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Everything posted by netminder

  1. If there was one guy on the Blue Jays who could make fans sympathetic to the new management it would be Bautista. I love him and want him on my team, but he has to be the biggest, most arrogant dude in Toronto. If the rumours about what he's demanding are true, he's delusional. I hope he has another career year, but if his age starts catching up to him and he regresses, it would be nothing but sweet, sweet irony in my mind. No one will give a 36 year old late bloomer $30 mil per for 5 years! The Jays took a huge gamble on him when they signed him before, so neither side owes anyone anything. If he thinks it has something to do with Rogers valuations he is smoking crack. The paydays players get has nothing to do with how well the owner is doing, it's what the market will bear. If he wants a massive raise and no one is stupid enough to pay him, well it's his loss only. Truthfully though, I think the number that's been floated around is ludicrous and he's smarter than that. He wants to play and get paid as much as anyone else. If anything he's given a firm number and it will help in deciding who to sign between Bautista and Encarnacion since EE's camp has given the end of spring training ultimatum. That's what I hope has happened, but of course the media and fans will try to spin it so there's a good guy and a bad guy somewhere. I'm no fan of Rogers either, but the ball team is a plaything to them the same as any other owner. The players will get paid exactly as much as they're worth. They didn't over pay for Price and they won't over pay for Bautista, either. Best case situation is he is allowed to walk at the end of the year, they give him a qualifying offer and he comes crawling back like Davis did with the Orioles after a long off-season. 2nd best is they get draft pick compensation. The torch is getting set to be passed on to the the next generation of players here. This is quickly becoming Martin's, Donaldson's and Tulowitzki's team, with a lot of nice young talent waiting in the wings. It's been fun EE and JB, but the party's almost over.
  2. That's a good way to think about it. I think what a lot of people who demand more fighting over there forget is that the vast majority of the fighting has been going on over there. There hasn't been a major conflict in North America for 150 years. Hell, there are still many living Europeans that are old enough remember having their homes and hometowns obliterated for someone else's war. Who the "terrorist" is all a matter of perception. The sad fact is if there wasn't this black stuff bubbling up under the sand over there, no one here would care. There have been just as many atrocities occurring in Africa but no one cares because the western countries have pretty much cut ties with Africa since we figured out how to synthesize rubber. Hell, there are many that say WWIII has already taken place in Africa. http://www.ibtimes.com/congo-world-war-nobody-knows-about-213207 I have no idea where I'm going with this tangent but I think the point is all you do by bombing cities when you're not actually fighting a government or an actual organized military (or even when you are) is spreading hatred amongst the inhabitants of that city. When you're fighting ISIS you're not fighting people, you're fighting an idea. I'm not sure we've developed a bomb yet that can destroy ideas.
  3. If you're going to blame the Islamic state on the crusades you might as well just blame the Romans for 9/11 since they allowed Christianity to flourish. This completely misses the point.
  4. Debating people on the internet = No matter how convincing you think you are there's just too much biased information available that as soon as you're done your spiel they can just go and reaffirm themselves with like-minded individuals. It's good to challenge your point of view every now and then, but don't take it personally when someone doesn't agree with you. Know when to give it up, is what I'm trying to say.
  5. I work for a surveyor who did a lot of work regarding navigable waterways. I'm going to ask my boss how that wording applies in the real world next time I see him. I rarely bother with creeks and rivers that are anywhere near private property. Too many people think looking at their house from the road is considered trespassing. Also, no need to get confrontational about it, because all you're going to do is make a bad name for the rest of us. I wouldn't be surprised if garbage, etc. was the reason for the hostility. I've been to a few popular shore fishing areas near where I live and it makes me sick the stuff I see laying on the shore.
  6. And now the Conservatives are saying it's taking too long to become legalized. I don't think anyone knows what their priorities are. Including myself. I should get back to work... I need to be a dutiful taxpayer, afterall
  7. If you are going to bleed it, where do you do it? Back into the water, or in a cooler, or...?
  8. I've never tried, but I assume any fish that would take a worm would take one of these too. I would agree with singingdog here about tough hookups though.
  9. It wasn't a jehovas witness that had to step out was it? I don't even know what to say about that. But at least they stepped out and didn't tell everyone else to stop. I'd also like to ask, was it someone who complained, or was someone afraid of offending someone at your girlfriend's daycare. Because at my wife's work they were asked to take the Christmas decorations down until people actually complained and it was put back. It wasn't someone being offended, it was the fear of offending someone that caused the issue.
  10. I'd just like to point something out about this... 90% of the time it's not the people we're afraid to offend that are complaining. It's busy bodies who have a politically correct stick up their behind who complain the loudest. My wife works at a very diverse company in Mississauga and says the vast majority of the "minorities" there are more excited for our traditional holidays than most white people. I have become good friends with a client of mine who is from India or Pakistan and they celebrate Christmas and love it. I know these are just a couple anecdotal stories, but the evidence to the contrary is there. Why can't we embrace multiculturalism? Should we ban all Chinese, Indian, Japanese, etc. restaurants too because they don't conform to our bland North American pallette? Come on guys. I know these foreigners are different, and different can be scary (no sarcasm intended). But I think the people you should be most concerned about the assault on our traditions are your white neighbours. Again, back to my other comment in this thread. It doesn't have to be either/or. It can be both.
  11. Exactly. It doesn't have to be either or. It can be both. And I can only assume there aren't very many news stories about people who are happy with the system. It's pretty easy to pick out the bad stories. An average person wouldn't be a very interesting news article, now would it?
