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Everything posted by netminder

  1. As far as I know, if they made a complaint it wouldn't/couldn't be anonymously. The kids will find out which stick up the bum neighbour shut them down. Sometimes makes you wonder about those guys who sell used golf balls living beside golf courses. Maybe I should make a call to my by-law officer as well.
  2. You forgot about arguably the best catcher too. And then there's this. The bullpen seems to have figured it out lately, but the starting rotation could use at least another arm. I think now that they picked up Hawkins they should think about making Sanchez a starter again, and pick up the best pitcher they can without selling the farm in the process.
  3. I see people fishing the grand around Fergus and Elora pretty much every day. catch and release, singe barbless hook, artificial bait only. As to what exactly they're using, I couldn't tell you. not a fly fisherman.
  4. No one vote for the flicker shad? They seem to be highly rated, but never tried them myself.
  5. Real worms is the key. I usually pinch the worm in half and hang the outside part of the worm behind, especially if the bite is slow you don't want to show them too much. The stinger only slows the action on the worm too. Basically half worm on single hooks.
  6. perfect time for a cold front to pass through. The fish should be good and hungry by this weekend!



      cant tell if being serious or not..ive always found post front fishing crap and pre-front fishing awesome

  7. Nice, I have a fish hunter as well. Couldn't tell you the model number but it seats 2 and has slats on the floor so I can stand up and wooden benches. Great for small lakes with an electric. I feel like I'll fall out of the boat before I'd tip it over too. great for pursuing panfish like it sounds like you will be with your new ultra-light. Good luck!
  8. Almost obnoxiously Canadian...
  9. That's what I figured. I just hope my dad doesn't suggest going golfing or something silly like that Sunday morning lol.
  10. There's this too. It opens up a whole new world when trolling an area isn't an option.
  11. Kind of my thought too... not sure this method will really help in the long term.
  12. I'm heading to my parent's cottage this weekend which is near Southampton and was wondering if it would be worthwhile to bring my gear or just take the weekend off? Looking for suggestions on locations and what to target. Will be fishing from shore most likely. Is Denny's Dam still an option now? Maybe the pier at the mouth of the Saugeen? Thanks,
  13. bronze, silver, gold, with bronze as my favourite with red beads. The olympics of pickerel fishing lol. Usually with single hooks and half a worm. Other colours tend to get hit by pesky pike and bass too often, with the best pike and bass colours usually being chartreuse or fire tiger.
  14. The Ontario Liberals are the most corrupt, wasteful and self-righteous group of politicians I've heard of for this province. I've only been voting for 10 years, so I don't have much to base this on, but I doubt many disagree. However... Sex education needs to be in our schools. When I was in high school (grade 9 or 10), sex ed was taught by my gym teacher. I think he did a decent job, but it didn't teach me anything I didn't know. (use a rubber, diseases are a thing, etc.) Sex ed needs to be updated. Children need to know the dangers of online sex. How accessible was the hardcore xxx stuff when you were a kid? Hell, even myself growing up through my teenage years with semi-early access to the internet I had to search hard. Now, with google and all those "amateur" free sites you can look at whatever you want, whenever you want and think it's normal and OK. I've spoken to girls my age (mid to late 20's), and they tell me that many guys my age have no idea how sex works, or think it goes something like you see in pornography. People need to be comfortable with who they are. No one is forcing it on you, they're just asking that you accept it as reality. I occasionally get uncomfortable with gay culture, but no one is asking me to like it. The gay pride parade is simply bringing awareness to their cause. The same as all those cancer walks, etc. really don't put much money towards research, but do raise awareness. It's more of a party for like-minded people to get together and celebrate a society where this type of thing isn't (or shouldn't be) discriminated against. Would you rather it be like in Istanbul where they fired water cannons and tear gas to disperse the gay pride parade? http://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/turkish-police-use-water-cannons-tear-gas-disperse-gay-pride-n383386 And finally, and probably on-topic, the trees are likely being planted along the side of the road to help block wind and drifting snow. It's been thrown around in Dufferin County to do the same, as it might make things safer. As for the hydro lines, well there's only so much real estate in the road allowance, and I doubt the farmers would be willing to give up their land to plant the trees.
