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Everything posted by EC1

  1. Go Get'um Tomorrow! BTW, got the fishfinder to work yet?
  2. I find braided line bugs me on the ice more than anything.. Ice forms at the 5 or 6 inches closest to where it is in contact with air and water making it so bad that you have to pull line out by hand on almost every drop. My recommendation is P-line Floroclear or the Floroice. 4lb test has worked for me all year...and the last time I respooled is about July. On top of the swivels and all, I find KVD line conditioner really does help. Spray some on the night before and you shouldn't see any problems the next day.
  3. Nice Fish!
  4. That's some awesome shots. The cloud cover came in at about 3 here too. Didnt stay up to watch the entire thing though
  5. NICE! You're set for the rest of ice season!
  6. Your HDS-5 looks amazing! My black and white Humminbird is not very cooperative for ice fishing this year it seems. Looks like a good day out!
  7. Went out again Sunday night after doing terribly Friday on the bog. Took Victor out for his first ice fishing trip and luckily no one skunked. The fishing was tough as we didn't establish a pattern until many hours into the trip. And the pattern was to fish shallow water over top of dead weeds! Here's to Victor's First Hole! His second fish. And frozen-fire with a very decent fish! The best part about fishing reports at night is that there's no background to hide!
  8. They never gave the Alberto(?) knot for braid to fluoro a chance. It's the knot that's almost the same as the albright but you go up and down the line 8 times each. I found that beat the Albright by a lot. I also use a uni knot that's doubled at the eye a lot. I'll give that guy credit for being innovative, but he doesn't deserve his own name on the knots...If you check his stuff out on some American fishing forums, he still has some tips that are pretty good to more efficiently use the dropshot and wacky rig. Either way, I've got a whole bunch of knots to learn now. The San Diego jam looks really good, but it also looks amazingly difficult
  9. Nice stuff. Thanks for sharing! I love the colours of the reflection on the second last picture
  10. Looks like an awesome day! I never got to find someone to go out with me for the bass closer though..Lucky you. What did you try for baits? I was thinking an almost deadstick shakeyhead presentation might have been good!
  11. Hey, that lake has potential to be my favorite lake when not out hunting lakers!
  12. That'd be pretty amazing to watch a bowfin just jump out of the hole! And Mike, in 4FOW that's really shallow for ice fishing! JohnnyB I'll agree to you saying that they are tasty...We took one home before and made soup out of it. Surprisingly good!
  13. Hi All, I was wondering if anyone has attempted to fish for bowfin during the ice season? If not, in what type of water are you incidentally catching these fish? Care to share what type of baits you were using when you got them too? Google wasn't too much of my friend for this..So I hope someone here has more experience. Was hoping to see if they are worth targetting in case other game fish refuse to cooperate. Thanks in Advance! BTW, here's one that attacked my spinnerbait while fishing for bass earlier this year!
  14. It's awesome you're trying new stuff out! Saves me from going out to get it lol. Btw, have you tried daiwa samurai braid? That's got 8 weaves and although it went kinda fuzzy, still very happy with it.
  15. That's happened to me too many times. Its stopped me from fishing many times and on the one time I decided to take a chance the radar was somewhat correct. Sigh.
  16. And koscheck fought like a fish out of water last night! So which fights did you guys think weren't good? I thought they were all pretty good. Not too many decision finishes, and on the one that did, both were fighting for their life! I did miss the alvez fight though
  17. Voted. When's your next report coming in anyways?
  18. This isn't even a question. GSP! Especially when you ask this on a Canadian forum!
  19. Can someone explain how you work these things? I have a Lindy Darter, and I've never gotten a single fish to hit these at all. I've had times where I fish were very interested according to the fishfinder, but they never seem to commit.
  20. You moved up another spot Let's put him on the top!
  21. Congratulations...But does this mean no more Facts of Fishing the Show? Or would you start filming your shows based on American lakes now? I would miss that more than anything since I don't ever get to watch the Bassmaster stuff..And the show no longer is local. But things change, Enjoy it!
  22. danbob, I wish I've tried others. I bought the rod second hand and paid more than retail after brokerage...It is too heavy for Canadian fish, but I feel I can handle anything anywhere almost now I just think that Dobyns overall produce awesome rods that balance much better than what's out there for the most part. I don't think you can go wrong with any Dobyns rods actually. The next Dobyns rod if I do get enough money for a for it will be a DX702SF for dropshot (I hear it almost feels fish before they hit)...Then I wouldn't mind getting Champions to replace all my other rods.
  23. I suggest Dobyns Champion 764 / 765 for the lighter duty stuff. A $239 price tag, but I love it so much. I have a 766 and absolutely love the feel for it, but it is quite stiff and almost at 9oz by itself. Balance is awesome with it though. Right now you can give me any weedbed to pitch/punch through, a relatively gentle hookset will bring that fish right home. Not disagreeing with garry you can't pitch with a broomstick, it's just a little bit harder. A winter of practice and some on water practice will have you pitching it like any other stick. I do switch back while practicing at home and do find pitching with the softer tip becoming much easier. I just am not too much of a fan for flipping. Pitching can get to the exact same spots, with even more distance.
  24. you guys are BRAVE. Good to see the brave get rewarded!
  25. I've been asked for my boating card twice so far this year. Once on Cameron, and once on a back lake. They never really gave us a problem, and were pretty nice when we saw them. It seems weird that I never got checked on Rice or Scugog when I was out on the lake though. Scugog did see a huge amount of CO's checking for the shore fisherman though.
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