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Everything posted by netminder

  1. Personally, I believe pretty much all dams should be removed from our rivers. Especially the dozens if not hundreds that serve absolutely no purpose or have essentially been abandoned over the years. Look at the Rocky Saugeen River. SVCA did a study on it a couple years ago and concluded almost all the dams in their watershed were doing nothing but preventing fish from moving through the rivers and streams.
  2. Shenanigans! That's as big as my biggest bass this year!
  3. Service is where most dealerships make most of their money. A lot of times they get very little markup on the cars they sell, unless they're used. They're relying on the fact that you'll come in to the dealership for all that work. Not saying it's right or wrong, but that's generally how it is. As for the OP, It's basically the same concept as the air filter on your furnace. Just keeps the air clean in your car. Mike Holmes would probably cry a single tear of pride if you changed it.
  4. "He's just not ready." "Nice hair though." "Turn this country into Greece." Those phony political propaganda ads actually work on you people, don't they? I'm surprised no one has brought up his supposed top priority: legalizing marijuana. You do realize that Brian Mulroney was only 2 years older than Justin Trudeau when he became PM. And Canada didn't suffer from the "Great Recession" because of our banking policies and regulations. It had nothing to do with Stephen Harper, as much as he'd want you to believe it. And when I speak of fear it's always fear of the other guy, or fear of what might happen when I'm not around so we need to spy on all our citizens and believe there are terrorists hiding amongst the like refugees. It's like he wants you to become dependant on him like you have Stockholm syndrome. Nope, just stay the course. Don't do anything to improve our standing in the world and be very cautious about everything. But when is the right time to take a chance? If not now then never.
  5. So he can do basically everything wrong except for the "economy" and coming up with "balanced budgets" and then tell you that these other guys are super scary or "not ready" in some asinine resume ads or the new ads where they supposedly talk to "real" Canadians and you'll still support him? When I look at that laundry list of Bull I think to myself that it's maybe time for another party to steer this ship. I'll even admit that I've voted Conservative before too, but this thing has run its course. Seriously, people. Stop living in fear and start having some optimism over what could be. It's been 10 years and no one has gotten any more optimistic over the future outlook. It's just been fear and repression the entire time.
  6. "... an issue that has received little notice thus far in the federal election campaign: the Conservative government’s frequent clashes with the courts over the Charter of Rights. The Justice Minister is required under a 1985 law to tell Parliament if a proposed law is not “consistent” with the Charter. To Mr. Schmidt, a law is either consistent or it is not. But his superiors in the department didn’t agree. “Oh, that’s not what we do,” he says he was told. “We ask ourselves whether there’s an argument.” And even if the argument has less than a five-per-cent chance of success in the courts, it can still be “credible” – in other words, consistent. ..." Basically, he is supposed to say whether or not a law is constitutional or not. But the way the current government wants it enforced is even if you have a 5% chance of winning the argument that it is constitutional he is supposed to say that it is 'credible'.
  7. I don't think it was that he was speaking out AGAINST the government, but that he wanted to share the results of his findings before getting "approval" from Big Brother. Scientists have an obligation to be free and open with their findings and it is incredibly unethical for governments or anyone for that matter to muzzle them when they might want to say something. Especially when it might be something that doesn't follow the party line. We can't rely entirely on industry to regulate itself - just look at tobacco of a few years back. We desperately need government funded and university funded researchers doing this stuff. But once that trust is corroded who do we turn to?
  8. HA! Good one! and Everyone who votes conservative and wants to reduce social services would be called the "I've got mine so too bad for you" party? Or should they just share "What's in it for me?"
  9. My dad was telling me about this on the weekend. Interesting concept... but if I'm about to buy something in this price range I'd rather just get a used tinny. On the website they're listed $1,595 (but sold out). My only question is how do you transport it?
  10. Yup. I go to Island Lake with my wife who is definitely not an angler, but I set her up with a worm and a bobber and she can't keep the sunfish off her hook (which I inevitably had to remove unless she remembers her "fishing gloves"). Some of them are definitely dinner plate size. The perch seem undersized there (at least the ones I catch), and there are definitely a good number of smallmouth and rock bass to be caught. Just keep in mind they are into their "fall" operating schedule so the gates don't open until 8.
  11. I have no issues with the people selling (for the most part - you can pretty easily weed out the crooks) it's just the people buying.
  12. yeah, the US is a clusterfunk to be sure. Ironically, with the GOP polling the guy getting the most support from the *thinks they're* hard right wing types is The Donald, who aside from being a loud mouthed schnook actually has some pretty progressive policies he'd supposedly like to push. Unfortunately for them, even the Democrats are further right wing than the Canadian Conservatives, and the one guy who could pull them back, Bernie Sanders, doesn't have enough of a household name to gain any traction in the primaries. Of course everyone's heard of "Clinton" and "Trump" so of course they would poll as the favourites. I just thank god I don't have to put up with that dog and pony show type politics. But that's enough of my American rant - I know there are a few Americans on this board and don't want to start anything
  13. The only thing through these comments that concerns me is the people who are possibly considered "new-stock" (i.e. first or second generation immigrants) who think that the people coming in now are the ones who feel entitled. How do you even determine that? Did someone on facebook "like" the Britain First group (a known hate group that does nothing but spread lies, misinformation and borderline neo-nazi propaganda)? The first wave of refugees are always the most determined, iron-willed, hard working people you could ever come across. I don't think anyone who would risk their lives or the lives of their children crossing the Mediterranean Sea in a dinghy feels entitled to anything other than the opportunity to make something of themselves, to not be drafted into fighting a war (I've read that some young men are being drafted multiple times, even after completing a tour of duty) and killing civilians in their own country, or from being oppressed by a dictator. From my experience, the welfare leeches and good-for-nothings would tend to be categorized as "old-stock" Canadians. So please, let's re-examine who is feeling "entitled" here. I'm not saying to just throw the doors open and let them all in, but to just shut it down is unacceptable. Let's not forget the boatload of Jewish people that were turned around by the "greatest generation" when the Nazis were in power in Germany. Let's try to learn from our mistakes.