  15. This. Also, that "crud" has been proven to be carcinogenic. People scare too easily.
  16. “Taking them out of their natural environment is quite startling to them,” said Solowey, who is the interim general manager of the Toronto Vegetarian Association. No, they are farm trout. The same fish most "vegetarians" already think are ok to eat. I really hope there wasn't a compromise either. What does that teach the children then? Whine enough and you'll get everyone else to cave in to you?
  17. I thought about making a post similar to this when I stopped at the eastern end of Guelph Lake along County Road 29. I'll never stop there again lest I get seen and lumped in with these people. Didn't see any beer bottles, but plenty of Tim Horton's cups, chip bags, styrofoam worm containers, etc. How hard is it to clean up after yourself?
  18. I liked the way they came back the next day after that win they did not deserve against the Astros and completely pounded the hell out of the Marlins. I think they need to do the same again today. Although this might be "the test" since I don't think the odds are in their favour with a AAA starter pitching. If they lose today they can't let a streak in the other way start.
  19. Some day I'll move to the north. I grew up out in the country, first on a farm and then in a couple houses out in the bush. short walk to the creek and lake, lots of logging trails to ride teh mountain bike on... Hell I should be looking at the municipal websites to see if I'm in demand. Never know. Wife's on board and that's all you need to know!
  20. Never fished temagami in particular, but up north worm harnesses, slow troll and shallow water works well. Jigs with light coloured twistertails or live worms always work well for pickerel in deeper water. Heading in that direction next week and this strategy works on the lake I'm going to. You'll catch plenty of bass and smaller pike incidentally with this pattern as well.
  21. I've always said that the best looking fish, or the fish that looked most like a fish should (if that makes any sense...) is the walleye. Beauty catch, BTW. Hope to get into a few of those next week.
  22. There is no rightful way the Jays should be a sub-500 team with the talent they have. They'll come back to earth in a little while, but hopefully by that time their record has normalized to what it should have been all season. In the meantime, a bullpen arm would be a godsend. You can really tell they're searching hard for one, trying to promote from within right now. But who do you give up? Also, don't get too far ahead of yourself, but the Yankees have won 6 straight too. I guess it comes down to which team you think is more sustainable right now. I said at the start of the year the Yanks are too old to be competitive, but I guess you should never discount experience.
  23. Thanks... There was a lot to the story I didn't know about at the time, such as the proximity to the school, etc. But upon further investigation the end result was probably the only option. I was just going by what I heard on terrestrial radio at the time (102.1 FM and 590 AM - so yeah, two very reputable sources on the info). From what I heard, everyone mishandled the situation. Also, I wasn't there, and I doubt anyone else posting to this thread were there either. If this had happened where I grew up it wouldn't have even been a story, and probably nothing would have even come out of it, and the bear would have disappeared into the hinterlands. I'm also pretty sure this really doesn't affect anyone, so taking the fact that people are upset about it personally is only going to hurt your own cause.
  24. Anybody see that 9th inning yesterday? I literally could not believe what I saw. Maybe the baseball gods are finally smiling on Canada's only entry into American past-time? I seriously think they've been punishing us since the back to back world series in 92-93 and finally had enough when the Expos were primed to keep the world series north of the border in 94.
  25. they shot the turkey? You're kidding, right? From what I heard about the Newmarket bear, it sounded like they were trying to scare it out of the tree, and when it did come down they shot it anyway? What was the thought process? (rhetorical question - there was none) I think they need to make the entrance exam for the police force a little tougher. I had a friend growing up have their dog shot by a police officer because it was "on the loose" even though it was still on private property. It's stories like this that make you wonder how they would react in a real emergency...
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