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Everything posted by kemper

  1. This sled burned Just click it, you will laugh. I did
  2. I should have been more specific, I was not directly relating to the show it was a general statement. There is a whole lot of illegal trophy hunting that happens all over the world killing many protected species
  3. People shoot crocs, gators, elephants etc as well. Trophy hunters, and imo they should face the same fate as the animals they (illegally) took down
  4. Sweet fish! and.... this thread should never have gone downhill like it did. Must be december!
  5. Ill shoot one, someone give me the gun. If its a fat guy wandering around in a ape suit then I figure he deserves it anyways. Blast away!
  6. Will someone just SHOOT one of the dang things already! Jeez, I want to know if the buggers are out there (personally, it wouldnt surprise me if there is the odd ape/creature out there in the dense bush) "Bubs, are you watching the documentary about the saskatchewans?"
  7. High the IM = higher the cost generally. I have some IM6 BPSseries rods that treat me very well. That said, one day while camping with friends and consuming a few er..beverages of choice I did snap the end off of one while running a jerkbait. My technique was a little sloppy and the end of the rod smacked a rock and exploded. I in no way blame the rod for this failure, but it shows that the higher the IM and the stiffer the material the more brittle. I have an ugly stick that has smashed countless rocks and survived a unceremonius exit from the back of a truck at 60 km/h without any problems, but it weights ten pounds. Choose your weapon carefully. If you are doing alot of shorefishing/bushwacking like I know you do, IM8/IM9 might not be the choice for you.
  8. Its like trying to battle a 15 pound steelie in late april, that came out of the lake yesterday and is extremely angry and hyped up on steroids and red bull. Oh ya and its mother was a smallmouth bass and its father was a chinny. crazy fish
  9. you know, as soon as I hit send I KNEW someone was going to make that joke. Jeeez, fishermen
  10. huh, probably tastes great but the whole time I would be thinking that its alot like eating someones 'fluffy'
  11. Thanks, I actually wasnt aware that you were still allowed to do that either. I kinda assumed that an animal like the Lynx would be protected Had one sneak up on me late at night once in the snow, didnt make a sound and scared the life out of me when I turned around to see it ten feet behind me.
  12. uh... are you allowed to...eat those things?
  13. One day Im going to head up north or out east and try my hand at some one those beauties on the float rod. Good fishin
  14. HA, I just dont tell you when I dont catch anything, the trout can be elusive at times. Not anywhere near Grand river, this is all done out east As for studying, works for me too!
  15. uh...ya and steelheading this morning was that too Procrastination report two coming to a board near you soon. It involves 4 members, a gimp steelie and a small steelie, a shanked brown and some bad hooksets (or good ones?)
  16. Never got the jigs in the water, too much action on the roe...although I would have liked to have hooked up more. Couldnt sting em today, I think because I was using monster size bags and regular size hooks
  17. haha CC, you know this spot, with or without the bottle. Trust me
  18. A world record at only 57" Didnt two 58"ers come in last season?
  19. I wish I could say I got out all day, but I guess it was only 2.5 hours... Get out there, waters are on fire today!
  20. Ah the chain rule. Now if only I could understand how it is reversed with integrals of trigonometric functions....
  21. Well, I have four final exams looming (ever closer) next week so I did what any sane steelheader would do. I went fishing to er...clear the mind. Ya, thats it. Found the water to be BEAUTIFUL and perfect, and hit a fish on the first drift (smaller one, no pic) and then it went quiet for a while. We continued downstream until a deep pool that no one fishes because of the big tree in the back of it, but the secret is that there is actually no branches under the water, just on top...shhh. Five minutes in the action started, Ill let the pictures talk I have to study. It was a great day to be on the water! sorry bud, cut your head off the background gave away the hole! Fish were hard and fast, really fresh. It was a great day, although between the two of us we probably missed more than ten fish. Hooksets were not our strongsuit on this day. thats just what I needed, calculus will be a breeze
  22. How far north do the Muskies span? I always thought of them as a southernish ontario fish. I guess the ottawa river isnt southern ontario... or Gbay hmm
  23. With a floater suit... yes it would be okay. Without one you probably dont have very much time to get back in the thing and get the heck out of the water FAST. Might as well be falling through the ice at this temp
  24. I have a 42 inch Sharp Aqous 1080P Beauty tv
  25. The guys were most likely not actually going to eat the things, probably using them for bait somewhere else in the province...which is also illegal
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