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Everything posted by netminder

  1. I don't know exactly what you mean, but the Cowboys game is a 4:25 start. I assume there's something in it so the two games aren't on at the same time. Dallas is an hour behind us so I'm guessing noon would have been too early to start that game.
  2. Football schedule.
  3. Torres suspended 41 games. Honestly, I think it's a long time coming. I like hard play, but there's no need to try and decapitate other players. Seems everyone in the NHL, even his teammates agree with me... http://www.mercurynews.com/sharks/ci_28929947/sharks-coach-captain-react-torres-41-game-suspension
  4. US TV rights. For the vast majority if Americans, this definitely isn't the marque matchup. On a side note, it might be an excuse to call in sick on Friday
  5. Gallardo is slated to start game one for Texas, who's had their number all year. Price allowed 2 runs in 6 innings when the Jays pounded the Rangers back in August 12-4. Game 1 has the feeling of an instant classic going in. The Jays, by the way, won the season series 4-2. If that means anything. I do, however, feel like the Jays kind of backed into the postseason. The Rangers won a big game to avoid the wildcard game yesterday against the Angels. The Rangers have an almost identical record to the Jays since the All-Star break. I'd hate to have to make odds for this one. No easy task here.
  6. Pov of someone who was there and actually was concealed carrying http://www.rawstory.com/2015/10/armed-vet-destroys-gun-nuts-argument-on-mass-shooters-by-explaining-why-he-didnt-attack-oregon-killer/
  7. I’ve heard some crazy stuff from the more guns = less guns crowd, but I never thought I would actually hear (read) someone actually admit that they've become numb or complacent with mass murder in the US. Joepa and his friend Donald are just going to give up trying to fix this? We know it's not going to be easy, but isn't that why Americans do things? Because they're hard? Come on, America. Get it together.
  8. I tried this method once, but after thinking about it for a while I realized that they must be stainless steel if they're expected to be underwater and not rust. Magnets do not attach to true stainless steel. Foiled again.
  9. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure the police there don't even carry pistols. edit: and while I'm on that thought, I was captivated by an episode of COPS the other day and my wife noted that the police officer was being very intense with these guys during a routine traffic stop. I thought about it, and then noted the appearance of these guys (grubby looking middle aged white guys), the fact that drugs were found in the car, and the fact that there is a very good chance that one or both of these guys could be armed. Not to say it would have transpired different in Canada, but the fact that anyone can be armed puts everyone on edge. On topic though: this is a terrible tragedy and I'd ask out of respect for the victims that we not speculate on the circumstances until the facts are irrefutably available.
  10. Yeah, sleeping off a massive hangover lol. I expect to see more regulars in Tampa. Tulo is supposed to play 1 or 2 games. Home field advantage is usually very important, but it's not like wildcard teams (non home field advantage) haven't made it all the way before. Home field in the CS would be nice, but they'll have it in the DS and the WS (thanks to the all star game), should they get there. If the formatting for home and away teams in a 7 game series is what I think it is, they'll only need to win one of the first two games to get home field advantage for the remaining 5 games, although the last game will be a road game.
  11. I think that statement basically explains it. Never expose children to the real world and what do you expect? I feel very lucky to have avoided that, considering I'm from a fairly well off family and of the same age as what you might consider the "bubble wrap" generation.
  12. Too bad we can't just ship them off to Australia anymore, right?
  13. My biggest issue with all of this is that either one of you thought that a potential solution to this situation would be pulling a gun and at the very least threatening someones life. Holy crap talk about escalating. Sure, someone was being an idiot but that doesn't mean they deserve to die. Maybe instead of thinking that if you had a gun this wouldn't have happened, but rather that thank god neither of you had a gun because that could have got ugly fast. In my experience, people are going to be idiots no matter what. And from reading your subsequent posts it's likely if anyone was armed it only would have been the other guy. This right here is exactly the cowboy mentality that scares me about everyday people carrying guns. Sure there could be 100 responsible gun owners (and for the benefit of the doubt I'll include you with them ), but there's always that one sketchy guy who might be carrying too.
  14. I didn't even want to touch that one... lol
  15. Yup. Send 'em back to Syria so they can fight another day.
  16. Funny how you'll agree with him when it's "the other guy." But how do you think Suzuki feels about Harper? I don't think "twerp" would do it justice.
  17. Beautiful shot. I'm tempted to use that as my desktop background
  18. This is a lot of fun to watch. I hope they can return the favour on the Orioles and clinch the division when in Baltimore.
  19. Since I didn't read the article but this is the example that came out of it, firing someone because they are trying to impose their religious beliefs on people isn't exactly the same as oppressing someone from reporting facts and important scientific research/findings. I'm an engineer. I sometimes get hired to assess certain components of properties prior to or following a sale. Regardless of what my finding is I'm going to get paid by my client. There is no benefit for me lying or falsifying information to suit the person paying me. It is in my best interest and professional reputation to tell the truth. No one should have to muzzle themselves for fear of reprimand from whomever is paying them. It is basically as unethical as taking a bribe.
  20. As soon as it was due to start it clouded over at my place. Very disappointed.
  21. I love the comments you get on Gawker articles: 1) Fishing is cruel! This girl is a monster! How would she like not being able to breathe!!!!11111one 2) OMG someone needs to murder this man for filming in portrait mode 3) She didn’t really reel it in on her own the dad helped #sorrynotsorry #nooffensebutt 4) Stop expoiting your personal moments for internet fame #attentionwhore #fishsploitation #girlsploitation 5) Stop reinforcing restrictive gender roles by giving your daughter a pink Barbie fishing pole, what are you Amish? 6) Stop making fun of the Amish, they don’t even fish probably, I don’t know.
  22. Thanks for taking the time to train the younger generations. Today's employment culture doesn't take the time to train anyone anymore. They just expect everyone to be fully certified and have 5 years of experience for entry level positions. Now that the thread has been thoroughly derailed... if some of those damn boomers would just retire us younger people might be able to get a job
  23. Not necessarily what I meant. But I had one guy try to tell me that if he was at that theatre where the guy shot the place up, he'd of been the guy to stop/prevent it. Kind of like the crazy stuff the NRA spews, for instance the black church that was shot up by that guy down south - If the pastor had allowed guns in his church, this wouldn't have happened.
  24. Totally agree here. And not to paint everyone with the same brush, but a lot of my American friends I've talked to that have concealed carry permits or own handguns will admit they don't think a gun will help if they're taken by a surprise attack. The reason most of them carry is because of the cowboy mentality that they'll become the hero when something happens thanks to their gun. Same as the home defence argument, they want to be the hero.
  25. My wife kept a 3-iron beside the bed but I told her that's too hard to hit, you'd be better off with a pitching wedge. In all seriousness though, since we live in a fairly urban area and the OPP station is literally quicker to walk to than drive to from our house I tell her that the best piece of equipment for self defence is her cell phone and if I'm not home and someone breaks into the house that she should call 911 and not to confront the person. If they're more intent on confronting you than just stealing our valuables then maybe, but don't leave the bedroom looking for a fight. Our property is not worth her life.
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