  14. Kijiji is slowly becoming Craigslist without the personal ads or ads for escorts. It's like an online thrift store and it's attracting the same type of people who *choose* to shop there.
  15. Yup. Still is. I fully intend to as well. Thanks for the relies, guys. I might just go down there anyway and if anyone raises a stink they can go rub salt. I shouldn't be worried about what other people think as long as I'm following the rules and not harming anyone.
  16. If I'm going to be honest about the debate, I couldn't stand it. It's just the same rhetoric over and over again. I was honestly trying to decide between the NDP and the Liberals, and after seeing Mulcair with his head slightly off kilter and pompous attitude and half truths, I honestly thought Trudeau did better. At least he was fired up about something. That, and the local NDP candidate that handed my wife a pamphlet outlining the NDP's goals of bringing manufacturing back, but didn't know about the factory that closed down just up the street... Unfortunately I know if I vote other than conservative in my riding my vote likely won't count. However, we have a strong MP in the Conservatives who opposed things like Bill C-51, puts forward private members bills, and listens to his constituents. So it wouldn't be the end of the world if he was re-elected. I just hope there's someone new driving the bus in Ottawa. That's all.
  17. That's kind of what I thought. It's unfortunate because there aren't many places to go creek fishing for trout here unless I go for the stocked stuff in the spring. Just doesn't feel the same. I did find a couple access points that seem a little harder to get to, so maybe I'll go there. The last thing I want to put up with is confrontation.
  18. I'd love to switch things up and try fishing some local rivers and streams (Looking at my location you probably know exactly what I'm thinking). I'm not a fly fisherman, and don't intend to invest in that stuff right yet. But if I went to some of the parts where it's single barbless hooks, no live bait, catch and release only with my spinning gear using modified inline spinners would that be frowned upon? I've never seen anyone down at the river, except for a few places, not fly fishing. Just wondering how sideways the looks would be if I did this.
  19. Unfortunately it only takes a couple people to ruin everyone's reputation. How people think this is ok... I guess if you get away with it for long enough... On a side note though, I think I need a history lesson on the issue with the salmon. Can someone enlighten me on this?
  20. What is the penalty for obstruction here? And who enforces it?
  21. Sustainable would imply there is no ecological waste, or far less to speak of. Organic is much more of a buzzword these days. i.e. "organic" chemicals that are actually more toxic and harmful than their non-organic counterpart.
  22. The fact that people are afraid of the boogey man or afraid that the boogey man is hiding amongst the refugees just goes to show how well the fear mongering works. There are plenty of people living in North America already who are well capable of being terrorists. Just because they have a brown skin complexion and read a slightly different version of a book written thousands of years ago does not mean they all want us dead. You must be the same people who complain about security at airports but have yourselves convinced it's for the best because some guy lit his socks on fire on an airplane a few years ago. But just wait until someone bombs the security line! All these knee jerk reactions and fear of the outside world is what is lowering our status as a nation. And Harper is letting it happen. And all because of "the economy" - but mostly to make sure his friends get paid. And as for "the deficit" - I'd rather a government spends slightly more than what they have. What good does a surplus do? Prove that they can just take our money and do nothing with it? And who does the deficit get paid back to? The world bank? I hate to break it to you guys, but the world bank has been printing money since it was conceived. It's all based on nothing. Just some numbers some bankers made up a few decades ago.
  23. All I'm going to say is this, and this is a fact of international relations with warring nations since the Romans figured it out several centuries ago: There are only three ways to deal with guerilla fighting forces such as ISIS and Al Qaeda. 1. Scorched earth, 2. Never ending fighting and policing, or 3. Leave the situation well enough alone. All you knuckle draggers who want us over there fighting but not dealing with the consequences of all the people that are displaced really need to look at the situation a little deeper.
  24. Big series starting tonight. Always nice to have that true ace in the hole after a the pitcher before poops the bed. Should be interesting to see the old school double header on Saturday. Stroman starting the second game should be fun. I hope to god he's good to go... Can't be throwing games away against the Yankees this time of year. By the way, the game difference calculation is the average of the difference between the wins and losses of the two teams. i.e. Team A is 79-60, Team B is 75-61, Team A has a 2.5 game lead on Team B => ((79-75)+(61-60))/2
  25. I had a good laugh when I heard this on the radio too. I'm not a track star by any stretch of the imagination, but when I was in grade 8 I could run the 400 in about 55 seconds. If these guys can't do the 300 in under a minute, and with a break in between reps, they are not suited to play professional sports.
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