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Everything posted by shane

  1. You got that right. They would be happy to see gas hit $3 or $4 bucks a litre. Just means fewer cars on the road to get in their way.
  2. Go Kenny Schrader! Starting 3rd spot today.
  3. WOW! That's a big carp. WTG! Beats my best carp by 3 1/4 inches.
  4. "I dunno....maybe I just dont like the signature refferral about the firefighters." I agree about the signature thing. I understand that it's some kind of 'friendly' rivalry thing but it seems a bit much....and one-sided. Maybe just one jab at a time would be more appropriate instead of a list.
  5. I forgot to say that I have seen some fishing shows (Bob Izumi comes to mind) where they have given demonstrations on how to remove deep hooks or lures.
  6. I agree that you should make every effort to remove hooks. Or at least cutting the hook part off of the chunk of lead. A pair of longer handled side-cutters is good for that. I also had a similar experience to Hotrod2066.....I caught a little bass with a piece of line hanging out of it's butt and I slowly pulled on it until the shaft of a hook came out and then I got the hook turned around and worked it out. But this hook was all rusted and lumpy with corrosion and I actually snapped it in half with my fingers. The line was in better condition than the hook!
  7. A big thumbs up to you FA! And to brickNblock.....If those guys weren't so polite and decided to toss you in the river...who would you call? I'm not a big fan of the police either but I'm glad to see them working for me instead of againts me.
  8. "I don't understand the need for drivers to be able to see other drivers." I think being able to see the other driver is a very important part of defensive driving. I spent my first few years driving a motorcycle and I can tell if a driver is going to cut me off or turn left in front of me just by seeing his/her face. And it's even more important for pedestrians or cyclists. JMHO
  9. Very nice. I like your choice of colors too. Not as flashy as some of those bass boats out there. HaHaHa. That's just what I was thinking.
  10. HAHAHAHA!........................Jeff Gordon HAHAHAHAHA!
  11. She told me we couldn't afford beer anymore and I'd have to quit. Then I caught her buying $65.00 worth of makeup. So I asked her why I had to give up stuff and she didn't. She said she needed the makeup to look pretty for me. I said that was what the beer is for. I think I'm on the couch tonight.
  12. HAHAHA! I practiced on salmon before I felt confident enough to go carp fishing.
  13. So...that's my problem. I'm not using the right tools. I guess I should trade in my ultra-light gear (which has never seen more than 6lb. test line or 1/4 oz. jig) on a baitcaster set-up? Or maybe a center-pin. I think I'll stick with my brick.
  14. I love the bull-riding....but I cheer for the bulls. I don't like some of the other stuff. Especially that calf roping business. And I'm not some tree-hugging, unhappy, people-hater with too much time on my hands either.
  15. I live in London when I'm not wandering around on the Thames somewhere.
  16. HAHAHA!
  17. All the 'cool guys use them.
  18. I've heard that the commercial fishermen around here mix the silver bass in with the white perch and then the fish market sells it all as white perch.
  19. WTG! You can't beat those branches for excitement. The big ones will fight better than any steelhead.
  20. I agree that it's probably no worse than half the other garbage in the land fills. I pick up tons of line every year of the riverbanks where I usually fish. I just roll it up in a ball and stuff it in my pocket and then dispose of it when I get home. I know there's some places that recycle old line but I don't know of any around here. I would never leave any old line laying on the riverbank... cut up or wrapped in duct tape or whatever.
  21. Sucker meat seems to be the bait of choice on the Grand R. for big catfish.
  22. Ever see this one? <object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value=" name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>
  23. I had a rod stick together once. It wasn't caused by oil though, it was just stuck. I applied really hot water with a rag to just the bottom (female) half of the joint, thinking that it would expand quicker than the male end,...and it worked! Took a few minutes to heat up but I could feel it loosening up as I was twisting on the top piece and then it just slid right out. But....this wasn't a real expensive high end rod so I would be really careful in your situation and I don't want to be responsible for any damages, so my advice is do not listen to me. (my legal disclaimer )
  24. Great shots as always. I really like the owl too. Nice composition.
  25. I bet, in a few more years, we will all be using miniaturized versions of those as fishing lures.
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