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Everything posted by waterwolf

  1. i'm pretty sure BPS has roe . don't know which direction you're heading ,, might be out of your way. sorry , that's a negative on the fresh roe . i thought they had some in the big cooler at the front of the store but that's not the case .
  2. great to see more rainbow pic's . used to fish brook trout exclusively 'til the atlantic salmon started running in the fall back home. rainbow's weren't very abundant so basically an unknown to most guys in my fishing community. moved to ont . and have fished almost everything 'cept bows with any conviction . seeing those pic's of the bows you caught makes this trip i have planned on the river seem so much closer. man , i'm cravin' steel more than ever!!! thanks for the post .
  3. no contest , sleds are way too specific in their intended use. depreciation sucks too,, atv's are like hogs with regards to resale . atv's are work horses , pull trailers , carry bulky items ,,, let's see a sled with a plow attached . i appreciate the need for sleds in some cases but overall the atv is much more functional and a better investment financially. just more fun ,,,longer season. just my experience with these machines talking , yours may be totally different . good luck choosing your new toy .
  4. i gotta agree , tried it with a friends reel ,right-hand retrieve felt aukward. most days i bring more than 2 rods along switching back and forth ,left retrieve then back to right , would be a pain in the ,,,,"wrist." just my opinion.
  5. Trinity common had one left as of yesterday afternoon
  6. i saw my first great blue heron of the season flying over-head in brampton yestreday. good sign , shoveled out the boat , spring perchin' can't be far off.
  7. don't mean to pry , but what's the nature of your trip ? fishing , hiking ? just curious ,, don't see it too often .
  8. one great fish like that makes everything ugly worth-while ,, then to see that beauty released ,,,,absolutely incredible . good form .great report , thanks for taking us along . my daughter and i watched it a couple of times .
  9. great intro, nice pic's of your sturgeon. welcome.
  10. the high seaon gouge is bad enough , but what really bugs me is the nickel and dime once you're there. parking , wood , docking , launching your boat \ more to get back out [ the afore mentioned] extra person, lake front access . give me one price so i'm not carrying a city-sized wallet in my swimming trunks to cover surprise charges. homework is the key .
  11. thanks IRISH ,gonna grab an auger in the mornin',, if ones still around that is. put new blades on the hand auger this year and they're working very well but power stuff is more fun.
  12. don't think randy said it was an all male resort .
  13. that's a great lookin' bow , good job . if that fish didn't fight hard enough ,,,,,, i think someones gettin' spoiled . lol.
  14. this could get interesting, better reserve a seat at the computer tomorow night for this report. hostile nudies,pickeral fisherman ,,, you don't see that mix too often.
  15. great report , very jealous . must be awesome throwing something horizontally to fish . seems like a lifetime ago for me . congrats on your success.
  16. in the same boat as far as your choice of line and leader . seagar leaders for me , just seemed to make sense to spend the extra. don't know if there is a difference [ hope so, spent the money lol] look forward to the reponses you get for some clarity. good question. .
  17. lol,, roy my gut's killin' me .
  18. yes , it was a great day to be out and about doing anything. nice crappies but where'd you find the dinosaur? looks a cross between a pike and a channel cat . i have never caught one but hear they're fearless,, very aggressive . good to get the kids out of the house for some fresh air . my daughter lost the bug a couple of years ago and i'm hoping the affliction returns so we can spend some more time together on the water . great way to spend the day for sure. hats off. tight lines.
  19. hit a small conservation reservoir for the 1st time this mornin' for some pike fishing and was really surprised by a few things. heres the list... MNR was present [nice to see]... the staff was very helpful showing me topo maps and knew the areas where guys were getting bit,,,,the small number of people on the ice [5]and lastly , the number of hits and the time they were hitting. the 1st hit came [ofcourse] when i was setting up rod#2 at 8:30 , agood hit ,just couldn't get there in time. that sucked because the next hit wasn't 'til almost noon. i dead-stick with sardines and even with relcating and reset-up it's a long time to wait for something to move. then something happened and the pike turned on . woooohooo ,8 hits in a little over an hour . iced 4 decent pike ,the smaller comes in at 23in. the largest was 29in. all nice healthy fish and were returned to the lake unscaved.lost my jaw spreaders somewhere and got it in thew thumb , nothin' serious . it's not much fun without pic's guys, my apologies .no camera present . plan to try this local conserv . area again this weekend for the whole day to see what the twilight bite is like. bringin' a camera and fresh power this time . lol
  20. drove thru st. catherines today and gas was gonin' for $101.9/litre . what's up with that? is this difference from to's prices common-place? might not affect how often but the general direction may be swayed .lol.
  21. didn't see anything consistant in your presentation . you worked for those beauty bows . hats off , well done .
  22. the lake seems to be pretty much shut down already. not much being iced ,pan-fish or pike
  23. catching/caught fish and where ? Where about's on the lake is good for Pike ? anyone fished the 20FOW hole at the far end of the lake ? When does this lake close for ice fishing ? Any luck catching crappie ? hit the lake last sunday morning and was not aware of the tournament going on - entered anyway because the largest pike caught (apparently) was only 25 inches long. In the week-long derby, no perch were caught and as of last Sunday, only one crappie hit the ice. Missed three hits while dead-sticking so I threw on a stinger hook and landed my pike. This 21.5 inch pike landed me a fourth place finish. No prizes, just bragging rights, LOL! in summers past, had decent luck in the deep hole in the back primarily catching smaller pike - 26 inches considered to be a decent fish! The Conservation staff said that this year has been a very slow year for fishing on this lake due to low water conditions, which explains the poor numbers of fish caught during the tourney. Out of the 80 plus anglers on the lake that day, mine was 1 of the 2 pike reported caught that day - as of 4:00 pm that afternoon. Hopefully the lake rebounds with some conservation efforts because it is a great sanctuary for urban anglers. Not too familiar with the ice fishing closure dates. Crappies and perch are few and far between. Hope this helps. Tight lines and be safe!
  24. i'll slow it down a bit for you . hope to catch a couple of fish to warrant the extra attention the wife would appreciate for my absense on sunday {our quality-time day. the 350 [being my truck }likes her gas so without someone to share the costs , it's becomes somewhat expensive . thanks anyway guys.
  25. huge intentions on hitting lake euginia in the morning with the new-found info from a certain site just visited. site states trout are present and actually gives a promising location to try . problem?? a good friend says his bud is a tournament guy who has bad luck on this lake. states "it's fished out" . not that easily swayed ,," i'll make something happen ,thanks though". thing is , i don't know how recent the info from this site is . i'm going solo and my 350 likes her fruit juice . willing to invest whatever to get on the ice but man i don't know this lake at all. this is my dilema {certainly not a new one} i am hoping someone could shed some light . she's a little annoyed , this is our" together day" and i'd like to connect once or twice to make those new shoes i'll buy seem worth while. pm's ok thanks in advance
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