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Everything posted by netminder

  1. I'll be honest - I'm totally jealous. You are totally living the dream. Personally, if these are "ads" I see them as more promotion for the camps and not your service. Anyone could just contact the lodge instead of you. And besides, if there truly was an issue with trying to promote or advertise, the staff would put an end to it quickly. I remember this spring asking you for some advice on fishing trip locations and you were nothing but accommodating, even if the donkeys I was going with weren't reciprocating to me and we ended up going to the same place we were at last year. I'll definitely be contacting you in the near future to book next spring's trip. Keep the fish porn coming even if I never have time to read the entire post. I know a lot of effort goes into it and I'm pretty sure everyone here appreciates it.
  2. Yup, and a winning streak over the Yankees this weekend could pretty much put the pennant race to bed.
  3. If I mix up a pan with pike and walleye you'd never know. They're just a pain to clean and won't typically try with anything under about 30". Not sure where the bass went, since my impression is not many people keep them for eating. A few lakes I go to around here encourage you to harvest the pike and let the bass go.
  4. Guys are still using wacky senkos to win derbies and tournaments. No reason to put it away just yet. On topic though, the o-ring things are the best way to lengthen to life of the senko and never seem to eliminate any of the action on the worm.
  5. ANOTHER power hitting first baseman? Sure, whatever... On a side note, I really feel like we're watching Buehrle age before our eyes. Has that "general soreness" condition and can't seem to get things going the past few outings, even with an extended break. I think Dickey will get it done tonight.
  6. keep your hooks sharp. learned the hard way...

  7. Best time of year lol. Sunrise isn't 5 am anymore, all the fish are putting on the feedbag, everything is still open and the "let's see how fast this boat goes" crowd is pretty much gone. The lake is left to the fishermen.
  8. I just hope the people who do participate in urban shore fishing in the city continue to respect the areas they fish and clean up after themselves. It's the same reason you see "No Dogs" signs in a lot of public parks because people couldn't be bothered to not leave piles of dog dirt everywhere.
  9. Yeah, and this is the guy who said to do it after dark so no one sees you do it lol. I've seen enough horror stories of oil tanks leaking and contaminating the ground which in turn condemned the house which had to be demolished to be very wary of what you do and who you hire to do this work. Of all the home systems, heating is the one not to be "do-it-yourself"-ed.
  10. Yeah I guess I could have figured that out knowing it was written by a journalist. lol
  11. True that. It's almost like a Willie Mays type catch happens once a month. And while it's still a pretty play, it's pretty common now. Keep in mind the gear, science and athleticism will help on all sides of the diamond.
  12. sea legs. by the looks of it, that is very similar to the boat I once considered getting. If you don't find that exact one, would you recommend anyone else getting it?
  13. Saw this in the comments thread. http://muskie.outdoorsfirst.com/board/forums/thread-view.asp?tid=60773&DisplayType=nested&setCookie=1
  14. Yanks and Jays now have identical records. No more game in hand excuses for the rest of the season. Time for the sprint to the finish!
  15. Is it pro- or anti-Harper?
  16. I was honestly concerned with how the outcome would be going into LAA, after they didn't seem to show up against Philly. Wow. Was I wrong... And if any team isn't paying attention, they sure are now. That was an absolute curb-stomping of a team who is supposed to be contending. While personal awards aren't really that important, it would be nice to see JD get recognized as the AL MVP. I'm sure the head-to-head matchup there against Trout will only help his cause.
  17. I knew Trump would come up here somewhere. He is the best satirist in the US. He's now playing the caricature of everything liberals hate/fear about Republicans/Capitalists, and damnit if it isn't giving him traction! I hope he wins the GOP nomination out of spite. But the real conspiracy theorist in me believes he is doing this to in fact help the Clinton's. Think about it... he is known to be friends with the Clinton's, and would most certainly scare away any fence sitting Republicans, leaving only the bat-guano insane types left to vote for him. This is all assuming Clinton wins the Democrat nomination (which I hope she doesn't since she's as much of capitalists as Trump is - I'm actually hoping Sanders takes it to bring in some much needed social change down there), but if Trump scares off a third of the swing voters from the Republican vote, the Democrats will win again. Classic intentional vote splitting tactic. While I'm on the topic of vote splitting, I would rather see the Liberals and NDP form a coalition than see Harper win again. (there's no flame fanning emoticon...)
  18. as much as I don't care for unions even on their good days, I'd rather support the many than the few. And don't cherry pick evidence that there are "good" corporations out there either. big, publicly traded corporations only serve themselves and the shareholders. No regard for the people working for them.
  19. Yup... because anyone outside of P3TA takes P3TA seriously. Give your head a shake.
  20. And if we want to talk wasteful... (although I'm sure this has already been brought up) How about calling the longest election campaign in over 100 years. How about using our tax dollars to promote thinly veiled election campaigns (We're tabling bills that will send you cheques in the mail just for having kids! (just ignore the fact that they're fully taxable) - oh and the other parties will definitely oppose this if we're not elected in the fall. How about constantly being in court over silly matters INCLUDING the one that is supposed to be 50% of this discussion. Never mind the fact that it's "just $90,000", how much do you think this whole scandal is really costing us? And on top of all this, how entitled do you have to feel to think you can get away with taking this much money? It might seem like a drop in the bucket to the senators or even in the total federal coffers, but if I could just go and grab $90,000 from my employer just for the hell of it, I would not expect to be keeping my job!
  21. Bass are alright eating too, smallies better than largemouth though. And around 2lb seems about right. I've been guilty of this too, but I firmly believe it's the tourist anglers that do the most damage to the pickerel population - only visit for a week at a time but harvest as much as they can. Repeat this for everyone who visits and you can see where all the fish are going. I think the overharvesting comes down to not the total number of fishing trips made to the lake, it's the total number of different anglers who fish the lake throughout the year. Think about it - if you fish there every day you won't need to take your limit every time.
  22. And you honestly think Harper is capable? It's hard for me to believe that world leaders from other countries take that guy seriously. He is the antithesis of the Dos Equis man - The least interesting man in the world. Not that it likely would change anyone here's mind, but does it not strike anyone as odd that he is always the one leader who is absent from the more "progressive" community events like gay pride? He certainly knows his voter base - upper middle class, rural, religious, families. Personally I'm tired of being paralleled with the US, or in some cases passed by in terms of social progression. This country doesn't need the "Republican Lite" Party anymore.
  23. I will admit, sometimes it's tough to understand the etiquette and keep everyone happy. I'll try and stay far enough away that I'm twice as far as either of us could cast, although that doesn't seem like enough for a lot of people. Sometimes my boat drifts (and quite easily I might add especially if I'm in the inflatable), and I don't want to put the anchor down. Sometimes there just isn't a whole hell of a lot of space on the small lakes I fish on. What is the rule of thumb for everyone in terms of buffers around them? And yes, I am fairly new to fishing in areas where other people are also fishing.
  24. I would be careful mixing federal and provincial politics. I can't stand the Ontario Liberals and more than the next person. But answer this, would you really be willing to elect someone as premier of Ontario who doesn't believe in evolution? Talk about slim pickings.
  25. So what scares everyone about Trudeau? Other than the obvious propaganda and spin you see in the Conservative attack ads. - has no experience? A career politician? - Harper is the epitome of career politician - no fiscal responsibility? "the budget will balance itself" - how about “the commitment needs to be a commitment to grow the economy and the budget will balance itself” I don't know what else, but those two things are always what comes to mind first whenever this debate comes up, other than the obvious (will raise taxes, etc, stereotypical liberal fears).
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