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Everything posted by netminder

  1. Thanks, but I thought you specialized more in fly-in camps? You may be a little out of our budget...
  2. It's about that time of year where my group of four looks into booking a fishing trip to the north. The main thing we want to target is walleye. We'd likely end up going sometime in July, although every year we say that's too late, but it's the best we can do due to work schedules. It's a father/son excursion, and we've done this twice so far. The first year we went to a place near Chapleau which, in my opinion, turned out to be a fairly good fishing hole after some persistence and some much needed advice from the camp owner. The second year we went to a place near Matachewan and the fishing was a lot tougher, but that could have been due to a front that was rolling through at the time (my excuse). The place near Chapleau had nicer accomodations too (equipped with hydro, which was a definite bonus over the Matachewan place), but it's only downfall is it's about a 9 hour drive from our home base, which for at least one in the truck was too far. I think if we can find a place more in the 6 hour range, which probably cuts us off around 560/144, with decent fishing and livable accomodations we'd be happy this time (if it was up to me I'd go back to Chapleau, but I don't think it's my turn to decide). Just so you know too, one of the guys is a definite non-fisherman, but that never stops him from catching the biggest fish of the trip. The rest aren't much better either but we kind of know the basics. So, anyone have any advice on a semi-remote place they've been to lately? Any and all suggestions are welcome. Thanks!
  3. Thought crossed my mind too... As for the sens leafs game tonight I wouldn't count the leafs out already, they always seem to beat Ottawa when the senators could use a win. But who cares, the Habs are playing a good team playing for their playoff lives. Should be far more entertaining.
  4. Thanks for all the tips guys. I guess I was a little mistaken thinking the john boats were more stable than they look. Definitely makes sense though. Might be saving half way into the season rather than right at the start lol. I guess the kayak will have to do in the meantime.
  5. By default I hate the sens, but I do like this Andrew Hammond story. I'll cheer for them as long as they're not playing Montreal.
  6. Just curious, do they not send you stickers any more when you renew your license, or do you have to carry around that big piece of paper? Two years in a row now I haven't got one.
  7. Ice fishing is for suckers, but if our winters are going to be like this from now on I may have to start suckling... lol I plan on hitting up a few rivers as soon as trout opens. Apparently where I live there is some of the best trout fishing around, although it's all catch and release. I'll likely head up to the saugeen watershed to see if I can't find some there too. I just bought and ultralight rod and reel so it'd be a shame to not test it out. The rest of the time I'll probably be targetting bass, pike and when I go up north I'll be getting into pickerel. I know of a pond nearby where I grew up that used to be stocked with browns but now is apparently full of smallies which I can't wait to visit. It's a private lake too and my family is still good friends with the owners. Other than that, if they're biting then I'll catch 'em!
  8. So no more forward passes then? Be careful what you wish for, lol
  9. Weed is way less addictive than opiates, if you can say weed is addictive at all. Creme eggs are gross, by the way.
  10. http://bit.ly/1bitPWH
  11. I like the concept though. Logically, it should work
  12. Fair enough. I've heard plenty of evidence on both sides of the argument. I guess what you could say is there doesn't seem to be any health benefits for healthy people to smoke it. Just like everyone else here, I "used to" smoke it, and probably more than my fair share. From my experiences, it does effect my breathing and performance in athletics, especially from daily smoking. One thing you need to realize when reading some of those articles and studies, "regular" or "frequent" smoking is classified as more than once a month. The plant isn't heavily processed, but the chemicals that it's treated with are, and they're still there when it's smoked. There are also plenty of things that are "of the earth" that are incredibly toxic.
  13. shoot-outs were a novel idea when they first started. But I think the fad has run its course. I think you have have misquoted the numbers above too. I believe it was the NHL decides 2/3 of its extra fun games by shootouts, and the AHL solves 2/3 of their extra time games in OT. 3on 3 is still hockey, and I think it needs to be introduced. I'd be fine with ties too, though. anything to avoid the shootout. Also, the random 3 point games need to go away. Either all games produce three points, or there is no loser point in overtime. I can't explain the Ovechkin/Kadri thing either, but it probably has something to do with protecting their stars. There'd be no point in going to a game in Washington if Ovechkin wasn't playing.
  14. Thanks, on further thought, a 9.9 might be a bit much. I was trying to remember the size of the motors on the boats we rented on our last fishing trip. 12 ft. seems to be right in my wheelhouse too for length.
  15. I'd vote for Trudeau over Harper for many reasons other than this, but that's beside the point. I think it's fascinating how it seems pretty much everyone is in favour of this, even some of the hard-line conservative old-timers posting here. I agree that pot is a lot less harmful than most other drugs, especially the legal recreational drugs, and especially the prescription drugs big pharma would like us to be addicted to. That being said, saying it's "of the earth", or completely safe is completely assinine. 1. It's currently illegal and for sale on the black market. Do you honestly believe that the growers are paying close attention to safe levels of pesticides or synthetric fertilizers they're using? 2. Even breathing in super heated air is harmful to your mouth, throat and lungs. That's beside the point that it contains way more tar than even tobacco smoke. I would love for it to be legalized, but that's mainly because I hate the idea of buying it from the black market, and the people who sell it now often come accross as the scum of the earth. Keeping it away from kids? yeah, let's trust the drug dealers now to ensure that doesn't happen... Hell, there are soon to be at least 4 states that will have it legalized, it's time for socialist Canada to follow suit.
  16. First post/topic in this forum, by the way. Greetings all. I've been lurking for some time now absorbing as much information as possible. Thought it was about time to contribute and figured my first post should have something to do with fishing rather than diving right in and responding to the cannabis thread… I’m currently stowing away some money to purchase a small aluminum tub to get around a few of the small lakes in my area. I’m wondering how small is too small, though. I’m mainly considering the aluminum jon boats I’ve seen for sale at Bass Pro, and possibly connecting a 9.9 hp and/or an electric trolling motor. I like these ones because they’re only about 100 to 150 lbs and could easily strap to the roof of my car. I’d like to fit 2 people comfortably without sitting too low on the water as well. I’m about 200 lbs and anyone who’d likely come with me would be in the same ballpark for weight. Thanks in advance!
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