  12. The energizer battery behind the tape measure is about the right size for the perch I'm used to.
  13. I think Burke was more concerned with outsmarting everyone else even if he wasn't as smart as he thought he was.
  14. Personally, I don't understand people who get so defensive over their property with their neighbours. Where I grew up there was nothing more tacky than a no trespassing sign put up in the middle of the bush or along the side of a remote backroad. You'd hope people would be respectful enough of other people's property to not cause any harm, but also know to ask a landowner you didn't if you wanted to hunt or fish on their property. I'm not a hunter, but if I had 200 acres not being used I'd have tough time turning people away or even asking a fee for them to use, as long as they ask. This was basically the case for my family growing up. Trespassing signs were blamed on newcomers or "citiots" who didn't know how things operated, or had something to hide. Maybe I was lucky (or just ignorant) as a kid, but property lines didn't mean much and as long as there was no one there to oppose it i would ride my bike or fish on my neighbour's property pretty much whenever I wanted. Of course we knew our neighbours personally and it was almost expected that people would "tresspass". I understand people have the right to allow or disallow anyone you want from using your property, but you don't need to be so confrontational about it.
  15. Looks like this guy Googled some right wing nutjob homesteader's legalish looking template and put his own words on it. This definitely isn't legally binding. http://www.lawfulpath.com/ref/notres.shtml
  16. If there was a "like" button you would have got it there. People are freaking out with the new exchange rate about how the cost of groceries is going up. My advice is to stick to locally grown produce and meats and you'll do just fine. Being in season helps but we have the technology to overcome that too.
  17. Tough break. Sounds like he lived a long life worth living. Stay strong.
  18. To be fair, Crosby hadn't been up to a whole lot the first half of the season. And Pittsburgh is in a playoff spot right now while the Leafs, Sens, Habs, Jets, Oilers, Canucks, and Flames are all on the outside looking in. So no matter which Canadian team you cheer for Kessel is still better off lol. More rumours heard this morning on the radio about Stamkos coming to the Leafs for next season, or maybe even at the trade deadline. I know there was a lengthy discussion about him earlier in this thread but I can't be bothered to go back and read it (lazy kids these days). My opinion on the matter is it doesn't really make sense to bring someone like him to the team now, unless he's going to be the only option for a top tier scorer the next 2-3 years. The Leafs aren't making the playoffs this year (no kidding) and probably not next year either. Before they blow their brains out on $12 mil/year on Stamkos they should make sure the supporting cast is actually going to be... supporting.
  19. That's the spirit! I'm not going to get up on my high horse and say I'm doing any better, but I have to ask you how much of your lifestyle is something you chose, rather than something you have to do. Living out in the sticks and taking flights to the south on a regular basis? And by the way, I'm not sure how ugly the roads might get down in Selkirk, but I grew up on a backroad that got plowed once the snow maybe got to be 18" deep and we drove a diesel Jetta and a V6 Dodge Caravan and no one ever ended up dead in a ditch. How many kids do you have? I'm sure they're your pride and joy, and that's fair, but I have to question the mindset of people who have 3+ kids (not assuming you do, but just setting up a strawman to help with my rant) in a world that's barely sustainable as it is and only getting worse. And then to complain that there won't be any jobs for the next generation while giving in to the Walton's and buying the cheap crap from China (that may cost about 25% as much, but might only last about 25% as long as quality stuff made here). And to top it off complain that China is polluting too much while the average Chinese person is living in such poverty they can't figure out where to find their next meal while sending their kids to work in the factories to make your cheap underwear. Well, it's nice to sit in your ivory tower and demand the Chinese government do something, but the fact of the matter is we've elected our governments and given into the corporations who push for NAFTA and the coming TPP that have and will allow this type of crap to continue. And again, I make no illusions that the unsustainable lifestyle is something I someday dream of attaining for myself. We're all selfish, no matter what generation we were born into. It's basic human/animal nature. On the topic of electricity, I'm pretty sure there isn't any more coal electric plants in Ontario, and I'd much rather deal with a small amount of nuclear waste than burn any amount of fossil fuel for electricity, be it coal, natural gas or whatever. I'm not even real keen on hydroelectric, as I'd rather see a lot of wasteful dams and locks removed to restore the river system to its former glory. We have the technology to make things better, and I'm pretty sure my generation and the generation younger than me are willing to pick up the slack and help clean up the mess. But you can't just throw your hands up and say, "Well, that was a fun party! Sorry kids and grandkids. You were a bit late to this so I guess you get cleanup duty. And oh, by the way, there's a big fire over there you may want to put out because it looks like it's spreading pretty quickly."
  20. There's also this way to deal with would-be car thieves... http://www.jsonline.com/news/crime/car-theft-ends-in-beating-of-teen-suspect-photos-of-boy-spark-debate-b99667807z1-368335131.html
  21. wait, there's still more episodes coming? I figured 6 would be the last...
  22. I'll bet you'll only do that once. I know it's the wrong lake, but I had Gordon LIghtfoot in the back of my mind while reading that story lol
  23. I noticed that too but by the end couldn't tell if he was doing it on purpose or if that's just how he talks. No spoilers because I haven't watched the last episode yet but those are the guys I am cheering for. That Weibe guy must have an education in freshwater biology. The way he talks is like an encyclopedia of knowledge. I'd love to be in the boat with that guy for a day and just pick his brain, even if he is a little dorky.
  24. lol my thoughts exactly. Somebody probably had a good night after that!
  25. Once I upgrade by boat, mark my words my current inflatable will be going here for free. Maybe even the trolling motor too . You guys can hold me to that.
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