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Everything posted by waterwolf

  1. congrat's on a great lookin' buck . he's a dandy! lots for the freezer this winter and a nice rack for the wall to quiet all disbelievers. where's that fryin' pan ? who's cuttin' the onions? got this nice young doe on fri. , the 7th just before dusk . now that the freezer is looked after , i'm goin' to try rattlin'up your bucks look-a-like. the big lads should be a liitle preoccupied these days . love huntin' these cold snow-covered days. just can't decide on which route to take depending on how cold it gets,, compound or crossbow. figure that out friday night i guess . congrat's again!!
  2. not all crown land is available to hunters. a bit of homework is required to find out where you can hunt and when .the ministry is usually pretty helpful as long as you have all the info at the ready. EG. wmu,sub wmu , season [shotgun, bow etc.] county,sometimes down to concessions and sideroads. do the leg-work ahead of time to ensure a finite response . nothing worse than second-guessing in these matters. many coservation areas offer a wide variety of species to hunt . most are pay as you go ,or even seasonal. high traffic is the norm. but many big deer are taken off areas with high traffic. talked to a father \son team recently ,, 10 pt'er , taken , over 300 lbs. from a conservation area with high traffic. depends what you're lookin'for i guess.
  3. sorry guys tender topic ,, buy- out , be gone!!
  4. unions are a legal prostitution racket with your dues payment going to your pimp!! did the comstruction gig for 2 years . but what's worse is the stories i here from a buddy who works at an assembly plant. " HE'S HAMMERED " get him in a cab ,, boss says to a line worker. this guy is putting together cars your families are in & he gets sent home with pay for being drunk . "SEE YOU TOMORROW SO&SO" makes me ill the protection for this kind of behaviour . $ 35 an hour should buy a better employee . just me . earn your keep !! not a big fan of the union. or maybe i'm just jealous?
  5. excellent call on this one . a pushed deer can run for hours , making a recovery almost impossible in poor light . let him find a quiet place to expire close by ,, undisturbed ,,is definitely the choice way to go. great deer . confidence is a good friend . you'll find him.
  6. no fowl here . these lads had a great time on their first go at QUINTE . why not let us know who is responsible for those smiles and the memories they take home with them to share. good grab , irish . great report guys. thanks for sharin'.
  7. SARDINES .they throw some serious odour and smush at the time of hook-set . frozen from the store work just fine .make sure you use the quick -set approach to prevent deep hookups. bobber drops ,, set hook right away. try to keep the bait perfectly horizontal for natural presentation. a large single hook through the nose and a treble -stinger in the tail area [check the reg's in your area for legal hook #'s] why are rapalas allowed 9 hook points?just a question. my best success comes from offering bait in 10 to 15 fow over a shallow weed bed . leaving the bait just above the weeds for cruising \hunting pike hiding in the greenery . move often ,, cover water. braided line ,, a meaty bobber and a good pair of polarized shades. many strikes [my fav's] you will see if you pay strict attention. steel leaders!! fish on!!!
  8. no sense of the human aspect here ,, typical bank mentality. break-ups are difficult enough on anyone ,,the less stress the better thanks. congrats on the new place and the freedom from the moron club , first national !!! you won in the end !!! WTG RBC fish on!!
  9. i've never been in this terrible situation before ,,so i can only imagine what's going on . can't do much from here but wish you all the best ,,, thoughts are with you and yours ,, good luck!!!!
  10. he's getting worse with each show . eat what? eat when? eat your ego !!! that otta feed you . used to tolerate the show ,,, but the batter push is too much. like the cajun F. C. with flour to soften it a bit ,,S & P ,,lemonseasoning ,, try to keep as much fish flav. as i can.
  11. THAT'S IT!!!!! done !! i would never have to pick up a rod again ..couldn't beat that trip ,, impossible . WWWOW!! amazing pic's ,, fantastic, hilarious report without equal. congrat's ,, few will ever experience that kind of adventure . you guys rock. thanks for taking me us on your journey .WOW.
  12. good on ya. great day . nice report ! a cool head in the crowd prevails. welldone!! couldn't get out this weekend ,, so green am i seeing your pic's. hoping this saturday will be merciful . appreciate the honesty dan,, i'm in the same boat.
