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Everything posted by kemper

  1. Cant help you with the huron trib as I wasnt there, but the measurements on the fish? Medium, bigish, smallish, runt.
  2. Not being a hunter (or knowing anything about deer other than it tastes great) why is it that the meat doesnt spoil if it is left to hang for weeks. I know if I left my pickeral in the garage for two weeks...well it would be messy
  3. I forgot the best part... the rad was leaking... OFF THE LOT! that fix was free..haha
  4. I like it! another solution would be to take a second look at the parts you are putting in cars. Dad drives a new Cadillac CTS, top model with all the bells and whistles and in under 100 000kms it has blown TWO wheel bearings, and had numerous engine repairs. He drives like an old man, and has a 6 km commute to work so it aint the driving that busted it. When you pay top dollar for a car like that, you expect it to work... I bet a BMW/mazda/ etc of the same value wouldnt have cost 5 grand in repairs already. and for those of you that think its cheap to replace a wheel bearing (as it should be) it sure as heck isnt on this thing. Its one of those rediculous screw-you-over combo parts and a new wheel bearing means a new $700 wheel hub assembly
  5. I am so unbelieveably jealous that you can walk out your front door to that
  6. very respectable bow, welcome where ya from?
  7. Hey, somebody turned on the christmas! haha thanks Leech, although I cant get used to it. I like the driftwood myself
  8. Sounds good to me. Im gonna fish friday, hopefully not too much ice will have formed yet. Saturday is not looking good though. Ill let you know after friday whether you need the auger or not. Weather Canada, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE be wrong this time! Do I head +5 anyone?
  9. I just hope they are wrong again this weekend. I REALLY am not looking forward to being armpit deep in a glass of icewater with a big stick busting my favourite hole open. GRR Maybe JDMLS and Sil will jump in for me!
  10. nobody turned my christmas on?? what is this? Am I getting coal?
  11. Just youtubed it... another event in the circus that is Sean Avery. The thing is, by the media jumping all over it and people talking he is getting exactly what he wants. Sean Avery is much more an attention uh..hoor than he is a hockey player. He has no place in hockey, chirping on the ice is one thing, but deliberatly stirring up as much crap as possible off the ice and in the media is not part of the sport. Get outta here Avery.
  12. Definately if they were close enough to one...I have stuck myself past the barb three times. Twice in the thumb and once deep into the muscle in my back. The back and the first thumb were NOT coming out. Both involved a trip to the hospital where they had to cut me to get it out. The third one in the thumb was deep too, stuck up again the bone on the inside of my thumb at the knuckle. Too far from a hospital, and not willing to give up a day of fishing we did the old line wrap and yank trick. Worked great, caused alot of pain and I still have no feeling in part of my thumb because of it.
  13. redbull...all over my screen thanks
  14. Only problem seems to me to be this... you send it down your line and it doesnt work. then what? your out a lure AND a retriever. Simple solution, dont get snagged EDIT- that snagmaster is different than most that I have seen and looks like it would definatly work for wood anyways
  15. the less ice I see the better! come on steelheading in January!
  16. It helps me see clearly, right through the water. I can sense the trout, and I know exactly what they are thinking. Hence being able to call right when my float is going down. its crazy stuff, ill bring you some next weekend
  17. There was a sketchy grill place beside my old place of work (funny enough it was no frills) and they had fish and chips. A friend ate it once and said it was the worst fish and chips EVER. A few weeks later we found several discarded carp carcasses rotting right at the back door of the grill. Needless to say I never tried the fish and chips.
  18. good start, next batch try slipping a pin through the bead head, and then tying the pin onto the shank of the hook. It makes for a cleaner look (although I really doubt the fish car) Keep it up!
  19. Theres another pic of the weekend thanks for a great couple hours guys
  20. Thanks for the report Dave! "ya, they should be sitting right about....there. "Fish on!" impressive, I know. what can I say
  21. The only reason I can even think of for it being there is to get people to laugh, because it cant be useful in any way shape or form
  22. welcome aboard, dont let us scare you away this winter season...people 'round these parts get a little grumpy when their favourite hole is all froze up! (myself included)
  23. Agreed. Most hardwater guys are hoping for thick ice. I hope its thin, it takes alot less work to bash through 1 inch ice over a 50 foot pool than it does to bash through 2 inches.
  24. People who arent paying attention should read before they post. I never said anything about legal trophy hunts for the rich businessmen that need to shoot something rare. Personally I dont agree with that either BUT if its legal then I keep my mouth shut. Im talking about the poaching of animals for no good reason.
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