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Everything posted by waterwolf

  1. haven't hooked into one yet intend to. when i do , it will definitely be returned to H20 . ones fertilizer is anothers trophy . i have heard of this lack of affection on dalrymple. a local was apparently waging his own personal war on pike . carp may not be considered prime tablefare but i'm sure they've broken a few misconceptions of what a sportfish is supposed to look like.
  2. carp have feelings too. fishinghurts says so.
  3. worse ways to spend down time for sure . love that pic. of the laker , looks chunk and healthy . well done
  4. launching and landing a lighter , aluminum boat when the conditions aren't perfect is a little easier than glass . i do a lot of solo fishing on smaller lakes so for me tin is the way to go .
  5. it's not that far off .. forestry doesn 't have to be a negative...
  6. take trees of mature quality. clear-cut ,,,, who -the-hell made this up????? diversified forests are the way to go ,, man-made or not . talk to the farmers ,, the original conservationalists . my grandfather never ran out of wood on his 100 acres ,,selling to the mills .
  7. sorry guys , i'm no mechanic. good luck with it.
  8. had an '88 s10 , the 4x4 wouldn't engage . took it to aamco they spent an hour tinkering , cleaning valves and switches. worked fine for a couple of days. then took it to a newfie mechanic . 2 minutes later i was on my way to the wreckers for a vaccuum bottle . mine had a hair-line crack , wasn't getting enough pressure to throw it in gear .
  9. no thanks, not without a decent fire close by .lol
  10. i had a couple of memories tucked away that i hadn't thought about in a while . mentors , good friends , early experiences . what a great site . thanks guys for the reconnect. see you gramp on tuesday .
  11. i think that's how this whole love for the outrdoors sustains itself . one's love for the outdoors and the specific interests ,,, ie hunting \fishing. thank god for those with the strenghth and conviction and the love of the outdoors to say to my off-spring you will know ,if nothing else, my opinion ,,, my passion. hoping they will understand and utilize.
  12. who started the outdoors bug ? who's reponsible for the infectious disease called outdoors-itis ? my grandfather ,, then my father . oh yeah , i love them both for it. thank you for the gift. one problem, you can't check out at your convenience . going to new brunswick to see my grand dad off to valhallan this week.goin' to miss the big guy . ]\
  13. thanks for the photo-shoot. looks like a lot of fun . bass through the ice is a little sugar on the day . great thing about scuuggy , you never know what's comin' thru the hole next . good to see a great report on a fantastic fishery . thanks for sharin'.
  14. he's laughing alright, firstly for the ridiculas amount of that slap on the wrist called a fine ,secondly , how many times did he get away with this and even worse infractions? it hurts just doing the math on how many fish that represents to the fishery. i wouldn't mind hooking into 2300 lbs of walleye over the season. nail the @#$#@#% to the wall . no mercy for blatant disrespect for the law . that's a lot of fish and stiffer punishment is a definite on this issue . it's sad but he'll probably try this crap again.
  15. headin' out in the mornin' to a friends hut . he says it's over 75 feet of water on kempenfelt bay . it's a virgin spot so i'm bringing out the hand auger to cover some ground incase it's quiet at that location.hoping for some wh itefish action. if not i'm heading for the perch.it's late , i gotta hit the sack. i'll do the poll tommorow.
  16. hard to even imagine the fishing opportunities that man experienced . he broke the trail for every show out there today .fishing didn't involve the big payouts it does today .sponsors must have been hard to come by. yeah , it was a great show for a kid to get his feet wet in the sport . the first show i remember seeing with a strong conservation message . hats off to a pioneer .
  17. watching red at scuttle-but lodge on saturday mornings was the only reason to get up early. great memories , thanks for reminding me . good times.
  18. :clapping:that's hilarious. i printed that off for my buddy , the die-hard leafer . that'll get the gloves off. lol
  19. my good friend ,who's not in top athletic form of late , would like to drop in on some simcoe grays . can't take all the usual gear out this trip so an outfitter is the way to go for us . recommended operators o-would be a plus . thanks.
  20. only saints have pure thoughts and express devine ideas , as for those on earth, there's another reality. i catch myself cursing now and again in my daughter's presence, apoligize, move on. she' 15 so she gets it .don't like that it happens but i'm no saint .i do make a solid effort to watch this slip and i definitely consider other parents and their children when in ear-shot . i appreciate others doin' the same , but we're only human.
  21. where we hunt in the mount forest area there are 2 families of coyotes on either ends of the property . just after sunset they start crying out to one another. makes you feel a bit uneasy if you're on your way out of the woods ,,, there are so many. i know they're harmless for the most part . we get to see them quite often in the morning heading back from to their home base and sometimes pretty close. they are a beautiful animal and their colors vary . but those long legs really give it away. check the video again and revisit my trail-cam pic . it's pretty obvious with something to compare it to.good luck buttin' out . i'm a year baccy free . you can do it too!!!!!
  22. pretty sure this is what we have in your video , that's definitely a coyote.
  23. what better way to kill an hour .nice lookin' bow using one of dad's creations .made for some fun talk around the table i bet . " see told you that pattern works" lol.
  24. i've always just bought new ones but seems like a waste to toss 'em just because they're dull . but i don't have the tools or if i did ,the know-how .lol . screw with that cutting angle and your buyin' new anyway, sharp or not. thought maybe someone might do that at an outdoors store or something related . i got a $50 gift card at can .tire so those blades just got real cheap. thanks for feed -back guys.
  25. what a great way to get reconnected to fishing ,,,while spending time with your family . [and you got bit, awesome]
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