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Everything posted by waterwolf

  1. 1-800-367-0890
  2. if she's hooked pretty deep and not sure she'll make a healthy recovery,, don't chance wasting a beautiful pike. better on the table than rotting on the bottom. even hardcore c&r guys have to keep to take some colateral damage home sometimes. great day on the hard stuff ,, and a bonus eye to boot . congrats.
  3. in-town coyote soup ?? might be a hard sell .
  4. do dogs and cats get that training?
  5. sorry but if you think there may be a possibility that your pet ,, your best bud is in danger , why leave it to chance ? inside FEE FEE . simple i think .
  6. recipes??
  7. if you can reach the nesting sites ,, destroy the eggs and nest!!! oiling ?? what's that? band-aids are pretty for the soft hearted . shotguns get the job done in the hands of trained , licenced hunters.!!! spring fast approaches and so do the flocks of feathered ECO-SHOP-VACS. this rant was born between the gunnels of my sportspal canoe , in a beautiful back-bay , not a breeze ,,,gorgeous,,,,,,but what's this ,, a tree not in green foliage ,, but one taken over by a terminator ,, the BLACK DEATH!!
  8. best deer i've ever tasted was this years doe . 160lb , corn fed animal . dropped in her tracks . diet , post- trigger stress and quality butchering are big issues when talking table turkey.
  9. hate the wind . i will hunt \fish in any condition . not wind . almost anything is bareible until you add WIND. 65km no way.
  10. no plugs ,,, no limits either , right?? count me and my remington 12 ga. in. i like the way you think .
  11. it's gettin' harder to get out with xmas gettin' closer ,,and the weather's hard to work\ predict. seen some huge bucks ,,just can't hunt at the airport . lol . i've given up on antlers and will definitely settle for a nice doe, again. one in the freezer already but have an additional tag for either to fill. hard to pattern deer right now , crops comin'off the fields ,wintering habits starting ,, oh , i have a whole bag of excuses.lol. this saturday is booked for huntin' ,, hell or high water .. give me a gentle but steady wind outta the north and i've got a chance. then the ice gear comes out .
  12. any more room in that boat?? i'll cover the gas.
  13. great recipe wayne ,, is right . a starving vulture might yak at the thought but i bet a cormorant would at least consider the offer. like most ,,my opinion is based primarily on personal observation. any species that can do so much damage to so many different areas of an eco system is definitely in need of a check system. it attacks foremost the fishery. the shoreline aquatic and terra-based vegetation . even large trees are dying off. what other wildlife suffers while this thing flurishes?? sorry for the rant but ,,that pic of a pike being devoured struck a nerve.
  14. not the most well-read on this topic , but just some of the numbers i've seen on what these things consume in gamefish is unbelieveable. why this intolerable situation continues is painfuuly beyond my comprehension. how long do we need to study this plague before someone sees this disease is killing our sportfishery??? pass the shotgun ma,, there's another one o' them damn flyin' shop vac's.
  15. jacques ,, i'm trying to stay focused on fillin' my bow tag!! don't distract me with ice fishing fantasies. i'm green with envie in my winter camo. damn season over-lap. thanks for the tease,, great to see you got out on the hard stuff ,,,and iced a few .
  16. it's 2 minutes from work ,, $5.00 i'll have a look . great heads up , thanks.
  17. incredibly beleivable . just as impossible . great vid to watch . thanks for the entertainment. anyone else and i would totally ignored it . long live the bruce.
  18. an obvious addict. the colder , the more precious the few .
  19. only tangled with two muskies with any proof that they exist . the 1st was a minor at 28in and the 2nd was a scugug devil at 46. my equipment and experince now allows me to target larger fish. these inarguable enviro-markers should be released at any size. that being said ,, i can also understand the possibilities in keeping a wr. i sometimes wonder how much money was made from a fish that was thought to be a snag . whatever eggs a giant like that produces ,, if any , is a definite kick to a struggling population on any lake they inhabit. genes, genes. i do eat wild caught fish ,, but it better pay well if one of those giants doesn't get released. just my opinion.
  20. humber river madness. tons of carp there in the back bays . man ,, the water in those quiet areas of the river was pretty nasty . i was very surprised to see any sign of life at all . at least 20 boils a minute of mating carp broke the silence. if pike or bass are present in this environment ,, i don't want to know 'bout it.
  21. i guess you're proud , there's lots to be proud of . some dandy trophies and mighty fine craftsmanship to boot. great lookin' trophy wall for sure. nice mass on the new addition . take a bow , you deserve it.
  22. talked to my buddy 'bout gettin' it scored and he's all for it. if i finish work early one day this week i'll head over pick it up , get some pic's and drop it off to get it scored.
  23. two incredible bucks . the piebald has a beautiful coat but that other brute looks like medusa. wow , that's some serious headgear
  24. no jaw , just a skull cap . thanks for the link danbo. look forward to headin'down there.
  25. thanks for that info . you'd usually be correct in that thinking 'bout a 6 pointer not gettin' a decent score ,, different animal here. one of those reasons to have a camera always present. you won't see many like this !! it's got to be 22 in or better inside , 6 or so bases with 21 in mains .these are not actuals. wish i knew more 'bout the age etc. , just for the simple fact of what could this deer have become????
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