Timmies on the way out of town. We made it to the river just after daybreak. It was a slow morning and the first one we saw was being hauled in backwards (tail snagged). A few hours and a few lure changes later we started to see the odd one coming to the net on other boats, but not mine! Finally Slowpoke gets one on and after less than a minute it spits the hook. D'OH! About an hour later we decide to call it a day but figure on doing one more lap and then back to the launch... Slowpoke says he has a good feeling about this last lap......not even 2 minutes later WHAM! Fish on! A solid fight and a quick net job and we have a nice fish in the Giant Trawling Net Slowpoke brought... so here we have a 44" fish who is not quite played out. Now we need a quick pic. Slowpoke has his OFC 2009 Sign in his mouth and lifts the fish out of the net, the sign is blowing up across his face so it can't be read and I pause for just a second before snapping the pic......Remember when I said that the fish was probably not quite ready to be in the net? Well I guess it remembered also so it does a quick flop out of Slowpokes left hand and goes head first into the water with Slowpokes right hand still latched on to the tail.(but not for long) The pic I got looks like a classic release pic but was kind of comical to see it in person. We decided to make a few more laps after that but no more luck! Now here's the fish porn! Loaded up with gear and ready for action! What was behind that tree? Finally one in the net! Lure of choice 10" Jake Classic "release" pose
  14. yep, renovations are the story us truckers get..... Apparently the vendor leases have expired and they are now looking at bids for a new operators, If you are going west the only ones open are Camden East (between Kingston and Napanee), Newcastle, Cambridge and Ingersoll. Estbound the only ones left are, Ingersoll (closing soon but no fixed date yet) Cambridge, Newtonville(Newcastle), and Odessa (Kingston) As a truck driver this really sucks 1. no parking 2. no Timmies 3. no smoking in the trucks(only in Essex county!) Sounds like road rage time to me! The other thing that gets me is that they are planning on rebuilding many of them but only a few of the old ones have been knocked down and the rest are just useless eyesores along the road. If they close them they should at lest knock them down and start sone construction there. jjcanoe
  15. isn't that fish ladder posted? It's illegal to fish within so many feet of a fish ladder. Some of the kids in Bowmanville seem to be as stupid as the fish! jjcanoe
  16. nice looking fishies guys, wish I could have made it out this year. jjcanoe
  17. Yep what he said, look for flyfishing only areas, Trout season closes at the end of September except as noted in the extended seasons section of the regs. Good luck. jjcanoe
  18. exactly 4.7lbs, how do I know for sure???? I hung my laptop from the scale and that's what it said, LOL Nice Bucket!! jjcanoe
  19. great job guys My camera went on the fritz while on Vacation but we had my sons camera with us as well, but now I have to figure out how to download the pics from it !! jjcanoe
  20. I know a few places in Ontario that could use some hippos... jjcanoe
  21. gold and black Rapalas seem to match baitfish up there, don't forget the good old black Mr. Twister and black jig hed with a red eye spot (imitates leeches wich seem to be everywhere there) jjcanoe
  22. Went out of Erieau today, on the water at sun up and back at noon. Managed to boat 1 sheephead, off the torpedo diver and nitro spoon, and then lost something else that we never saw. Later in the day we lost a monster bow at boatside from the inline planer and a reef runner. Kinda sucks when the commercial net guys are in all your good spots, All the charters boats were out way further than we were today. (us 60-68 FOW Them another 2-3 miles out) jjcanoe
  23. Nice fishies! don't want to weigh in against you guys!! jjcanoe
  24. brown top, green bottom, and orange on the back. Probably me out there! jjcanoe
  25. grew up in Niagara and always been a Ti-cats fan, although haven't really followed them closely in the past few years. Did you know that the Ti-Cats are the ONLY TEAM IN NORTH AMERICAN PRO SPORTS to have won their League championships (ie Grey cup, Stanley cup, World series etc.) at least once in every decade in the last century? Need to get to work though to carry the streak over to this century! jjCATnoe
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