  13. great reading all these helpful hints on load\unloads at the launch.i've only had my tinny for a couple of years so i'm still working on a flawless performance in front of the dock judges. it's the little tricks that save a lot of time and fumbling at a busy launch. i've waited behind a couple of botched attempts at the launch felt bad for the guys ,,but come on ,, get out of the freakin' way . - a couple of hints i just picked up today might have taken me an entire summer to figure out . - good idea posting these hints here ,, 'could've been me in front of you at the launch. welldone . lol.
  14. working on my worst streak right now thanks for asking . these damn rainbows are kickin' my angling ass. new to it . been out twice without any success and it hurts , not used to the failure ,, the frustration 'cause i know i have all the mechanics of it down just need to finite the presentation on a given day . i'll get it . i fish on my own so it comes a little slow ,, but i will get it !!!!!! keep reading ,, keep trying ,, chrome will be mine !! lol .
  15. here-in lies the debate ,, would i prefer a few smaller fish or just one large brute . depends on the day i guess. gettin' out catching some smaller fish or not gettin' out at all ? no contest . i would rather be in your boots today than mine . great reading your report ,, let us know how you do on the next outing. good luck livinisfishin.
  16. was out last saturday and was hoping to do the inner bays . way to much ice to get close. tried in the main bay at a marina . second cast brought a big fish out from a dock to investigate my husky jerk [gold with green back\orangebelly] wouldn't hit . only brought the one rod ,, wished i had another one with something else to get a strike on the follow-up cast. got a good look at a nice gator ,, just not as close as i would have liked. a security guard asked me politely to stick to the main lake ,, not the marina in my quest for fish . so i left her[ the pike] in peace honouring his position. the harbourfront is pretty much wide open , drove by twice this week and got a decent view of what's what on ice remaining.
  17. understand all of those concerns you've raised . i'm a little more naive [by choice ] on this issue. my paid membership is doing something to better our opportunities to fish\hunt. is 100% going to this cause ,, ofcourse not ,,,but some is . i donate funds and receive more than just a great magazine but also the feeling i'm contributing to THE CAUSE . i like having that sticker on the truck ,says ,ya , i give a ,,,,,hoot.
  18. did the north end of kipawa on the 1st week of june a few years back and the ice was just receding. good call roy , may seems like it might be a bit early to book ceasars this year. still making ice irish,, yikes ,,, good thing you got that new auger, might be using it more than you were hoping to though. lol. come on spring!!!! dug my tinnie out , ready and impatiently waitng.
  19. quality viewing always from the LINDERS . no loud , irritating music , just no-nonsense info i can use or enjoy watching. izumi's got a decent take on things with a bit of humor thrown in for entertainment. i'll watch almost anything fishing related except leo stacos , ron james ,ok, not that side kick.
  20. seems like a high- risk investment to me . i see a lot of disgruntled owners of high-end rods so far. i've landed some pretty decent fish on " medium priced equipment" . i know i certainly out-fish a couple of friends of mine with their higher- end equipment so ,,,,, .i guess if you drive a ferrari to the store , it's more fun than driving there in a ford. as i slowly upgrade , i take pride in those purchases knowing that my interest is going to a new level. high-end gear is the dessert .,, but let's not forget why we go out for dinner . st. craw ? one day . hope i 'm not comparing it to my BPS rod that's outstanding for 1/2 price . my buddy's st.craw seems to do it for him. that's one nod.
  21. that's an amazing pike , how 'd that porker get thru the hole ? square peg ,, round hole? sounds like you had a good day . nothing big , but busy enough . always fun that way. sorry 'bout the whitefish.
  22. looks like you had an awesome day. he who gets the last fish ,,, gets the ,,,,,,,,,, braggin'rights. nice way to hang up the auger.
  23. a word of caution if you're heading out on the ice . my go-to lakes have been closed by the ministry 'cause of the run-off and melting snow. these lakes had over 20 in. of ice and are now deemed "unsafe" further south and smaller in size than JOE ,,, but who knows? just a heads up ,good luck , be safe out there.
  24. wow , what a brute . the 8 pt'er on my wall just got small in a hurry next to that giant. love that drop-tine. great mount on an impressive monarch. again,,,WOW.
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