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Everything posted by kemper

  1. oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy pleaaaaassseeeee can i drive it!? I wonder how fast most of us would get arrested in that car. lets see...mom pontiac aztec would just tip over if I tried that. Dads cadillac cts would do it, it does have that little button that takes all driver assist off and ratchets the suspension up to 'stupid' mode. But I think if I brough it home with no tires I might be in for a beating.
  2. Geez, I was about to complain about this dusting we are getting here in Guelph
  3. cute buggers, if nothing else is biting a single egg will catch them that size and up to 15 inches or so all day. better than sittin on the couch
  4. That hole south of the bridge is still there, and still holds fish. As does the marina, you just have to be careful fishing it because the security makes rounds and will toss you out. I always wonder why anyone pays to have security at that place, there is NOTHING there anymore
  5. Interesting. What scares me is I actually understood all of that. But I couldnt finish my calculus midterm today. Go figgur
  6. So I was reading economics and thinking about fishing at the same time...What else is new. I cam across a quote from Aristotle that seemed fitting to the many rants about trash at our fishing holes. "What is common to many is taken least care of, for all men have greater regard for what is their own than for what they possess in common with others." - Aristotle Maybe a useless post, maybe not. Personally I think it is sad, but true. Discuss.
  7. You werent kidding when you said you slammed them today! Wicked fishin bro
  8. Awesome guys. I keep telling myself I am here at school so I can get a wicked job and make the money to live on a river somewhere and slam steel all day but... DAMMMM this is killing me, I have been watching the weather all week knowing that if I were at home I would be SLAMMING steel right now. I hate you sincerely, Brady
  9. Check out the number of guides on a high priced rod vs a low one, cheap rods are always short on a couple of guides. Also I find the cheap rods to the really wobbly and flimsy. That said, I only spend big money on my float rods, and I have ONE good spinning and ONE good casting mixed in with a bunch of el cheapo other stuff
  10. just had a thought I wonder if you went in and asked a bait shop to put you in touch with thier supplier?
  11. Wicked fishin. I have been watching the weather all week knowing this weekend was going to be KILLER out east. Too bad im stuck in Guelph with two midterms this weekend. Not a trout within a hundred freakin miles of this place. DANG
  12. Thats my stompin grounds! Got my first steelie from right under the Thomas street bridge. That pool is all washed out now, which SUCKS because it was dynamite in the winter. Thanks!
  13. I can tell you where to get hosed. Last time I picked up 2 dozen I counted SEVEN. Thats right SEVEN thats a dang buck a worm.
  14. Awesome! Thats a dream of mine too, well see if there is any property left once i get out of school lol! oh but I would seriously question whoever said it was weed free waterfront. Because there is only one place I can think of on Scugog (and I know the lake fairly well) that is weed free, and its off the side of a farm
  15. Pike - 36" Baptiste lake on a black spinnerbait. Between dad and I we boated 50 plus pike that day, it was unreal! Walleye- Biggest measured was 24" but I think I beat it this summer with no measurement. Lake Scugog, from shore on a minnow under a float. Small Mouth- 22", Never got a weight but I figure it was getting close to 5 lbs. That said, dad got a 23.5" that was only 4lbs 7oz once. Skinny bugger. Steelhead- Ill look for the pic, it was a monster but I did not get an official weight OR measurement. All I have for a guide was the 24" handle on my rod, and the steelie DWARFS it. Monster male out of Eastern Trib in March 2008. Solo trip. Found it! That was an unreal trip, broke my PB twice. I also got a big male this spring but was all spawned out and had no meat on him. Would have been a monster in March.
  16. Lets count some stuff here... Float gear- 4 rods from 9'6" to 13'6" 1 Float reel 2 spinning reels total = probably alot Landing that beauty chromer...?priceless Bass Gear- 6 rods, assorted 3 Baitcasters (new one on the way today) 4 spinning reels COUNTLESS baits, plastics etc total= probably alot draggin that huge largie outta the slop? Priceless I could go on and on...but the moral of the story here is simple economics. I believe simply that I have a buyers surplus in fishing gear, caused by my level of enjoyment outweighing the monetary value of the items. Plus, in opportunity cost I figure I gave up some souped up Honda (who cares), maybe a few cases of beer (can go without). See, economics is important. It allows me to rationalize my fishing purchases.
  17. I dont need a calculator to know I have a problem.
  18. If you have a personal problem I would appreciate if you kept it to PM. tightlines, kemper
  19. I am not sure how you can do it that way...but I know how you could do it in questionable legality. lol download a torrent downloader and check out btjunkie.org. dl all the files to your computer, and use something like DIVX to burn them all to one disc
  20. If thats the spot I think it is, then WOW those are some big eyes for there
  21. east is lowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. Or at least it was on the weekend, and I dont think its rained enough to come back up to fishable. I think there is some good rain coming this weekend, but if I was looking for fish I wouldnt be looking east right now
  22. hobos, deer and drunk kids in canoes. nothin like floatin the pristine waters of the east
  23. A couple of those pools looked real nice eh? That one with the logjam in the back has produced big numbers for me in the past, looked pretty good when we went, I still cant figure out why nothing was hangin out in there...
  24. No kidding! click...dam click... dam click... dam I acutally found myself reading skeena river steelie reports. I will continue crying in my cereal about our pathetic little hatchery fish now
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