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Everything posted by jjcanoe

  1. About a 2 minute walk from the front door (about 5 from Slowpoke's place)
  2. Yep we'll get out sometime soon if Linda lets me... she says your trouble Actually they are in my front yard and they would be kinda in your neighbours yard jjcanoe
  3. Yeah my jealous buddy was at work all day! jjcanoe
  4. Went out on Friday in the canoe for an hour or so with the little guy and I actually out fished him for once. I got a smallish large mouth and then a 18" monster ( he did get to net it and then take MY picture for a change) Well, today I had put in my 8 hours of work by 10:30 am ( a short day for me) and decided to hit the pond again in the float tube Got 2 smaller ones in the 1.5lb range, a rock bass and the a pair of 19"ers. Hard to take decent photos in the float tube though jjcanoe
  5. There's probably a dumptruck load of carp in the coves. sometimes you can see them when the water is low right off of Springbank. jjcanoe
  6. It's a pretty big lake and connected to Centenial lake Never fished it and hard to find info on it on the net, Give the resort a call and ask them about what you should bring in the way of gear jjcanoe
  7. Yeah we'd love to go as well but he has 2 birthday parties next weekend for 2 of his best friends... jjcanoe
  8. Took the little guy out to Norwich dam today to the kids fishing derby. He ended up wieghing in 1 small carp and 21 bullheads. He didn't win a prize since they took the 3 largest fish (bass, carp and catfish categories) but he ended up with a crowd of kids around him trying to figure out his secret technique! (3 or 4 kids shoulder to shoulder on either side was pretty funny) He had a great time out there and we only got lines tangled with others twice. I helped out a lot of kids around me with casting and removing a hook or 2 from the few fish that they did manage (the ones that my son haden't gotten to yet!) If anyone is interested there is a kids derby at Falls Reserve conservation area in Benmiller and at Lake Lisgar in Tillsonburg next weekend. We won't be able to attend either next weekend. He's pretty dissapointed since he won the Benmiller derby last year. Maybe another jr OFC member can take it this year! jjcanoe
  9. Hwy #6 going up and down the hill is under big time construction. Give yourself about 15-20 mins extra and you sjhould be fine. make sure you avoid the traffic in K-W as well! jjcanoe
  10. http://www.mlive.com/outdoors/index.ssf/20...ho_took_5f.html I guess he turned himself in after the story was all over the internet and other media! jjcanoe
  11. http://www.mlive.com/outdoors/index.ssf/20...ward_to_la.html This is in the Grand River in Michigan I guess the sturgeon didn't fit in the white bucket, Pass this around to other msg boards if you can. jjcanoe
  12. That makes 2 of us LOL! Congrats to your buddy though! jjcanoe
  13. Good to see them going to a good home! jjcanoe
  14. http://www.pineridge.cc/ I've been going here since I was a kid and the fishing has gotten way better in the past few years. Big Large and Smallmouths and pike, really nice clean beach and about 45 mins north of Napanee or Kingston. jjcanoe
  15. Just wondering if anyone knows where to find the results of the derby. I'm sure they contact you if you won something but would like to see a results page for the draws. Thanks jjcanoe
  16. good job on the perchies! jjcanoe
  17. We timed it just about right on Saturday! jjcanoe
  18. used to be MY lucky fishing hat but it has since changed hands! jjcanoe
  19. Thanks Brian, If I had my knife with me I'd be calling you over for a perch feed! jjcanoe
  20. Got a late start on Saturday in the derby. We went to Tromblays to pick up some minnows and a few other things and was impressed by the service and helpful staff they had there. After that it was off to the headquarters to pick up our pre paid tickets. We were not very politely told that we couldn't park in the almost empty lot there to get our tickets but had to park way out back on the grass. After spinning the tires and covering the front of the boat with a nice coating of mud, I remembered my new pickup has 4WD! Me and jr. walked across the soggy muddy grass to pick up our tickets. Did I mention the rain and lightning? After we picked up the tickets we saw the girl who told us to park it on the grass. "Sorry about the lawn" I said and then asked were there was a car wash to hose off my boat and cover. The one she sent me to was a drive thru so I found a wand wash and hosed the caked mud off. We went over to the port Launch just about the time that the rain died off and stuck the boat in the water. The starting battery was dead. I unhooked one of my trolling motor batteries to get us going. Through the narrows into Simcoe and off to the crowd of boats we went. After about an hour of nothing we decided to move on, we went back under the bridge to Couch. and pulled up to a spot at the mouth of a channel, dropped anchor and were immediately into fish. For about 3 hours it was non-stop perching action with a few bunch of doubleheaders and a few quadruple headers. (2 hooks per line X 2 guys= Quadruple header!) Average size was about 7" but got 3 or 4 in the 12" range. Jr. was all about the minnows but after a while I decided to try something different. I had a 1/16th oz jighead with a tiny plastic crayfish. This worked about half as well as the minnows, meaning I got one every third or fourth cast instead of every other cast. Funny thing about this spot was that although there were a few other boats within casting distance (within 50') of us we seemed to be the only ones having any sort of luck. Don't know if it was the setup or the spot or the "Lucky Fishing Hat" We managed easily over 100 fish in total. My son was really happy with the fishing there. We managed to get off water and bring the perch 2 biggest to the live release "check in" station with about 3 minutes to spare before the next thunder storm rolled through! Here's the R's the Ride the Rig the Region the Radar the Results the Reason Had a great day out there. Please note the presence of the Lucky Fishing Hat! jjcanoe and jjcanoe jr.
  21. We got pretty close to 100 fish on Saturday with most averaging about 7-8" but a few close to 12". Funny thing is that we were out fishing the other boats in the area by a good 8-1 I waited out the lightning Saturday morning and didn't get underway until about 11 am and got back and to the headquarters and back in the truck about 3 minutes before the second storm hit. Gonna put up a report and some pics soon. jjcanoe
  22. 10-4 bigugli thats the place I need! jjcanoe
  23. Trebles with the barbs pinched down is a barbless treble! Cut two of the three hooks off and then pinch the barb down on the third= Single Barbless hook. Hope this helps! jjcanoe
  24. Thanks for the heads up on the parks, I need a launch for my boat so I'll be heading for the back of the line-ups when I roll into town! Now I just have to figure out where to pick up my derby tickets. Already paid for but I guess you need them in hand before you start fishing. Time to get the trusty road map out! jjcanoe
  25. Don't know yet there are a bunch of marinas in the area and a Provincial Park. I might go there with my park pass and avoid the crowds. All depending on wind and waves etc. jjcanoe
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