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Everything posted by jjcanoe

  1. HMMMM???? almost like a bachelor party, no cameras allowed?
  2. Isn't this classified as a social engagement??? We'll miss you John jjcanoe
  3. Thanks guys, there always seem to be (at least one)willing pike in Wildwood. jjcanoe
  4. SLIME!!! you should have seen the net! jjcanoe
  5. Went out to Wildwood conservation area near St. Marys this afternoon for a few hours and all I we could manage was one pike. But according to a few people we talked to "you shoulda been here yesterday" Beautiful day on the water, with just a few small gusts of wind to keep the heat away. The water was pretty murky since the algae die-off. Got this guy on a chartreuse spinnerbait and measured him out at 30" jjcanoe
  6. plenty of wings for everyone I'm more worried about them runnin out of beer!!! jjcanoe
  7. Thanks Patrick, I've seen the second and third sites but not the first one, looks like I'll need to break out the fly rods for Atlantics and Browns. That pic is of an Atlantic Wolf fish, basically a goby on Steriods, nasty critters, hope I get one of them! jjcanoe
  8. And here I was away @ a wedding! Well at least I got to show off some fish porn from this summer to some fishing buddies that I usually only see in the spring trout opener. jjcanoe
  9. I'm planning a fishing trip to Iceland in 2011 to do some trout, salmon and some sea fishing as well. Just wondering if anyone has ever been there or fished any areas of the country. I've found a few websites but they all seem to be based in Europe and are incredibly expensive package deals. Any help would be greatly appreciated! jjcanoe
  10. I'm sure those fish were caught in one of the spots I mentioned to you Brian.. Good job Beats I remember that post where you outlined your plan for getting a hold of Mr. Walter in the Thames this year and It looks like you did really well. jjcanoe
  11. I had some good sucess this year by using a circle hook double poked through the worm in the middle (down through the top then back up through the bottom with the barb poking just out of the top) didn't miss a hookup or loose a worm yet. You can use them while drifting if you have a bullet sinker and stopper about 24-36" up the line. This gets the worm down fast and keeps it there if there is a bit of a wind or current where you are fishing. This setup worked pretty well for me this summer. jjcanoe
  12. I must have been walking on water beside the boat to take the pic??? The boat was beached on shore of course. jjcanoe
  13. Thanks again Brian for taking us out. jjcanoe
  14. Little John has been outfishing me since he was 3! jjcanoe
  15. Well the annual family "stress relief/not @ work" vaction happened last week and it was a great one. Up north of Kingston is the place I've been going to since I was a kid and now I bring my own. In addition to our family we had my wife's uncle from Holland and some friends with thier daughter come along as well. The weather was unbelivable all week with only a light mist/drizzle on Friday breaking up all the sun we had for the rest of the week. Where do I get my boaters card?? To start the week off right I boated a 2lb 4oz largie within the first 10 minutes of fishing and then a decent pike for that lake Evening was the time to hit the pads with the frogs for pike and largemouth Dave hasen't fished in years but here he is with his first ever bass and pike. Charlotte's first fish! Little John with a nice pike on a spinner bait in the weeds and a largemouth on a frog and his big smallie out of the rocks Big fish of the week was Dave's big smallie Double header! Some call them casualties of war but I call them HEROS! (trailer hooks don't work so well in the slop we were pitching into) jjcanoe
  16. Combined with the action you had in the morning you had a super day out there! jjcanoe
  17. 80lb flouro leaders + 30lb main sounded good to me we were on St. Clair not Lac seul! I only use 15lb braid for bass and never had a prob in the heaviest slop. Never musky fished before and I trusted what "Captain" Slowpoke gave us to use. No regrets jjcanoe
  18. Went out on LSC with Slowpoke and my wife's uncle from Holland (not Michigan but the country) on Sunday morning. After loading the gear in the boat and driving to the Hwy I realized I left my phone in my pickup @ home, or so I thought.... After a quick search of my truck turned up empty, we called my phone to listen for the ring and found it...... on the bow of Slowpokes boat. Glad he's such a smooth driver! We ran through a bit of fog on the way from London to the launch, loaded up the boat and headed for the lake Got some good tips from Mr.Eh who had already boated one by the time we got out to the lake and set up. The first time a rod went we passed it to Theo, who does a lot of sea fishing back home in Holland, Ireland, and Norway, and is used to a bit bigger of a boat, Slowpoke lost his clip-on sunglasses on the landing in some of the confusion. A 48"er was netted and released after a few quick photos Next up was my turn on the rod My PB musky was 40" Finally the captain gets a turn Nice one just shy of 40" (It's a musky not a guitar! ) Next up we lost one that snapped the 30lb powerpro mainline, would have liked to seen that one! I ended the day with a 37"er 4 for 5 is a great day musky fishing. Just about everything we put out got us fish 12" jakes, woodies, bucktails etc. We ran everything with no weight since we saw lots of fish up on the surface chasing food around. Special thanks to Slowpoke for making the day happen and to Mr.Eh who helped us out on location and baits jjcanoe
  19. Good job Brian, sounds like you guys had a great time. jjcanoe
  20. I'll have to pick some up for the wife to use in the float tube! jjcanoe
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