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Everything posted by EC1

  1. The best way to drive the guys in a nice boat nuts is catching fish in front of them - it stings a little bit more especially if you're in a piece of crap boat where they'll look at you and think they're so much better because of their "equipment" One year for a pike T, I was in my little canoe with a buddy pulling up to a spot that didn't have anyone there. Next thing you know there were 2 other boats that pulled up, obviously wanting to fish the same spot. I got cut off rather quickly, but I made my way in anyways to fish behind them. Luckily, me and my buddy each pull out a pike (One on that spot, and one just off the spot, but in visible sight of them) while they spent their time casting away.
  2. Personally, I don't like the idea of rods and reels left out in the elements. If you've got a roof rack, I'd much rather leave the porta boat up on top of the car, and everything else inside the car. I'm also guessing the logistics are different as I put a canoe on top of my car and it's pointed tip helps with cutting the wind, while you have a folded down piece of metal. Anyways, get 'er done the way you want, and the best of luck doing it!
  3. Great! You guys saved me a bunch of money so I don't jump the gun and go out to buy new drop shot weights. I can't wait to use my new drop shot rod for the year though Skeeter, that's an interesting thing you mentioned about the clacking sound of tungsten on rocks. I have a feeling that many people are going to agree / disagree with you, just like the idea of whether you need a rattle or not on jigs.
  4. Afternoon guys! Wanted to start a discussion about drop shot weights. I've only ever had experience with lead drop shot weights, but can anyone that's used the tungsten drop shot weights let me know whether they are worth it? Does it feel any different? I know that the people out there market tungsten as this thing that drops faster, more eco friendly, smaller profile, and more sensitive - but do you guys agree? To be honest, I barely notice too big of a difference between using lead and tungsten worm weights when texas rigging. (I am mostly using tungsten for texas rigs though)
  5. Sorry, I have a really hard time believing that you can't put a 7' rod not a Mazda 3. I drive a small sedan and have put rods up to 7'9 into the car. Open your passenger door, point the rod tips in towards the back passenger seat and slide em in. the reel ends up being near your passenger seat floor mat. if you have a passenger for the day, just make sure they are careful about stepping on any of the fishing gear. I rarely ever go anywhere fishing with my fishing rods collapsed. (I don't river fish . lol) Spend that money you planned on spending on the rod holder on more fishing gear!
  6. My family cringes when they see me fileting fish. Lol. They always claim, "You're wasting so much meat off the spine and ribs!" It is true, there's quite a bit more meat that's left. There's probably another 10-15% of the fish meat that you're not eating. I only agree with that 20% though, because I hate picking bones out of meat, especially fish bones.
  7. Always happy to see bigger crappie reports! Cheers!
  8. No real good fishies caught last night, and none that I'd like to take a picture with, but here's the bounty. Oh, by the way, water levels are up a ton in the Kawartha's. Be careful out there! yum.
  9. Good luck when you get out again Garry! I'll be on the hunt tomorrow, and possibly this weekend. Will post some pictures if I get some!
  10. Pictures? You better name the lake if there's no pictures. Glad to hear you having fun. The crappies are on fire everywhere lately
  11. I personally like either the smallest water, or biggest water possible. Get to the places the big boats can't, and when they're not in shallow.... go out to where the big boats go. Still have yet to get my canoe on Kempenfelt though. By now, practically any lake around the latitudes of the Kawartha's are good to go - Good luck!
  12. Crappie fishing & catching them in not so prime weather is always great! I bet there weren't too many people around you either!
  13. Have handled a 733 Champ, 684 Champ, 766Flip Champ, & 795DX. 733 was a beaut for pitching and skipping - until I broke it. Others claim it as a spinnerbait /senko rod 684 does my jerkbait and topwater duties 766 was extremely stiff, and I don't think I've come across situations where I needed that much power yet. 795 of course the flipping. To be honest, I wouldn't touch a savvy (I think plenty of rods are better at $150), champions are pretty good, but once you've had a DX, that's all you'll want.
  14. I received a 3 month subscription for Christmas. Good stuff, and you get way more than what you pay for. Also, my boxes came with a coupon code "GET499" for an extra discount. It got better and better each month since January, but it also gave me some stuff I don't think I'd ever be using. There seems to be a more expensive (hard bait or frog) each month, and then a few packs of plastics, and a pack of Mustad EWG's. The plastics come in packs of 3 or 4, and would let you sample the baits. What I do applaud them for, is offering baits in colours that you can't go wrong with. Live2Fish, the "leaf" has a pretty awesome action in the water! Look it up on youtube!
  15. Nice fish Will! Lake X will definitely be really crowded come next weekend now!
  16. I could use a softwater crappie fix right about now. Some good looking jigs you got there too! Good catch!
  17. Love seeing wildlife pictures. I wish I had a camera when 2 foxes snuck up on me last weekend.
  18. Lake O is wide wide wide open. Ice at shorelines are going quick though. I see myself hopefully ice fishing for 1 last weekend, maybe 2 depending on how the weather goes next week.
  19. When bass opener comes around, the fish may be off the nests, but what about them guarding fry? If you don't want to hurt fish, it might be time to quit fishing Bass seem to be thriving, as always, the smarter ones live longer and get bigger, and the dumb ones get killed or eaten. Nowadays, i worry more about practicing proper catch and release, and not just putting a fish back in water and having it die off, just not in front of your face
  20. :clapping: WTG!
  21. Likely dropped if not in the catalogue. If memory serves me correctly, Angling Outfitters in Woodstock pushes a ton of Quantum product if you're interested.
  22. Great fishing dude!
  23. Wow that's a fantastic day fishing! That's a cool animal shot you got there! Ever do any hunting up there?
  24. I don't even think I have 20 lakers under my belt this year and I'm getting pretty sick of them. Sorry to hear about the c-word again, get well soon and we'll get out fishing again!
  25. I feel that crappies have it the worst of all fish species. Everyone loves to catch and keep 'em, their spots are predicatable and generally don't move off too far year after year. Then I just found out that basin crappies over the ice are practically 0% survival rates for catch and release for fishing deeper than 25FOW. Glad I wasn't born a crappie... lol. So hold your crappie spots to your grave! Bass, well general areas aren't too bad... but the specific tree where I like to pluck fish....Good luck. I'm sure my bass spots aren't secrets but I'd like to feel they are.
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